Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1926 - Feb 1927)

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Vol. XXV j\JL 3176 ©CI B7 0634 6 MONTHLY No. \ ■PICTURE PLAY MAGAZINE CONTENTS FOR 1?> SEPTEMBER, 1926 What the Fans Think .... • . . 8 An open forum of discussion by our readers. A Sailor and His Lass ♦ 15 A photographic study of Esther Ralston and Charles Farrell as the pair of lovers in "Old Ironsides." "Old Ironsides" Goes Into Action . . Edwin Schallert . 16 The filming of the sea battles in this historical picture. He Rolls His Own . . ■ David A. Balch . 19 How Richard Dix himself devises the gags for his comedies. Childhood Adventures in Hollywood . Dorothy Manners . 21 An amusing account of how it felt to grow up among the stars. Yes Men Need Not Apply . . . A. L. Wooldridge . 24 Harold Lloyd's gag men are invited to dispute with him. The Movie Nurse Sets Her Cap 26 And photographically captures any number of film heroes. Brave, Blundering and Honest . . Helen Rockwell . 27 This is the role of Reginald Denny, whose name does not fit him. The Sketchbook ..... Dorothy Manners . 28 Intimate, informal glimpses of Hollywood personalities. Pet Aversions of the Stars . .'. . A. L. Wooldridge . 32 The little things that annoy your favorites. Mademoiselle— Not Grisette . . . Myrtle Gebhart , 34 Impressions of Arlette Marchal, typical product of the French home. Favorite Picture Players ... . • • ♦ ♦ 35 Photos in rotogravure of prominent people before the camera. A Couple of Vive Las! .... Malcolm H. Oettinger 43 Mademoiselle Renee Adoree takes New York by storm. Don't Believe All You Hear . . . William H. McKegg 44 Proving that "upstage" stars aren't upstage at all. Their First Love Affair .... . • . . 46 The kodak discovers budding romances among the children of the colony. Presenting Mr. Pidgeon . . . . Margaret Reid . 47 One of the newer leading men, who takes neither himself nor his career very seriously. Behind the Silver Screen . . ■ . Jack Malone . . 48 Keen comment, humorous and otherwise, on little happenings in filmdom. Over the Teacups The Bystander . 50 Fanny .the Fan moves to Hollywood, and wastes no time in collecting the gossip. Continued on the Second Page Following ■ation issued by Street & Smith Corporation. 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Ormond G. Smith, President; George C. Smith, Vice President and Treasurer; George C. Smith. Jr., Vice President; Ormond V. Gould, Secretary. Copyright, 1926, by Street & Smith Corporation, New Y., Monthly public Yoru'de^opy right "l926V by Street" &"Smith Corporation, Great Britain. All Rights Reserved. Publishers everywhere are cautioned against using of tile contents of this magazine either wholly or in part. Entered as Second-class Matter. March 6, 1916, at the Post Office at New York, N. under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Canadian subscription. $2.86. Foreign, $3.22. WARNING — Do not subscribe through agents unknown to you. Complaints are daily made by persons who have been thus victimized. IMPORT ANT Authors agents, and publishers are requested to note that this corporation does not hold itself responsible for loss of unsolicited manu ncrlnts while at this office or in transit; and that it cannot undertake to hold uncalled-for manuscripts for a longer period than sis months. If the return * ' of manuscript is expected, postage should be inclosed. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION. $2.50 SINGLE COPIES. 25 CENTS