Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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104 Advertising Section Lose Fat In An Easier Way There is now a way to banish excess fat without abnormal exercise or diet. A quicker and easier way. A way which brings enduring results, because it combats the real cause of the trouble. That way is Marmola Prescription Tablets. It has been used for 18 years. The results are seen in every circle. Countless people who once were fat now have slender figures, new youth and new beauty, because they learned about Marmola. Now people are using 100,000 boxes monthly, because fat has become so unpopular. They take four tablets daily until the weight returns to normal — that is all. You should learn what millions know about this modern method. Our books explain exactly how and why it acts. This coupon will bring them to you, also samples of Marmola and our guarantee. You will always be glad if you send it. Marmola is sold by all druggists'at SI. 00 per box. or mailed direct in plain wrappers by Marmola Co. Address in coupon. The Pleasant Way to Reduce MARMOLA 2-235 General Motors Bldg. DETROIT, MICH. 25c Sample Free Mail Coupon Send No Money 32A C)pqris ^^-j^^^lj^ O&ostoi r EvcE PoWDER^B Known and loved by four generations ON SALE EVERYWHERE Write for free sample of face, powder and Booklet illustrating new LablAche Creations Ben LEVYCo.,Dept.48 12; Kingston St;, Boston,u.s. GRAY HAIR If you hare gray, faded, streaked hair or hair ruined by dyes, send 4c stamps for free booklet, "Secrets of Beauty." Tells how to banish gray hair in 15 minutes in privacy of your own home bv marvelous French method. MONSIEUR L. PIERRE VALLIGNY 34 West 58th Street Dept. 124 New York FRECKLES Tells How to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots and Have a Beautiful Complexion There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine — double strength — is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine from any drug or department store and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove your freckles. Hollywood's Dark-horse Comedian Continued from page 90 a bond salesman. He was so fortunate in this line that he accumulated enough money to go to Europe, and was on the verge of setting sail with a friend of his, an American novelist, living in Italy, when the trip was canceled. At a dinner in New York, MacLean became acquainted with Daniel Frohman. During their conversation he made known something of the secret longing that he had to go into the theater. The only chance that he had ever had to express this was in plays at school,' and he hadn't taken this very seriously. Besides, because of his father's religious associations, there was a natural parental opposition. Frohman became so interested in him that he gave him a letter to John Emerson, now a scenarist, and at that time a stage director. Emerson offered him a chance for a tryout, but the play was subsequently held up in production. MacLean took part in only one matinee, going through all the usual qualms of nervousness, but Emerson thought he showed talent. "After it became apparent that the show wasn't going on," MacLean told me, "I made up my mind to go into a stock company and get some experience, but Emerson advised against this. "He said something that I have always regarded as very important. He said, 'MacLean, you'll make a mistake if you go into stock, particularly at this stage of your experience, because the danger in stock work is that you may lose respect for your audience. You're too likely to let down — take it easy.' "His words struck me, and have stayed with me. I think that he was perfectly right. He advised me to go to Sargent's instead, and I did." MacLean has occasionally suffered criticism, of course, for his mannerisms on the screen. Yet his grin, one of the most obvious of these, appears to be considered his greatest asset, since he recently insured it for $250,000, the sum to be paid in case illness or accident makes it impossible for him to smile his well-known smile. The Tiniest Girls in Pictures Continued from page 87 "Do you often stay out after curfew?" Anne Cornwall, who has not yet reached stardom but who is winning her way in pictures, is four feet, ten and one half inches. They call her the "half pint." She is always the butt of some jibe about height. "You wouldn't let her stay up at night, would you?" a friend recently said to her husband at the Montmartre Cafe in Hollywood. Mary Pickford is one of the smallest as well as one of the greatest of all the movie stars. She is only four feet, eleven inches tall, and weighs but ninety-five pounds. She wears a number three shoe and a number five glove. When costumes are being obtained for her films, child-size clothing is bought for her. She can be fitted in a girl's romper, apron, stockings, and shoes. Yet, in "Rosita," the camera made her appear stately and queenly ! Cecil De Mille explains why girls small in stature are so much in preponderance. "The world looks upon the tall, square-shouldered, brawny man as the protector of womankind," he said. "It would never do, in pictures, for the feminine lead to be a large, husky-looking, domineering woman. There is a dash and a snap and a bit of vivacity about smaller girls which doesn't usually exist in larger women. The camera takes care of discrepancies." Nita Naldi, sloe-eyed vamp, is a little better than five feet, eight inches in height, and is about the tallest of the more prominent cinema celebrities. But there is only one temperamental, dashing, devil-may-care Nita. She has an individuality all her own. Try these heights out on the measuring stick and see how nearly they conform to your ideas of how tall the movie stars are. 4 ft. ioy in. 4 ft. n in. 4 ft. uy2 in. 4 ft. ny2 in. 4 ft. uy in. 4 ft. iw in. 4 ft. im in. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. % in. 5 ft. in. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 2% in. S ft. 4 in. 5 ft 4 in.