Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1927)

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Advertising Section 7 Wm. E. Gillespie, Jr., Chester, Penna. Joseph C. Farrow, La Fayette, Alabama Mellin's Food-A Milk Modifier The baby takes his food eagerly with apparent relish and retains every feeding. The baby is comfortable and happy between feedings; his day naps are restful and his sleep at night natural in every respect. The baby eliminates waste matter with a regularity and of a character to indicate good digestion. His assimilation is normal for he gains in weight each week, shows evidence of increasing strength and other unmistakable signs of progress in building tissue, muscle and bone. Such a baby is a most delightful member of the household and his splendid condition is due to good parentage, sensible care and food that is exactly adapted to his needs. Mellin's Food and milk will furnish the food he likes as well as the food that will nourish every part of his wonderfully constructed body. Write today for a Free Trial Bottle of Mellin's Food and a copy of our book, reThe Care and Feeding of Infants79 Mellin's Food Co., 177 State St., Boston, Mass.