Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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91 A Lady of High De gree Dolores del Rio — blessed by the gods — endowed by the fairies. By Margaret Reid IN the first place, I wish I didn't have to describe Dolores del Rio for you. Only in terms of technical statistics shall I speak of her appearance, yet it will sound like the mournings of a minor poet. Though coldly analytical, I shall be accused of extravagance, of fulsomeness, of having the makings of a press agent. Pretty girls are the rule in Hollywood, rather than the exception. But to be known as a beauty there is a feat, for the appalling competition has set the standards so high, and box-office records, attained through kindly lighted cinema pictorials, count for nothing. To be beautiful to the natives, the girls have to look that way on the Boulevard— in the sunlight — and let me tell you, they have to be knock-outs ! I call to mind more than one of the lovely creatures who figure prominently whenever any one is selecting the Seven Most Beautiful, And the ones I am thinking of don't cause a flicker of the most susceptible eyelash when they come into Montmartre. Nice girls, but beauties only on the screen. Far be it from me to shatter young America's illusions by announcing the only actresses considered genuinely beautiful by Hollywood. But one of them — the one who heads my private list — is this divine Senora del Rio. She is so deliciously, .flawlessly lovely that people sit back and feast their eyes upon her to the point of rudeness. She is so beautiful that other women will admit it. Her skin — I am not exaggerating— is like palest-yellow satin, with a dully gleaming quality. Her thick, shining hair is black — or is it nearer blue ? — and gently frames the chiseled oval of her face. Her slightly oblique Photo by Ferdinand C. Clark lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll