Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1926 - Feb 1927)

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Advertising Section 113 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Agents and Help Wanted EARN $10 DAILY silvering mirrors, plating, refinishing metalware, headlights, chandeliers, bedsteads. Outfits furnished. Decie Laboratories, 1135 Broadway, New York. WE START YOU IN BUSINESS, furnishing everything ; men and women $30 to $100 weekly operating our "Specialty Candy Factories" anywhere. Booklet free. W. Hillyer Ragsdale, Drawer 29, East Orange, N. J. AGENTS — $60-$125 A WEEK. Free samples. Gold letters for stores and office windows. Metallic Letter Co., 428 N. Clark, Chicago. BIG MONEY AND FAST SALES. Every owner buys gold initials for his auto. You charge $1.50, make $1.35. Ten orders daily easy. Write for particulars and free samples. American Monogram Co., Dept. 170, East Orange, N. J. WE START YOU WITHOUT A DOLLAR. Soaps, Extracts, Perfumes, Toilet Goods. Experience unnecessary. Carnation Co., Dept. 2860, St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS — NEW PLAN, makes it easy to earn $50.00 to $100.00 weekly, selling shirts direct to wearer. No capital or experience needed. Represent a real manufacturer. Write now for Free Samples, Madison Manufacturers, 564 Broadway, New York. AGENTS : 90c. an hour to advertise and distribute samples to consumers. Write quick for territory and particulars. American Products Company, 9055 Monmouth, Cincinnati, Ohio. MIRRORS RESILVERED AT HOME. Costs Less 5 cents per square foot : you charge 75 cents. Immense profits, plating auto parts, reflectors, tableware, stoves, refinishing metalware, etc. Outfits furnished. Write for information, Sprinkle, Plater, 333 Marion, Indiana. AMERICA'S GREATEST TAILORING Line Free. 130 large Swatch Samples — All Wool — Tailored-to-Order — Union Made — sensational low price. Get outfit at once. Address Dept. 722, Goodwear, 844 Adams, Chicago. $14.50 DAILY EASY— Pav In Advance. Introducing Chieftain Guaranteed Shirts 3 for $4.95. No experience or capital needed. Just write orders. We deliver and collect. Full working outfit Free. Cincinnati Shirt Company. Lane 1922, Cincinnati, Ohio. . AGENTS — Every Home Needs Dress Goods, silks and general yard goods. Wonderful exclusive line. Quick sales, liberal commission. 1,000 lovely fabric samples furnished. Write to The National Importing Companv, Department 0-69, 569-573 Broadway, N. Y. City. Salesmen Wanted WE HAVE A LINE OF GOODS FOR which every man in America is a prospect. Can be handled with tremendous profit by any salesman now selling to men. $20.00 Outfit Free. Address Dept. 21, William C. Bartlett, Inc., 850 West Adams, Chicago. Help Wanted— Male ALL Men, Women, Boys, Girls, 17 to 65 willing to accept Government positions $117-$250, traveling or stationary, write Mr. Ozment, 308, St. Louis, Mo., immediately. EARN $120 to $250 monthly, expenses paid as Railway Traffic Inspector. We secure position for you after completion of 3 months' home-study course or money refunded. Excellent opportunities. Write for Free Booklet, CM-28, Stand. Business Training Inst., Buffalo, N. Y. ESTABLISH YOURSELF — AT HOME — As a Photographic Expert. Make $75 a week while learning. Write at once for Temporary Offer. International Studios, Dept. 1406, 3601 Michigan Ave., Chicago. MEN wanting forest ranger, railway mail clerk and other govt, positions, $125 to $225 month. Write for particulars, Mokane, A-41, Denver, Colo. MEN— WOMEN, 18 UP. Get U. S. Government Jobs. $95-$250 month. Steady. Vacation. Experience unnecessary. Common education sufficient. Book with list positions Free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. E2, Rochester, New York. How to Entertain PLAYS, MUSICAL COMEDIES AND REvues, minstrel music, blackface skits, vaudeville acts, monologs. dialogs, recitations, entertainments, musical readings, stage handbooks, make-up goods. Big catalog free. T. S. Denison & Co., 623 So. Wabash, Dept. 132, Chicago. Coins and Stamps OLD MONEY WANTED. Will pay Fifty Dollars for nickel of 1913 with Liberty head, (no Buffalo). We pay cash premiums for all rare coins. Send 4c for Large Coin Folder. Mav mean much profit to you. Numismatic Co., Dept. 440, Ft. Worth, Tex. Help Wanted — Female $6 — $18 A DOZEN decorating pillow tops at home, experience unnecessary ; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co., 110, LaGrange, Ind. Stammering ST-STU-T-T-TERING And Stammering Cured at Home. Instructive booklet free. Walter McDonnell, 80 Arcade, 1126 Granville Ave., Chicago, 111. Patents and Lawyers PATENTS. Send sketch or model for preliminary examination. Booklet free. Highest references. Best results. Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 724 Ninth St., Washington, D. C. INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED. Patented or unpatented. Write Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 223, Enright, St. Louis, Mo. PATENTS — Write for free Guide Books and "Record of Invention Blank" before disclosing inventions. Send model or sketch of invention for Inspection and Instructions Free. Terms Reasonable. Victor J. Evans Co., 767 Ninth, Washington, D. C. INVENTORS — Write for our guide book, "How to Get Your Patent" and evidence of invention blank. Send model or sketch for Inspection and Instructions Free. Terms reasonable. Randolph & Co., Dept. 412, Washington. D. C. Detectives Wanted MEN — Experience unnecessary ; travel ; make secret investigations : reports ; salaries ; expenses. Write American Foreign Detective Agency, 114. St. Louis, Mo. DETECTIVES EARN BIG MONEY. Travel. Excellent opportunity. Experience unnecessary. Write, George Wagner, former Government Detective, 1968 Broadway, New York. Farm Lands . $10 IS ALL I ASK DOWN ON 20 ACRES in Mich. Potato Belt. Very easy terms. Near markets, lakes, and streams. Write for particulars now. G. W. Swigart, S-1276 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Chicago. Ever Read Sea Stories Magazine? Exciting