Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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her work a lot, am to appreciate her. ways be the PringL "But, speaking o before typical audit wood. No longer i a movie, at ten o c you chase madly 01 or somewhere else ; the privilege of bein see a certain picture "First National s recently, on the cold< 1 audience to win ove plauding by the mid< ion show ! You neve raphy, and many of "Dorothy Gish w; other night. I shouh but the first expressi idea of what it was i that 'Nell Gwyn' woi might never have km othy is. "Dorothy has falle is taking lessons up a she goes over to Eng will be an expert. "She is the only p< about making motio does it. I hear that 'The Sorrows of Sa California. And I Geste' there instea* Adolphe Menjou wi of Cads.' "By the way — ha of Michael Arlen's in a Page & Shaw don't suppose that more than Milton S what anybody says work, so long as tr keeps on skyrocketi "None of the pk what anybody sa them, do they?" I j "I mean, deep dow hearts, they don't c what is said, so Ion are mentioned." I thought I could out of Fanny, but s tivating poise. 1 Murray influence. "Possibly," she "I've found that yo players that they ar or too thin, that t dramatic scenes as they were doing ti dozen,' and love see a sort of Australi stroke ; you can tell t you don't like their r. their clothes, or their Photo b; Cuteness is more appea beauty, as Louise Brooks "The American Venus," have a chance to show more Paramount picti