Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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In and Out of the Studios 53 Seeing so many sets built around the studios gave Laura La Plante an idea. Before building her new home in Beverly Hills, she had a large miniature erected from the plans, just to see how it would look when completed. In the upper left-hand corner, Norma Shearer shows you a post card which was mailed to her from Salt Lake City with no name or address — just a picture of her clipped from a magazine. There are many radio fans throughout the country who have never been able to visit a big zoo and hear the animals. The officials of Universal's zoo decided, therefore, to let their pets address the radio audiences. This is Numa, the lion, saying "Please stand by." Karl Dane, the famous Slim of "The Big Parade," wasn't a doughboy in the war, but he has been a soldier, for all that. He became a flier in the Danish army some years ago, and still holds a commission in the Danish reserve forces. He flies for pleasure now.