Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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58 On Sober By Horace Woodmansee Reflection Illustrations by Lui Trugo Too Many Authors ACCORDING to an old saying, it takes nine tailors /A to make a man. It takes more than that, however, to cut and fit the 1926-model cinema narrative. Suppose you see Rodolfo Romeo in "Soulful Sinners" and don't like the story. Whom are you going to blame? You look at your theater program and see a line-up something like this : "Soulful Sinners" Based on the play bv John Bilge and Al Blank. Taken from the novel by Amy Cheese. Adaptation by John Woof and Harold Hokum. Screen play by John Reel. Titles by William Wheeze. Editorial supervision by Max Meddle. Is it any wonder that it's a wise cinema brain child that knows its own father? In the animal kingdom, such a process would produce only mongrels, and yet in cinemaland, apparently, the more diverse strains that go into the making of a product, the better it is supposed to be. * * * According to an unauthenticated story, a certain studio was one day the scene of a terrific commotion. The noise proceeded from the editorial department, which was packed with a motley crowd. "What is it, a gang fight ?" queried a visitor. "No," explained the cinema queen, "the authors of my next picture are just taking a vote about making a change in the story." Impertinent Paragraphs The manager of the largest motion-picture theater in the world says that the prologue is going out. It's about time that somebody wrote an epilogue to the average prologue. A producer is making a picture called "The Cloud." The box-office reports will show whether or not it has a silver lining. * * * Speaking of the appropriateness of things, "Rainbow Riley," the Johnny Hines picture, will follow "Rain," the stage play, in a certain theater. A press agent calls his hero "the actor with the Barrymore face and the Dempsey fists." Let's hope so. There are too many movie actors with the Barrymore fists and the Dempsey face. Dorothy Mackaill, so the story goes, will lose her contract if she fattens up above the one-hundred-and-thirty-pound mark. Wonder if Walter Hiers is beginning to feel uneasy? * * * That chap Chaplin, who seems to make one picture a decade, has been dubbed "the father of motion-picture comedy." This recalls the old saying that everybody works but father. * * * Charlie's brother, Syd, came into his own as a comedian when he donned skirts in ''Charlie's Aunt." He has continued to impersonate the unfair sex in "The Man on the Box" and "Oh, What a Nurse."* On the Chaplin set, every rehearsal seems to be a dress rehearsal. 5fc 5fc 3fc For a really startling novelty, can you think of anything to equal a newly wed picture with Charlie Chaplin as the groom and Brother Syd as the blushing bride? Bigger and Better Miniatures It was only to be expected. The movie ideal of Bigger and Better, having pervaded every field of production, was bound eventually to reach even the use of miniatures. A producer announces that, to show a train wreck, he has constructed the largest miniature set ever made. Of course, rival producers won't let him get away with that proud boast. Soon, another will announce a miniature set just twice as large. And then miniature ♦Originally called "Nightie Night Nurse."