Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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Advertising Section 11 Why Foot Pains Go in 5 Minutes Five minutes is now the time limit for foot and leg pains. Reports from people who were chronic sufferers tell of practically instant relief from all sorts of foot troubles, also relief from leg and back pains and headaches, caused by feet out of order. A wonderful new, scientific invention, known as Fairyfoot Cushions, has brought astounding, sensational results. The amazing reports seem almost incredible, but a very special offer enables you to prove without a penny's risk that this great invention will do the same for you. What Ails Your Feet Twenty-six bones form the arch of the foot. Even one of these bones getting out of place putB abnormal strain and pressure on the muscles and nerves — then the pains appear. It is displacement of these bones by the weight of the body, too much standing or ill-fitting shoes that causes "flat foot." The weight of the body is thrown out of balance and the foot is often crowded down into the shoe causing bunions, corns, calluses, ingrowing toenails, hammer toe, or Morton's toe, and the shoes become misshapen and run over at the heel. Then you have agonizing pains in the feet and often leg pains, backache, headache, "rheumatism" and nervousness. Let the arch drop ever so little and trouble starts. You can't always see that your foot is flat — it may look all right — but the merciless pains tell you that something has gone wrong. How Fairyfoot Cushions "Position" the Feet These wonderful Cushions (highly recommended by orthopedists and physicians) Key to Diagrams 1. Normal Position of Arch and Print of Normal Foot. 2. Fallen Arch and Print of Flat Foot. 3. Calluses. 4. Morton'sToe caused by arch breaking across fore part of foot. 5. Bunion. 6. Corns. 7. Crowded Toes. 8. Ingrowing Nail. 9. HammerToe caused by foot pressing forward. 10. Fairyfoot Cushion. Showing built-up flexible layers and device for "positioning" foot. A. Pains in Legs, Back, Neck andHead,originating in Feet. B and C. Result of neglecting foot troubles. bring relief by "positioning" the feet. They point the toes straight ahead, causing the arches to take their natural position. They also direct the body's weight to the ball, heel and outer part of the foot, where Nature intends it to be. Every bone and muscleis put just where it belongs. Fairyfoot Cushions are very flexible, and while positioning the foot normally, gently massage and exercise the muscles which have become soft and flabby and give them strength to support the readjusted arch. Stiff metal devices can't give this kind of pressure and strengthening exercise. They act merely as supports and actually allow the muscles to become weaker. They usually have to be fitted and adjusted by experts. They are heavy and clumsy. Pads and bandages are mere makeshifts. You don't have to adjust Fairyfoot Cushions, and they weigh less than an ounce. Fairyfoot Cushions are made in 50 different sizes to fit the daintiest slipper or heavy shoe — no costly made-to-order appliances to pay for. Last a year or longer. Your feet also regain their correct shape. The instep, the heel, the toes all stay in their proper positions. Your shoes keep their shape, your suffering has vanished. Results are immediate. Guaranteed in five minutes. Heed the Danger Signals Any pain in your feet, legs or back means most likely that something is wrong with your feet — something that needs attention right away. Don't assume that these pains will "cure themselves." Even a few slight twinges may point to a condition that will mean serious trouble later on. Fairyfoot Cushions will correct the cause of the trouble and then the pain must so. Proved by Thousands Letters like these, from former foot sufferers, show what Fairyfoot Cushions will do: "I had to hobble on a cane. With Fairyfoot Cushions I walk perfectly." "Had a bad case of fallen arch. Fairyfoot Cushions have completely corrected it." "Leg and back pains all gone now, thanks to Fairyfoot Cushions." "Bunion and Morton's toe have gone, also my pains and nervousness. Fairyfoot Cushions did it." "The first real relief I have had from foot pains in 10 years." How to Order Place stockinged foot on piece of paper and trace outline of foot with pencil held vertically, as shown above. Send this and also write size and width of shoe in coupon. Send No Money So sound are the scientific principles on which Fairyfoot Cushions are made, so remarkable have been the results obtained in "hopeless" cases, that we gladly send them on free trial. The regular price is $3.00, but for a limited time we offer Fairyfoot Cushions for only $1.98. Pay only when postman brings them. Or you can send money in advance if you wish. Either way. Make the 5-minute test — see how quickly the pains go. Then wear them 14 days and if not satisfied return them and we refund your money . Send coupon today. "1 FOOT REMEDY CO. 22nd Street an<3 Millard Avenue Dept. 169 Chicago Enclosed is outline of my foot. Send me a pair of Fairyfoot Cushions. I will pay special price, $1.98, on arrival, and will make the 5-minute test. Am also to have privilege of wearing them ]4 days at your risk. If I am not satisfied, I will return the Cushions and you will refund my money. Name Address Size Shoe_-_ Width © 1925 Check DMan OWoman DBoy UGirl F.R.Co. |