Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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Advertising Section 5 nap intoitf THE music's playing and the show's a-showing somewhere near you! The crowd is there, and trouble is not, and Paramount guarantees a good time. With half the world asking for more Paramount Pictures and the other half seeing them from Greenland to Cape Horn, who wouldn't make them best! Out of the house! — and into the cast of life! — Paramount's waiting for you! See these Paramount Pictures and You'll be a Paramount Fan for Life! Harold Lloyd in ' 'For Heaven's Sake" Directed by Sam Taylor. Here is the prize surprise i package of the season, laughter, laughter all the way! This star's pictures are produced by the Harold Lloyd Corporation and released by Paramount. Thomas Meighan in fa ADOLPHE MENJOU '"A Social Celebrity With Chester Conklin and Louise Brooks. Story by Monte KatterJohn. Malcolm St. Clair Production. The screen's perfect lover has found his perfect plot at last, beginning as Village Barber and leading to Tonsorial Dictator to the Four Hundred — ladies, ladies all the way! Every girl who ever had her hair bobbed will admire Adolphe's technique with the scissors and learn some new tricks from the most up-to-date beauty parlor she ever saw! Douglas MacLeart in 'That's My Baby" TheNew Klondike" With Lila Lee, Directed by Lewis Milestone. From the comic story about Florida by Ring Lardner. Baseball! Sudden riches! Sudden laughs! Gloria Swanson. in "The Untamed Lady" Directed by William Beaudine. Imagine riding in an aeroplane with a mischievous kid on each side of you trying to make you loop the loop! That's just one high spot among hundreds in Doug MacLean's latest and best. Bebe Daniels in "Miss Brewster's Millions" A Clarence Badger Production with Warner Baxter and Ford Sterling. From George Barr McCutcheon's "Brewster's Millions." Bebe Daniels inherits one million dollars with the promise of another seven millions if she spends the first million within one year! With Lawrence Gray. Directed by Frank Tuttle. Story by Fannie Hurst author ol "Mannequin," the $50,000 prize story. The untamed lady has a pretty face, twenty million dollars and an ungovernable temper. Picture Gloria in that plot! Richard Dix in "Let's Qet Married" With Lois Wilson. Adapted by Luther Reed. From ' ' The Man from Mexico," by H. A. Du Souchet. Directed by Gregory La Cava. The fastest, funniest Dix farce yet. If you saw " Womanhandled " you know what that means. (Paramount @ictur&s Produced by FAMOUS PLAYERS-LASKY CORP., Adolph Zukor, Pres., New York City Pa ra m o u n t Pictu re best show town