Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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52 In and Out of the Studios Here you see how a studio is arranged for a scene that takes place in a small, narrow structure, such as a section of a railroad coach, or, as in this case, a submarine. This is from "The Lunatic at Large," starring Leon Errol. In the upper right-hand corner is Claire Windsor, with Babs, her tiny dog, in its vanity-case kennel. Jiggs, chimpanzee at the Universal zoo, is said to be a most enthusiastic radio fan. The press agent informs us that this picture was taken while Jiggs was trying to get South Africa, hoping to hear from the jungle. "Hot diggity dog!" exclaims this young son of Alabama, as he tries teaching Doris Kenyon the Charleston. Doris met the young instructor while on location in Birmingham with the "Men of Steel" company.