Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1926 - Feb 1927)

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110 Advertising Section Clear Up Bloodshot Eyes this Safe Way When your eyes become bl oodshot f rom over-use, lack of sleep or exposure to sun, wind, dust or tobacco smoke, apply a few drops of harmless MURINE. Soon they will be clear again and will feel as fine as they look. Millions of men and women now use thi s long-trusted lotion each night and morning to keep their eyes always clean , clear and bright. It is delightfully cooling and refreshing when eyes feel hot and tired. Contains no belladonna or other harmful ingredients. Write The Murine Company, Dept. 2 8, Chicago, for FREE Book on Eye Beauty (//?/]>£> FOR Y?UR eVes HOW TO OBTAIN BEAUTIFULLY SHAPED LIPS! jr. Trilety's new lipshaper, together with its thick lip astringent lotion, will now reduce protruding, prominent, thick, unshapely Hps to normal and thus improve your facial features 100 per cent. My new* appliance is comfortable, easy to adjust, and is worn at night. It will also promote correct breathing and eliminate the harmful and annoying habit of snoring. Write for full information, testimonials, etc., without any obligation on your part. M. Trilety, Dept. 167 SPf Binghamton, N. Y. Eat Candy and get SLIM If yon crave Bweeta— then yon can get slim! SLIMS are delicious candies. Equal in quality tothe most expensive brands They contain a special herb not found in ordinary candies Thia element, instead of building fat cells, dissolvesthem Harmlessly! Nowwomea everywhere discard disagreeable diet forget heavy exercise. They feast on SLIMS. No matter how long standing their fat. they awaken each morning with Increased elimneBs. increased fascination ELSE MONEY BACK Send only a dollar bill for larne size package of SLIMS now, and start getting: elim without further delay If your druggist does not carry SLIMS send In coupon direct. I SANI RESEARCH CO, Inc. Dep«PP~4 I 249 West 34th Street. New York City 1 enclose one dollar for large size package of SLIMS. Check I your preference on flavor My money ia returnable without I Question If I am not delighted with results. * Mint Wfntergreen | Licorice Cinnamon • N ame., Over the Teacups Continued from page 49 Joan of Arc going out to save France ! "Virginia, having been all rigged up to look like Gaby Deslys in her last picture, is now wearing a get-up that makes her resemble the Empress Eugenie. It's a long way from that to 'The Green Hat.' " 'And I hope .she never makes it," I murmured fervently. Fanny smiled at me indulgently, as though for once in my life I was right. "Virginia's a darling," she insisted, "but she's not my choice for Iris March in 'The Green Hat.' That part should belong to Alma Rubens. Alma certainly deserves a good break if any one does. It is such a crime for talent like hers to be wasted. Oh, well, she is back from New York looking perfectly gorgeous, and I think she is going to play the lead in the screen version of H. G. Wells' 'Marriage.' "Alma's a lovely person to know well. She doesn't invite you over, but just says, 'You know I'm always at home for dinner and the rest of the evening. Just come over when you want to.' "Of course, you know the Sixty Club has opened the social season officially with their first dance. The dances are being held at the Ambassador this year, and if they are all like the first one, they will be gorgeous. The only famous person in pictures not there that I can think of was Greta Garbo. And that is just as well because I would have dedicated the evening to staring at her. "Aileen Pringle was there with about nine men, looking very gay and in high spirits. Perhaps she had just learned that after all she wouldn't have to play opposite Colonel Tim McCoy in a wild Western. When the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer officials doomed her to such a fate, evidently Cal Coolidge just couldn't bear it, because he ordered the marines out to guard the mails and the picture couldn't be made as they were to be an essential part of the cast. "I went to the Sixty Club late, having been to the opera earlier in the evening. The sensation of the opera was not on the stage, but in the lobby between the acts. Sally Rand, the pretty little De Mille player, was there, looking delightfullv quaint in a billowing frock of tiny white net ruffles. Just as she was getting over big as Priscilla Alden reincarnate, she coollv whisked out a cigarette and took a deep and practiced puff. As one man. every one in the lobby seethed forward and stared. "At the Sixty Club we crashed into a party given by Bob Leonard and Gertrude Olmsted. Norma Shearer and Irving Thalberg were there, as was Edna Murphy. Edna is so happy nowadays. Evidently, her jinx is put to rout as she has lots of offers. She is playing the lead in 'McFadden's Flats' for First National, and later is to play in two specials for F. B. O. "Dorothy D wan is playing the second lead in 'McFadden's Flats' and is so thrilled over it you can't keep her up after nine at night, even for a bridge game. That girl is my nomination for Lorelei Lee in 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.' She could do it beautifully. Let me rush to assure you, though, that it would be all acting. "For no reason at all, that reminds me of a dumb, fat girl out on a set. Some one asked her if she had ever tried counting her calories. She said she always did until she had eaten the required amount every day, and then just went ahead and ate what she wanted." Languidly Fanny surveyed the room. "It just doesn't seem natural not to have Joan Crawford here showing up all the other dancers, but MetroGoldwyn-Mayer have put her to work and it doesn't occur to them to arrange their production schedule so that she can have three hours for luncheon. She is making 'The Taxi Dancer,' and a marvelous vehicle it should be for her. It seems to me that Joan has about taken the place in the hearts of girls all over the country that Irene Castle had years ago. They copy her manners, her clothes, and her walk, and go to bed with a prayer that they may wake up to look like her. "There's another girl out at MetroGoldwyn that I've just met and I'm awfully fond of her. Of course, I'd known her for months in pictures, for her work stands out even though she plays just small parts. That's Gwen Lee. She has been lent to First National to support Colleen Moore in 'Orchids and Ermine.' "There are so many people out here you just can't get around to see them all. And if you see them in person you don't have time to see their pictures, and that is a breach of etiquette. The only girl in pictures I know who can discuss them without ever an T in the conversation is Eleanor Boardman." Fanny looked distractedly at her watch. "I must be going. But never mind, you can always get the daily paper