Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1926 - Feb 1927)

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106 Fat Qoes Without Starving Perhaps you have exercised and dieted, and learned some of the ill effects. Now try an easy, pleasant way, whose results endure. That way is Marmola Prescription Tablets. It acts to correct the cause. People have used it for 19 years, so the place it holds has been secured by countless demonstrations. The use of Marmola requires no abnormal exercise or diet. One simply takes four tablets daily until the weight comes down to normal. You see the results wherever you look today. Excess fat is not one-tenth so common as it was. Ask your own friends what Marmola did for them. You should try Marmola in justice to yourself. Watch the reduction, watch the new vitality that comes. Then tell your friends. The greatest kindness you can do the over-fat today is to tell them this easy, pleasant way to reduce. Go try it now. Marmola prescription tablets are sold by all druggists at $1 per box. Send this coupon for our latest book, a 25-ct. sample free, and our guarantee. Clip it now. The Pleasant Way to Reduce MARMOLA 322 General Motors BIdg. DETROIT. MICH. Mail for 25c Sample Free 822 Advertising Section Manhattan Medley Continued from page 96 when it comes to rags, tatters, and a dip in the back of my skirt." And as for her desire to direct — well, Lillian Gish did it. Don't you remember those early pictures that Dorothy did for Famous, those comedies which marked the first stellar efforts of the younger Gish girl? The sorrowing, languishing Lillian directed them, and if you'd seen her at work you would realize that while Lillian may resemble a breaking reed on the screen, there is a backbone in that slender reed. Says Carol : "My directing will probably consist of a big show in the back yard, and some day I'm going to get a tiny motion-picture camera, collect all my family on the lawn, and make them act. I've always wanted to do that." Dorothy Gish Makes a Promise Apropos of Dorothy Gish, she's off to bally England again to make another picture. Her latest importation, penned by none other than Thomas Burke of Limehouse fame, proved such a disappointment to her fans that dauntless Dorothy, after a brief visit to America, packed her steamer trunk and headed for the British Isles. Dorothy's role in "London" was scarcely suited to her talents, and only in a few scenes did the old Dorothy sparkle. However, she promises that her next British film will contain such dash and spirit that the whole of Great Britain will leave its mutton chops and half-and-half to join in the general chorus of praise. Jack Dempsey Selects Picture Frames Jack Dempsey was busv on Fifth Avenue buying picture frames for his new home when we talked to Estelle Taylor at the Paramount Studio. It was in the lunch room, where she had gone to snatch a sandwich be tween scenes of "New York." It was a few days after the fight, and Estelle had recently arrived from the Coast to join her husband after the fray, for of course by "the fight" we mean the Dempsey-Tunney bout over in Philadelphia. "Is Jack unhappy?" we asked. "Not a bit. Why should he be? He is just as busy as can be, making preparations to get into our new home, and while we are in New York Jack is haunting the shops." Just then she was called to the telephone, and Luther Reed, the able young director who has been earning his first spurs with Famous, remarked : "There's one of the nicest girls in the business. And who says she isn't clever? She's as keen as they make 'em, and an excellent little actress. I can't understand why it took people so long to find out, for Estelle has been in films for years." We decided to ask Estelle about it when she got back from the phone. "How is it you've suddenly become such a good actress?" Estelle looked surprised. "You know, I've never been so bad when I've had good roles. Really I haven't, but I haven't always been in a position to choose my parts. An actress' expenses continue just like any one else's, and there are times when she may feel a picture is pretty poor punkins, but has to accept the role for the sake of the bank roll. "People don't always understand these things. They see a terrible picture with the star at her worst, and they say, 'Isn't she terrible ! How can she be so dumb as to play a part like that?' "And first thing you know, they really think the actress is dumb. But an actress has to carry on like every one else, hoping for a good break, and a good part." Gloria's Fate Hangs in the Balance Continued from page 34 Kill The Hair Root My method is the only way to prevent the hair from growing-again. Easy, painless, harmless. No sears. Booklet free. Write today enclosing 3 red stamps. We teach beautv culture. D. J. Mahler, 92-A Mahler Park, providence, R. I. The role of a young bank cashier is taken by the apparently sinister but really mild and amiable Ian Keith. Though the screen has lured him from the stage temporarily, he plans an early return to the legitimate fold. Like every one associated with Gloria's first independent venture, he is keenly interested in its success. Anders Randolf, one of the bestknown character actors on the screen, plays the part of the millionaire who bargains with the father for Sunya's hand and who, in one of the visionary episodes, marries her. John Miltern, who has played in several films with Gloria, assumes the difficult role of Sunya's father. Moving-picture fans may remember a blond, laughing youngster named Raymond Hackett who played child parts in Imp and Lubin comedies a number of years ago. Raymond has returned to the screen in "Sunya," with the reputation of having created favorable comment on the legitimate stage to which he turned when he grew up. While playing the part of Sunya's younger brother out at the Cosmopolitan PERSONAL Appearance is now more than ever the key note of si cess, both in social and business life. Bow Legged and KnockKneed men and women, both young and old, will be glad to hear that my new appliance will successfully straighten, within a short time, bow-leggedness and knock-kneed legs, safely, quickly and permanently, without pain, operation or discomfort. Worn at night. My new "Lim-Straitner," Model IS, TJ. S. Patent, is easy to adjust; its results will soon save you from further humiliation, and improve your personal appearance 100 per cent. (Model 18 is not like oldfashioned splints or braces, with bothersome straps, hard to adjust, but a scientific, modern device of proven merit, used and recommended for the last 4 years by physicians everywhere.) Write today for particulars, testimonials and my free copyrighted physiological and anatomical book which tells you how to correct bow and knock-kneed legs without any obligation. Enclose a dime for postage. M. TR1LETY, SPECIALIST 1435-L, W. U. Building, Binghatnton, N. Y.