Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1927)

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Film Struck 33 tion escaped him. "Hello ! If it isn't the chesty ham-and-egg boy ! What are you looking for now ?" he queried, grinning. "More trouble?" "You better make tracks," Oscar flung back, his voice husky. It was all he could do to hold himself in check. "Oscar!" the girl reproved quickly. "This is Mr. Lavender — Lester Lavender !" As if that knowledge would square things ! "I happened to meet him as I was coming to the store. I wanted to tell you " "I guess you didn't have so much to tell," Oscar retorted bitterly. "Not from what I can see now." "Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry about — about our quarrel, Oscar," she cried. "Honest, I am." "Yes ; I can see you are — sorry a whole lot. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Glad !" "But you don't understand! Mr. Lavender " "I understand all I need to," Oscar broke in. "You don't have to do any explaining." The other laughed contemptuously. "So you're still on the warpath, eh? Coming back for another licking, are you ? The fighting chef ! Hot from the kitchen! How about this?" he asked, turning to the girl. "Do you wish me to go, or am I to send 'Awful Oscar' back to the sandwich counter?" \ "Oh, please — please — both of youalarmed. -" she protested, raged The film star, listening to the repartee, decided to make himself heard. "Who asked you to horn in here?" he demanded. "Nobody asked me. I just did. Maybe I've got a right to. You better move along before you get hurt." "You can't talk to me like that!" Oscar cried, en"I'm going to settle with you, you big ham actor! And this time you better not try using a gunon me." "A gun?" Lester echoed, chuckling. "Why,T merely tapped you on the chin with the back of my hand. I'll do it again if you don't cool off." "Try it!" Oscar challenged, stepping forward. He was blazing mad now. But his eyes were open ; he was cautious despite his rage.