Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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Vol XXIV MONTHLY PICTURE PLAY MAGAZINE CONTENTS FOR APRIL, 1926 What the Fans Think » 8 An open forum of discussion by our readers. Estelle Taylor in "Don Juan" . . . . . .15 A portrait of her as she appears in John Barrymore's next picture. Now Come the German Films . . John Addison Elliott 16 Some big Ufa pictures that are to be shown in this country. A Three-Hundred-Thousand-Dollar Gamble Caroline Bell . .18 What John Bowers has staked for the hand of Marguerite de la Motte. The Sketchbook Dorothy Manners . 20 Casual impressions of the players at work and at play. Shifting from Low to High . . . Malcolm H.Oettinger 24 A Keystone cop, Ford Sterling, becomes a polite comedian. The Boy Grown Older .... Margaret Reid . 25 What Charlie Ray has learned from hard experience. An Innocent Abroad . . . Myrtle Gebhart . 26 Mary Philbin has ventured into Hollywood society. On the Set with Great Directors . . A. L. Wooldridge . 28 Some of the stars describe how they act. Hollywood's Latest Adventures in Matrimony . Myrtle Gebhart . 31 Screen romances of 1925, and how they came about. Favorite Picture Players ... . . . , 35 New portraits, in rotogravure, of popular people. Alabama Joins the Union . . . Malcolm H.Oettinger 43 Dorothy Sebastian makes her home State proud of her. Screen Heroes Pick their Ideal Girls . . . . 44 Some Hollywood bachelors picture their favorites. A Study in Contrasts .... Dorothy Manners . 46 Marion Davies vs. Norma Talmadge — two extremes in personality. A Letter from Location ♦ . . , 48 Julia Faye writes about the filming of "The Volga Boatman." The Oldest Beauty Secrets in the World Violet Dare . . 49 Time-honored methods of preserving beauty. The Movies Conquer New Worlds of Money Edwin Schallert . 51 Huge and increasing profits made by successful films. Over the Teacups ..... The Bystander . 54 Fanny the Fan's never-flagging gossip of moviedom in the East. On Sober Reflection .... Horace Woodmansee 58 Taking the film world and its people in lighter vein. Continued on the Second Page Following Monthly publication issued by Street & Smith Corporation. 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New Tork City. Ormond G. Smith. President George C Smith Vice President and Treasurer; Geoiye C. Smith. Jr., Vice President: Ormond V. Gould. Secretary. Copyright. 1926 by Street & Smith "cnriioratinn ' New York. Copyright. 1926, by Street & Smith Corporation. Great Britain. All Rights Reserved. Publishers everywhere are cautioned against usinV anv of tile contents of this magazine either wholly or in part. Entered as Second-class Matter, March 6, 1916, at the Post Office at New Tork N Y under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Canadian subscription. $2.86. Foreign, $3.22. ' ' " WARNING — Do not subscribe through agents unknown to you. Complaints are daily made by persons who have' been thus victimized IMPORTANT — Authors, agents, and publishers are requested to note that this corporation does not hold itself responsible for loss of unsolicited nnrii scripts while at this office or in transit; and that it cannot undertake to hold uncalled-for manuscripts for a longer period than mlth if Z r.i™ of manuscript is expected, postage should be inclosed. monins. xi tne return YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION. $2.50 SINGLE COPIES, 25 CENTS Address all communications to the Street & Smith Corporation