Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1926 - Feb 1927)

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A Loud Call for Dick Talmadge. Why do we not hear more of Richard Talmadge, and less of Richard Dix, Ben Lyon, and Reginald Denny? Why is he not given better roles and better plots? We all know he is a wonderful actor, and our eyes tell us how good-looking he is. I do not say handsome, because he is not sophisticated, like some of the older players. He has an almost childlike grin, which could not help but win its way into everybody's heart. Fans ! Why don't you yell and yell, until you get what you want? I know we all want Dick. Wilmington, Del. Eve J. Robinson. What Picture-Play Did for Her. People are always praising the stars in the "What the Fans Think" department, but I want to praise the magazine itself. Three years ago I was the loneliest girl in this city — had no friends at all. My mother bought a copy of Picture-Play in hopes of seeing something in it about Mary Pickford, her favorite. I read in it a very interesting story by Myrtle Gebhart, and it touched me so much that I wrote my first fan letter to her. Since then, through the medium of "What the Fans Think," I've become a very happy person, with hundreds of friends, and it is with pride that I say Picture-Play gave me two dear friends — Helen Ferguson and Myrtle Gebhart. That is my tribute to Picture-Play, the finest and best magazine on the news stands. Long may it reign ! Julia David. 98 Waltham Street, Boston, Mass, High Praise for Conrad Nagel. I am afraid that my letter will not correspond with the ideas and opinions of ninety per cent of the fans who write to Picture-Play. I have been reading every letter in Picture-Play for a long time, and I have hardly read one with praise for John Gilbert. My humble opinion of Mr. Gilbert is a little different. I think that any ordinary actor could have taken his place in any picture he has ever played in — and what's more, I think that Conrad Nagel could have acted the parts ninety per cent better. What I'd like to know is, why hasn't Conrad been given a big chance? He is better than ninety-five per cent of the men actors. Mr. Gilbert is good, certainly, but no better than John Harron, John Patrick, or any of the others. Jack Mulhall has him beaten a mile. Give us men like Conrad Nagel, Adolphe Menjou, and Lloyd Hughes; and women like Norma Shearer, June Marlowe, Alyce Mills, and Gertrude Olmsted. Miss Marlowe and Miss Olmsted would prove to be better than many others if only given a chance. Why not give them a big chance instead of featuring foreigners? All the actors are good, but cast Conrad Nagel and Norma Shearer together for the leads, and leave the corned} parts up to Otis Harlan and William V. Mong. I'll walk fifteen miles to see them in a picture. All of you who are Conrad's fans or friends, let's show our loyalty to him and write Picture-Play our opinions. L. J. S. 123 South Main Street, Lafayette, La. Rosemary Field Protests. I am writing to ask of you that you bar such letters from your page as might be offensive. I mean those letters in which a star is bitterly denounced and trampled upon. I do not mean the letters that truly criticize, but the ones that puncture and hurt. Advertising Section Take those "foreigner" letters. Some people are for them and some against — but, in their zeal, they knock the bars of courtesy down and go to it with their fists. Now, I am for the foreigners. I believe that what is one person's ice cream is another's castor oil. I don't mind people saying they don't like them or that they prefer the American stars, but I protest against this lambasting. It isn't right. Should I be deprived of my foreign stars and forced to see American stars just to suit some one who doesn't like them? Or vice versa? Let us have both, and plenty of them. I protest doubly against "U. S. A.'s" letter. He has dishonored the U. S. A. In the first place, he should not have made fun of Greta Garbo so. He doesn't know what he is talking about when he — or she — states that Greta Garbo is from "Vulgaria." She is from Sweden. Rosemary Field. 15 Union Street, Uniontown, Pa. From a Frank Fan. I recently read Mr. Oettinger's article and it made me furious. I do go to see Mr. Novarro's shapely nose, wavy hair, and swelling biceps. Didn't Mr. Oettinger forget 'his divine eyes? Why not go to see him? I see too many ugly men, and I do like to see a handsome one on the screen. Isn't that what dreams are made of? Don't shatter our ideals; this world is too full of commonplaceness now. Perhaps in a few more months Mr. Oettinger will be in a decline, and mah jong, crossword puzzles, and the Charleston won't be lonesome for company. Our Ramon will be here stronger than ever. He has made a steady and sane climb with really only two real good roles — Scaramouchc and Bcn-Hur — and they alone proclaim him If I were Ramon, Metro would divide some of Jack's good roles. Why shouldn't Mr. Oettinger say Jack was a good actor ? He gets the cream ; Ramon, skimmed milk ! Jack's "Big Parade," "Merry Widow." "The Snob," "He Who Gets Slapped," and "Bardelys, the Magnificent," to Ramon's what? "Ben-Hur." Why, they kept him away from the screen when Jack was collecting fan mail. Even in "The Midshipman" Ramon stood his ground, and because of him I enjoyed the picture. He should be decorated for being so gracious through it all. I don't care which are the better actors, men or women, but I won't let Mr. Oettinger or any one else say anything about Ramon, and not backfire. R. M. W. Kansas City, Mo. Page Miss Braunten. Will you assist me in reaching a reader of your magazine? She is a regular reader, and I know if you will print this in your column she will see it. The girl I wish to reach is Miss Anna J. Braunten, of Philadelphia. Will she write me as soon as she sees this? Julia E. David. 98 Waltham Street, Boston, Mass. Decided Opinions Here. So Mr. Oettinger thinks Mae Murray is no actress ! She is what most of us call the perfect actress. She acts all over the place. Everything that is artificial : that is Mae. And that is what we want her to be. We love her because she is such an actress ! Ben Lyon is dull, is he? What of that, you fans who flock by the hundreds to see j just him? Louise Dresser is, to my mind, the great ( est character actress of to-day. Her Goose Woman was a marvel. She is j truly great. I DIAMONDS Pick Yours Now ' Oft Deliver and 'Trust You Again country 'sioremost diamond merchants lead in startling offers. "lid* ?8 H. m Look overthese bargains, atalmostun ^jfE^. believable low prices. Eeadde S^^f"/CKVjv scriptions. Youropportunity f , secure the gem you fata is* ■''SS, fSPfftf^ longed for. Easyterms— lower than cash prices. Your Guarantee cS&V We have faithlullyserved the V*yav „ public for nearly 100 years, Zf Make your selections. Our v " money back guarantee fully protects you. Order from this ad* od 10 days' free trial. Send No Money Now? Keep your money in your pocket. Select the eem you want and wear it for 10 days. No. 1 '--Ladies' 18 kt. white gold ring, .genuine blue white diamond, S49.50-" weekly. No. 2 — Ladies' 18 white gold ring, blue white Vdiamond, blue sapphire at each Aside, $59.50--$! weekly. No.r u Ladies' friendship i I ring. 18 kt solid white I gold, 3 snappy, genuT5i§fc!2*?/ inebluewhitediamonds \*KrM» 4 blue sapphires, $53. 50 1 $£S»7-$3. SO monthly. No. 4 I v.^fxr -Gent's lskt.solid white I gold, genuine blue white diamond, S69.75--$4.65 monthly. No.5--Ladie . Mkt. solid white gold wr tt >\ watch, lojewels. 2genu: , li diamond ,4bluesapphii ^YiS38.25--$2.50 monthly. 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PLAYS £,arge List New | Vaudeville, Acts, I i Stage Monologs, I INew Minstrel Choruses and Novelty DSongs, Blackface After-pieces and [Crossfire, Musical Comedies and IRevues, Musical Readings, Novelty 'Entertainments, Wigs, Beards, Grease Paints and other Make-up Goods. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. WRITE NOW. T, S. Denison fe Co., 623 So. Wabash, Dept. 53 Chicago are SELF-CONSCIOUS? YOU DO YOU STAMMER . I You must overcome Self-Consciousness— Mental Fear— Pashfulness to succeed in the business and social world. Send 10c for amazing booklet, Road to Poise and Achievement." Tells how thousands have conquered Self -Consciousness in a very short time. SEYMOUR INSTITUTE. 33 Park Row, Dept. 56, NewYork City PIMPLES Cleared Up — often in 24 hours. To prove you can be rid of pimples, blackheads, acne eruptions on the face or body, barbers" itch, eczema, enlarged pores, oily or shiny skin, simply send me your name and address today— no cost —no obligation. 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