Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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Advertising Section 119 by ruining him financially and starting an affair with another man. Leatrice Joy in the lead. "His Majesty, Bunker Bean"— Warner. Another good book ruined. Matt Moore turns Harry Leon Wilson's eccentric Banker Bean into slapstick comedian. "In the Name of Love" — Paramount. Fairly good entertainment. Newly rich mother and daughter set out to capture titled husband for the latter. Greta Nissen is the beautiful spoiled girl, and Ricardo Cortez the handsome young man. "Keeper of the Bees, The"— F. B. O. Gene Stratton-Porter's story; 'sentimental melodrama, that becomes ridiculous. Good cast, including Robert Frazer, Alyce Mills, and Clara Bow. "Knock=out, The"— First National. Milton Sills in a film about a cultured prize fighter and a girl who owns a lumber camp. A log jam brings things to a crisis. Lorna Duveen is the girl. "Lady Who Lied, The"— First National. One of those pictures where the hero discovers his heroine after she ' marries some one else. Lewis Stone, Virginia Valli, and Nita Naldi play the principal roles. "Lights of Old Broadway"— MetroGoldwyn. Slight, unarmising film of old New York, bringing together Marion Davies, as the actress daughter of a belligerent Irish squatter, and Conrad Nagel, as the wealthy son of a proud old aristocrat. "Lord Jim" — Paramount. A poor attempt to transpose Conrad's book to the screen. Percy Marmont, unconvincing as a sailor with a complex of fear, who deserts his ship and suffers for it. Shirley Mason, the South Sea heroine. "Love Hour, The"— Vitagraph.— A comedy that starts in Coney Island and ends in gilded palaces. Louise Fa'zenda, Willard Louis, Ruth Clifford, and Huntley Gordon all work themselves almost to death. "Making of O'Malley, The"— First National. Milton Sills as the policeman who has to choose between love and duty. It is the usual hokum, but well done. "Man Who Found Himself, The"— Paramount. Rather poor picture in which Thomas Meighan is supposed to be a crook but isn't. Ralph Morgan is real crook, and Virginia Valli the girl who misunderstands. "New Brooms" — Paramount. A good comedy ruined by poor handling. Bessie Love's acting only bright spot. Neil Hamilton, handsome, but . not funny. "New Commandment, The" — First National. Jumbled, silly picture, involving a match-making aunt, a rebellious nephew, an aristocratic artist's model, and finally the war. A fine cast, however, with Blanche Sweet and Ben Lyon featured. "Not So Long Ago" — Paramount. Rather tedious picture of old New York, with Betty Bronson not at her best, and Ricardo Cortez stilted. "Pace That Thrills, The"— First National. False, silly story of life of a moving-picture star, with Ben Lyon miscast in the leading role. "Ranger of the Big Pines, The"— Vitagraph.. Notable chiefl}r for the superb performance of Eulalie Jensen. You Can Take Off a Double r. Folts Soap No need of wearing disagreeable appliances—No need of massage or lotions Astonishing results of Dr. Folts' Soap to take oil double chins, reduce hips, arms, legs, busts — proclaimed by many of New York's most beautiful actresses — La Sylphe, internationally known dancer, and Madame La Chapelle, Premier danscuse, state that they would not be without Dr. Folts' Soap. Hundreds of fat people, now slender, are ready to-day to testify about the merits of Dr. Foils' Soap, as the safest, easiest and quickest way to take off fat from parts where it shows, without affecting other parts. Dr. Folts' Soap is the latest and most up-to-date way to regain slenderness without the use of dangerous drugs, exercises, diets, etc. BUT, BF, SL'BE you get the original reducing soap, called Dr. Folts' Soap, and save yourself from disappointment. This soap, when used as per directions, is absorbed by the tissues, and melts away the excess fat almost under vour very eyes. It is also incomparable to improve the skin and rid it of ugly pimples or eruptions, because it has a basis of antiseptic ingredients invaluable to beautify the appearance of the skin. WILL NOT LEAVE YOU FLABBY OR WRINKLED AFTER THE REDUCING HAS TAKEN PLACE. One woman wrote that one cake of soap rid her of a double chin of years' standing. Another states that with three cakes she reduced 15 inches in the hips. Another, again, used it on her legs with remarkable results. In most cases it takes two to three cakes to obtain satisfactory results. Dr. Jolts' Reducing Soap always works wonders, but do not accept a cheaper imitation. Price 50 cents a cake, three for $1.20. Full directions how to use Dr. Folts' Soap come with each cake of soap. If your druggist does not cany Dr. Folts' Soap in stock he can get it from his wholesaler or you can send a money order or check, direct to the Scientific Research Laboratories. 18-11 Broadway, Dept. 128, N. Y. 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To prove that the Metrodyne can do all this — that it is the best radio buy on the market — we will send you a Metrodyne Super Five-Tube Radio set on 30 days free trial.We have thousands of testimonial letters from happy buyers who took advantage of this astounding offer! Some of them have made money on last minute farm market reports which paid for their set many times over. World's Greatest Radio Sot The Metrodyne Super-Five is a 5-Tube Tuned Radio Fre ? m m queney Set, approved by America's leading radio engineers. Highest grade low-loss parts. Magnificent Walnut Cabinet. Beautiful genuine bakelite panel with all designs, charts, and borders heavily plated. Anyone can operate the Metrodyne Super-Five — the last word in volume, clearness and powerful longdistance reception MAIL THIS COUPON j Only a 2c stamp or a postal card brings you positive _ proof from thousands of owners that the Metrodyne is « unequalled for selectivity, long range, and all around H performance and quality. Remember, we give you 30 1 days free trial in your own home. Mail the coupon now. q Metro Electric Company, 1243 S. Wabash Avenue Dept. 119 CHICAGO, ILL. Read What Some Owners Say: J. W. Bryant, Perry, Kan.: Received Metrodyne at 3 o'clock. By 5 1 tuned in New Orleans, Omaha and Memphis. I think the Metrodyne J C. M.Charlton, Donora, Pa.; is the best on the market. M. Livingston, Port Huron, Mich.: My Metrodyne brings stations from coast to coast. Works better than our old $275 set. Andrew Harcharek, Lyon, Pa. : My trial is op aDd I have decided to keep the Metrodyne. Four of my friends want to buy Metrodynes. I METRO ELECTRIC CO., 1243 S. Wabash Ave. S Dept. 119, Chicago, 111. J Gentlemen: Send me full particulars about the Metrodyne Super-Five Radio BetB, and your 30-daye FREE trial offer. t I g Name i I I I I B Address ■ I ■