Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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Advertising Section 121 Addresses of Players Alyce Mills, Raymond Hatton, Theodore Roberts, Alice Joyce, Bessie Love, Laska Winter, Lawrence Gray, Betty Bronson, Pola Negri, Lois Wilson, Esther Ralston, Mary Brian, Neil Hamilton, Billie Dove, Betty Compson, Richard Dix, Ricardo Cortez, Adolphe Menjou, Raymond Griffith, William Collier, Jr., Kathryn Hill, Wallace Beery, Jack Holt, Greta Nissen, Florence Vidor, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Kathlyn Williams, at the Lasky Studios, Vine Street, Hollywood, California. Kathleen Key, Carmel Myers, Antonio Moreno, Lew Cody, Constance Bennett, May McAvoy, Alice Terry, Ramon Novarro, Norma Shearer, John Gilbert, Zasu Pitts, Claire Windsor, William Haines, Lon Chaney, Aileen Priugle, Sally O'Xeil, Helene D'Algy, Renee Adoree, Marion Davies, Conrad Nagel, Mae Busch, Lillian Gish, Pauline Starke, Eleanor Boardman, Paulette Duval, at the MetroGoldwyn Studios, Culver City, California. Viola Dana, Dorothy Seastrom. Rudolph Valentino, Blanche Sweet, Lewis Stone, Dorothy Sebastian, Teddy Sampson, Gertrude Short, Belle Bennett, Victor MacLaglen, Ian Keith, Colleen Moore, Vilma Banky, Ronald Colman, Jack Mulhall, Corinne Griffith, Myrtle Stedman, Norma and Constance Talmadge, May Allison, Conway Tearle, Anna Q. Nilsson, Lloyd Hughes, and Eugene O'Brien, at the United Studios, Hollywood. California. Virginia Valli, Reginald Denny, Hoot Gibson, Margaret Livingston, Marc MacDermott, Mary Philbin, Laura La Plante, Marian Nixon, Bert Lytell, Pat O'Malley, Lola Todd, Art Acord, Louise Lorraine, Nina Romano, House Peters, Josie Sedgwick, Norman Kerry, and Mary McAllister, at the Universal Studios, Universal City, California. Rod La Rocque, Leatrice Joy, Edmund Burns, Jocelyn Lee, Rita Carita, Lillian Rich, Vera Reynolds, Jetta Goudal, Majel Coleman, and Sally Rand, at the Cecil De Mille Studios, Culver City, California. Also Julia Fa ye. Betty Blythe and George Hackathorne, care of Hal Howe, 7 East Forty-second Street, New York City. Bebe Daniels, Thomas Meighan, Diana Kane, Carol Dempster, and James Kirkwood, at the Famous Players-Lasky Studio, Sixth and Pierce Avenues, Long Island City. Jacqueline Logan, Buck Jones, Madge Bellamy, George O'Brien, Alma Rubens, Tom Mix, Edmund Lowe, Marion Harlan, and Earle Foxe, at the Fox Studios, Western Avenue, Hollywood, California. Charles Mack, care of D. W. Griffith, 1476 Broadway, New York City. Allene Ray, at 6912 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, California. Clive Brook, Don. Alvarez, Helene Chadwick, Irene Rich, John Barrymore, Dolores Costello, Marie Prevost, Kenneth Harlan, Willard Louis, Helene Costello, John Roche, June Marlowe, Louise Fazenda, Monte Blue, Sydney Chaplin, Alice Calhoun, Matt Moore, Huntley Gordon, and Dorothy Devore, at the Warner Studios, Sunset and Bronson, Los Angeles, California. Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Jack Pickford, at the Pickford-Fairbanks Studio, 7100 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. Ben Lyon, Ann Pennington, at Biograph Studios, 807 One Hundred and Seventy-fifth Street, New York City. Reed Howe, Wanda Hawley, at Rayart Productions, 723 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Robert Frazer, at 1905 Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Virginia Lee Corbin. at Associated Exhibitors, 35 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City. Priscilla Dean, at Producers Distributing Corporation, Culver City, California. Ralph Graves, at the Mack Sennett Studios, 1712 Glendale Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. Dorothy Revier, 1367 North Wilton Place, Los Angeles, California. Betty Francisco, 1771% Gower Street, Hollywood, California. Julanne Johnston, Garden Court Apartments, Hollywood, California. Malcolm MacGregor, 6043 Selma Avenue, Hollywood, California. Ruth Clifford, 7627 Emelita Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Rosemary Theby, 1907 Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Jackie Coogan, 673 South Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Ivor Novello, 11 Aldwych, London, W. C. 2, England. Mabel Julienne Scott, Yucca Apartments, Los Angeles, California. Ethel Gray Terry, 1318 Fuller Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Harold Lloyd, 6640 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood, California. Anna May Wong, 241 N. Figuera Street, Los Angeles, California. NOW! You Don't Have To Be FAT You Can Lose 5 t© 15 Pounds in Two Weeks B® C3e IT© O The New Fat ReducerNo Exercising — Safe — S*ire — Reliable Be Attractive! You don't have to be fat and unattractive. Excess fat kills romance — destroys matrimonial chances. O. B. C. T. is the best friend a fat person ever found! It will make you lose from 5 to 15 pounds in two weeks — make you slender and attractive once more. Don't be fatl Get thinl No Exercise o Dieting You don't have to break your back with exercise nor endure miserable days of starvation. You can eat what you please and do as you like. O. B. C. T. will make you thin without the slightest effort on your part. We have thousands of letters from men and women, once fat and unsightly, but now slender, normal and happy through taking 0. B. C. T. Why You Are Fat An accumulation of too much starch and sugar in the body together with a nonactive Pancreas is the principal cause of too much fat. The Pancreatic juice and the bile from the liver, under normal conditions, convert starches and sugar into glucose and it is then absorbed throush the intestinal walls. But when the Pancreas becomes inactive and does not do its work properly, excess fat results. What O. B. C. X. Does to Fat O. B. C. T. is a simple and harmless remedy. It stimulates the Pancreas to proper action and melts away the fat. O. B. C. T. is based on a scientific principle of chemistry. It acts directly on the excess fat globules, dissolves them, and the unsightly fat gives way to a normal condition. The New, Safe and Sure Way to Reduce No possible harm can come from the use of O. B. C. T. On the contrary, every good will result. Thousands of testimonials in our laboratories from men and women who have reduced with O. B. C. T. are convincing proof of its harmlessness and effectiveness. O. B. C. T. is not only a safe fat reducing remedy, but it is a scientific one and the result of long and patient years of research on the part of medical men. It is easy to injure your health permanently by strenuous exercise or by denying yourself food that your body actually requires. O. B. C. T. does away with all unpleasantness in reducing and is absolutely safe and sure. You can positively depend on reducing the amount you wish when you begin to take O. B. C. T. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT O. B. C. T. prescription will positively reduce your weight from 5 to 15 pounds in two weeks. We are so sure of this, that we will send you a two weeks' trial treatment absolutely free, on the following condition : When the parcel arrives pay the postman $1.50 — nothing more. If after taking the entire two weeks' treatment you do not lose at least five pounds, simply write us that you are not satisfied and we will refund your money. Surely, no offer could be more liberal. Nothing else could possibly prove that we have confidence in O. B. C. T. — that it will reduce your weight just as it has done and is doing for thousands of others. Don't pass up this opportunity to look younger — be more attractive and enjoy more activity. Fill in coupon and mail it today. Notice: Until all drug stores have been supplied, ice are sending 0. B. C. T, direct. Send the coupon. O. B. C. T. LABORATORY 4016 Lincoln Ave., Dept. 15, Chicago, 111. I 0. B. C. T. Laboratory, jj 4016 Lincoln Ave., Dept. 15, Chicago, HI. ■ Please send me your special two weeks, free trial 5 treatment of O. B. C. T. Upon receipt of the packI age I will pay the postman $1.50. This order is I sent you with the understanding that if I do not lose Sat least 5 pounds after taking the two wseks' treatment, my money will be refunded to me. I Note: If more convenient, you may enclose $1.50 with the coupon. [B1ZMIOMM PEDODYNE, the marvelous new Solvent (banishes Bunions. The pain stops almost .nstnnt.ly. The ijiimp vanishes n3 thmieh by magic. THEN YOU WILL HAVE SHAPELY FEET. SENT ON TRIM waDt von to have relief from Bunions. I want yon to know the pleasure of foot comfort. 1 will ebidly arrange to send you a box of Solvent to try. Sir/inly write and say. "I want to try fEDOJJXWE." Address— KAY LABORATORIES Dept. S684 186 N. La Salle St. Chicago, UUnola Large List New I Vaudeville, Acts, \ Stage Monologs, I iNew Minstrel Choruses and Novelty ■ Songs, Blackface After-pieces and .Crossfire, Musical Comedies and (Revues, Musical Readings, Novelty 'Entertainments, Wigs, Beards, Grease Paints and other Make-up Goods. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. WRITE NOW. T. § . Denison & Co.. 623 So. Wabash. Dept. 53 Chicago PLAYS Ciear^fone -•^Your Your skin can be quickly cleared of Pimples, Blackheads, Acne Eruptions on the face or body, Barbers Itch and Eczema, Enlarged Pores, Oily or Shiny Skin. CLEAR-TONE has been Tried, Tested and Proven its merits in over 100,000 test cases. WRITE TODAY for my Free Booklet — "A Clear-Tone Skin"— telling how I cured myself after being afflicted for fifteen years, 'j E. S. GIVENS 237 Chemical Bide. Kansas Cily, Mo.