Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1926 - Feb 1927)

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Advertising Section . j Men Getting Bald No matter how fast your hair is falling out— no matter how much of it is already gone— I make this amazing guarantee/ III end dandruff— stop falling hair-^grow new hair in 30 daysor you don't pa\A me a cent/ No strings attached/ Wolfs, 'Ands'or "May bes7 New hair or no pay/ And you are the sole judge/ By ALOIS MERKE Founder of the Merke Institute, 5th Avenue, New York. SAVE yourself from baldness ! Stop falling hair ! Grasp this "no risk" offer to grow new healthy hair in 30 days ! Here's My Contract If your hair is rapidly falling out — if your appearance is spoiled by approaching baldness — if you have tried countless expensive hair treatments unsuccessfully — it makes_ no difference. My contract stands'! I'll grow new hair in thirty days — or the trial costs you NOTHING. Here's My Secret Years of training and research and day after day experience in treating thousands of cases of loss of hair at the famous Merke Institute, Fifth Avenue, N. Y., have taught me many valuable facts about the hair — and this, the most amazing of all — that in most cases of baldness the hair roots are not dead, but merely dormant — asleep ! You're wasting your time — you're throwing away money — when you try to reach these dormant roots with ordinary hair tonics, oils, massages and salves. For such meas EVIDENCE! Hair Coming Back "Having used your Therinocap Treatment for 30 days. I And a new growth of hair coming back on the bald spot. It is growing in very fine. The Thermocap is a treatment that every one who is losing his hair should buy." GRP., Portland, Me. Dandruff Leaves Entirely "I want to tell you how wonderful your treatment is. The first week my dandruff left entirely, and by the third week a new growth of hair could be seen all over my head." Mrs H. S.. Port Angeles. Wash Partly Bald for 10 Years "I have been partly bald for the last 10 years and have used your treatment only four weeks to date, but T can already see a new crop of hair coming in." J A K.. Anderson. Tnd ures treat only the surface skin and never even get to the roots, the real source of trouble. How could they ever possibly grow new hair? My Method Reaches the Roots It's no use trying to make a tree grow by rubbing "growing fluid" on the bark. You must get to the roots ! And that's just why my scientific treatment is so tremendously beneficial ! It penetrates below the surface of the scalp. It quickly reaches the cause of the trouble — the dormant, starving hair roots. It awakens them. Hair begins to sprout again. It takes on new life and color. It becomes stronger and thicker. And in a surprisingly short time — sooner than you ever imagined possible — you have a new healthy growth of hair — OR I PAY ALL THE COSTS OF THE TREATMENT MYSELF. And best of all, my system is so simple that it can be used in any home where there is electricity without the slightest discomfort — and for just a few cents a day! New Hair or No Cost Thousands claim seeming miracles for my treatment. I don't. I admit some cases of loss of hair are hopeless. Only remember this — these cases are so very rare and so many hundreds of others have regained luxuriant hair through my method, that I am willing to let you trv it for 30 days— AT MY RISK! Then if you are not absolutely delighted — say so. And I'll mail you a check immediately— refunding every cent of your money — and the treatment will have cost you NOTHING! Free Booklet Tells All The very fact that you have read this announcement shows that you are anxious about the condition of your hair. So why not investigate? Find out for yourself. If you will merely fill in and mail the coupon I will gladly send you without cost or obligation a wonderfully interesting booklet, which describes in detail my successful system, which is growing new hair for thousands all over the country. In addition it tells all about my iron-clad guarantee which enables you to take my treatment without a penny's risk. Clip and mail the coupon today. Allied Merke Institutes, Inc., Dept. 352r 512 Fifth Ave., New York. j Allied Merke Institutes, Inc., I Dept. 352, 512 Fifth Avenue, I New York City. Please send me without cost or obligation a copy of ■ your book, "The New Way to Grow Hair." describing I the Merke System. City State