Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1926 - Feb 1927)

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AreYou Ever Ashamed of Your English? Advertising Section "Gosh, how I miss my wife !" Ricardo sighed. "She's the greatest girl in the world." With a wife about whom he feels like that, and real success on the screen at last, Ricardo's difficulties should be about over. The upward boost to success began when he played in "The Pony Express," a different kind of role from the lover parts with which he had been smothered. And then "The Sorrows of Satan" put him definitely to the forefront as a first-rate film actor. There was unanimous acclaim for him on the part of movie critics. But that was nothing to the thrill he got when some of the electricians approached him at the studio next day. "Gee ! Ric," they said, "we sat up in the gallery at the opening last night, and you certainly were great." "That pleased me more than anything," said Cortez, beaming, "because they'd be the first to tell me if they thought I was rotten." No, there's nothing high hat about Ricardo. That reputation is quite undeserved. Recently, when he was introduced to R. H. Burnside, the theatrical producer, Mr. Burnside spoke up cordially, "Oh, 'yes, Mr. Cortez, I've heard of you." "I've heard of you, too, Mr. Burnside," said Ricardo. "The first time, about seven years ago in one of your productions. I was the boy on the left who carried a spear." Her Red-Letter Day Continued from page 51 still. In the middle of the night, I was awakened by bullets whizzing through my tent — you can imagine how scared I was, and no woman within miles to run to. Finally, I got so frightened I dressed and ran into Mr. Wing's tent and woke him up. I sat there for hours, waiting until they could quiet the rioters." Except for that bit of excitement, the picture was finished without any further difficulty. They found that Helen Mundy was a surprisingly good little actress ; with the aid of music she could cry or do anything that was required of her. An orthophonic victrola was shipped all the way from New York to help her emote. And when the film was finally completed. Famous Players decided that Helen was a real "find" — though she doesn't like herself on the screen at all. "They made me wear a blond wig in the picture, for one thing," she explained, "and I don't think it was very becoming. For another. I was not allowed to use any make-up, because this was a sort of 'nature film,' with all those people just as they really are. Make-up makes such a difference on the screen. Without it every little flaw in your skin shows up, and my face looks all splotchy and dirty." But, splotches and everything, Miss Mundy photographs marvelously. The Famous Players executives held a conference after seeing "Stark Love," and Helen was sent for to hear those magic words, "a five-year contract." Like most such contracts it has a renewal option every six months, with an increase in salary. So Helen has to make good constantly. Undoubtedly she will. She had just been tested for a part in "Love's Greatest Mistake" when I saw her. and hoped to start work on that picture. Was she all atremble at this sudden opportunity that would thrill — and terrify — -almost any girl ? She was not. Helen Mundy, aged seventeen, who had never done anything in her life but just go to school, is as much at ease as if she had spent years before the camera. This amazing bit of luck she accepts quite as calmly as you or I would take a piece of pie. No danger of its going to her head. She hadn't been around the studio long enough to have made many friends. One day she had a chat — she chatted at least — with Lya de Putti, which was rather amusing. "I was just rattling on and on, as I always do," said Helen, "and I thought Miss de Putti was rather rude and inattentive. And finally after I had been talking — it must have been half an hour — she looked up and said, 'I'm sorry, but I do not understand English !' " Miss Mundy perhaps does not know it, but I fancy that she had a certain stigma to live down among the other players at the studio. They knew that she had played the heroine in "Stark Love," a picture with an "all-native cast," and they naturally assumed that she was one of the mountaineer illiterates herself. Perhaps she couldn't even write her name ! However, they will soon get over that notion. They have only to talk to Helen Mundy to realize that she is not only a person like themselves, but that she is particularly intelligent. She did not seek an opportunity for a career in the movies, but she knew how to make the most of it when it came ; and some day she will be famous, this little girl who had a film career thrust upon her ! DO YOU say "who" when you should say "whom"? Do you say "between you and I" instead of "between you and me"? Do you mispronounce common words in your speech or use them incorrectly when you write? Many a man has been held down all his life and suffered untold embarrassment because of mistakes in English. You do not need to make these mistakes any longer. Right at home, in spare time, in the privacy of your own room, you can make up the education you missed in the days that you should have been at school. The International Correspondence Schools will teach you, just as they have taught thousands of other men, by a simple new method which shows you instinctively which word to use and how to use it. Mail the coupon to-day for free booklet INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 4573-D, Scranton, Penna. 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