Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1927)

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120 Advertising Section CHELSEA HOUSE Popular Copyrights Tales of the West, of Love and Mystery and Adventures on sea and land — you can have them now, fresh from the pens of your favorite authors. They are real books, too — no reprints of oldtimers but new books bound in cloth, with handsome stamping and jackets and all for 75 cents. Ask your bookseller to show you some of the books listed below — The Brand of Good Books THE AWAKENING OF ROMOLA Anne O'Hagan MARCIA Anne O'Hagan COWGI RLS— PLUS George Gilbert THE INCA'S RANSOM Gordon MacCreagh THE CRIMSON BLADE Madeleine Sharps Buchanan THE AMATEUR DETECTIVES Christopher B. Booth THE GLACIER GATE Frank Lillie Pollock WILD BILL Joseph Montague RIM 0' THE RANGE Ethel Smith Dorrance and James French Dorrance BLUE JEAN BILLY RONICKY DOONE THE FIGHTING WADES QUICKSANDS RED MOUNTAIN. LIMITED THE WIZARD'S SPYGLASS THE BRUTE THE WIFE OF ASA PINCHEON Charles W. Tyler David Manning John H. Hamlin Victor Thorne Eugene A. Clancy Emart Kinsburn David Manning Anne O'Hagan $10,000 REWARD Christopher B. Booth TOUCHING CLOUD Ethel Smith Dorrance and James French Dorrance GOOD HATERS George Gilbert WANDA OF THE WHITE SAGE Roy Ulrich MR. CHANG OF SCOTLAND YARD A. E. Apple BACK OF BEYOND Ethel Smith Dorrance and James French Dorrance THE WAGON BOSS Emart Kinsburn MR. CLACKWORTHY Christopher B. Booth rncLSEA house; 79-89 SEVENTH AVE.." NEW YORK CITY Chakawaxa. — That's a mouthful; one has to be sober to say that ! Madge Evans is a grown-up ingenue now ; she played on the stage this past winter in a play called "Daisy Mayme." Virginia Lee Corbin still plays frequently in pictures — flapper roles. Her current film is "Driven From Home," a Chadwick production. I don't know the address of either of these girls ; they both move about so. The George O'Brien Athletic Club, with George himself as honorary president, invites new members. Those interested may write to Ralph Savy, 17 Edgewood Street, Stafford Springs, Connecticut. Photos of George may be obtained by members. A Tom Mix Admirer. — There arc plenty of others like you ! Tom Mix was born in Texas and rode the plains as a cowboy in his youth. He was a member of the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War, and has played in pictures probably about ten or twelve j-ears. I understand that Victoria Forde is his third wife; they have been married eight years. His daughter, Ruth, by one of his earlier marriages, is about nineteen now. Tom has black hair and brown eyes and is about five feet eight inches ; he is very breezy and "Western" in his manner. Sunny. — You're quite welcome to all my "kindness;" it isn't altogether disinterested, is it? Ramon Novarro and Norma Shearer are to be cofeatured in "Old Heidelberg." His current picture is "Lovers," with Alice Terry. Lloyd Hughes has been married since June 30, 1921, to Gloria Hope ; they have a son, born last October, Lloyd has been making "An Affair of the Follies." I believe "The Love of Sunya," with Gloria Swanson, is John Boles' first film. Fan Clubs 215 75c 75c Vilma Bankv Club — Donald Phillips W. 23d St., New York City. Richard Barthelmess Fan Club — Ethel Milner, 1303 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Richard Barthelmess Club — Ralph Weddle, Box 9, Elfers, Fla. Warner Baxter Club — Robert Allen, Wisecarver Apts., Waynesburg, Pa. Better Pictures Club — Blanche Rexicker, 29 Fernwood Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Olive Borden Fan Club — Dorothy Stoll, 515(5 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 111. Clara Bow Fan Club — Louise C. Hinz, 2456 Sheridan Ave., Detroit, Mich. William Boyd Club — Elinor Ward, 33 Nassau Ave., Freeport, L. I. Evelyn Brent Fan Club — Esther Kling, 36G E. 140'th St., New York City. Mary Brian Fan Club — Clara Fochi, 53 Villa Ave., Yonkers. N. Y. Bettv Bronson Correspondence Club — Mary Campbell, 300 W. 6th St., Cisco, Texas. Alice Calhoun Club — Charles Tuck, 305 W. Horah St., Salisbury. N. C. Ronald Colman Fan Club — Alice Reynolds, 601 Pearl St., Bluefield, W. Ya. Ronald Colman Fan Club — Robert Buzzard, 1410 Main St., Joplin, Mo. Dolores Costello Fan Club — Francis C. Wilson, Blountstown, Fla. Joan Crawford Fan Club — Helen Cohn, 3628 E. 1st St., Long Beach, Cal. Bebe Daniels Fan Club — Evelyn Bode, 2745 Myrtle Ave., Glendale, L. I. Bebe Daniels Girls — Dorothy Lubon, 2064 Vvse Ave., New Y'ork City. Bebe Daniels Club — Charles Callender, S57 Station Place, Berkeley, Cal. Marion Davies Fan Club — Eleanor Jacobus, 18 Elm Road. Caldwell. N. J. Priscilla Dean Club — Nan Lulick, 220 Mount Hope Place, New York City. Carol Dempster Fan Club — John Irwin Zellner, 343 Concord Ave.. Greensburg, Pa. Carol Dempster Correspondence Club — Maurice Neel, Route 3. Forrest City. Ark. Charles de Roche Club — Annie Laurie Buttrev. 724 Maine St., Enid. Oklahoma. Dix-Eagle Motion Picture Club — J. Donald Atkins, Box 175. Huntington Park. Cal. Richard Dix Pal Club — Harold Kevine, 1<9 Arthur St., Ottawa. Ontario, Canada. Fan Correspondence Club — Reverend Frederick J. Coinpson, Sistersville, W. Ya. Helen Ferguson Friendship Club — Julia David, 98 Waltham St., Boston, Mass. Harrison Ford Club — Lillian Louise Doria, 6312 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, 111. Harrison Ford Club — Elizabeth Sumner, 2357 W. Grand Boulevard, Detroit. Mich. Four R Club — Margaret E. Driver, Luxora, Ark. William Haines Club — Nancy Lilly, 225 Boone St., Bluefield, W. Ya. Raymond Keane Club — Virginia Xagel, 1429 Willard St., San Francisco, Cal. Raymond Keane Fan Club — Loretto Morgan, 730 S. Logan St., Denver, Colo. Doris Kenyon Club — Evelyn Jackson, "Finchfield," Kew Gardens, Southport, England. Laura La Plante Club — Erich O'Brock, 4221 Woodbridge Ave., Cleveland. Ohio. Harold Lloyd Club— Hal Granger, Westboro, Ontario, Canada. Ben Lyon Club—Ida Aispur, 1413 E. 22d St., Minneapolis, Minn. Ben Lvon Correspondence Club — Lucille Pierce. W. 6th St., Cisco, Texas. Ben Lvon Lovaltv Club — R. I. Fischer. 136 Clvde Ave., Evanston, 111. Patsy Ruth Miller Fan Club — Eleanor Shaunessy, 518 E. 146th St., New York City. Tom Mix Admirers Club — Waldorf P. Libby, Box 1017, Fort Benning. Ga. Colleen Moore Fan Club — Dorothy Mae Thompson, 13 Fifth St.. Aspinwall. Pa. Colleen Moore Fan Club — Geneva McKennn. 9 Retreat St., Southgate, Ky. Lois Moran Film Club — Gloria Greenhill, 619 E. 5th St., New York City. Motion Picture Club of America — F. L. Federson, 92 Lake Ave., Melrose. Mass. Motion Picture Players Club — Zarabelle X. Reisner, 2900 W. 38th St., Chicago, 111. Movie Fans Friendship Club — Charles Mank, Jr.. 220 E. Mill St., Staunton, 111. George O'Brien Club — Leonard Eury, Box 85, Bessemer City, N. C. George O'Brien Club — Mary Knapp, 94 E. 5th St., Corning, N. Y. George O'Brien Athletic Club — Ralph Savy, 17 Edgewood St., Stafford Springs, Conn. Our Club Fans (Bebe Daniels, Madge Bellamy, Bessie Love, John Bowers) — Julia .David, 98 Waltham St., Boston. Mass. Mary Philbin Club — Agnes Rode, 3111 Sth Ave., Rock Island. 111. Mary Philbin Correspondence Club — Mae Bever,'l01S N. Winchester Ave., Chicago, 111. Photoplay Club of America — Emil J. Mueller, 923 8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. : Australian branch — Beatrice Mangan, Collier St., Brunswick, Melbourne, Australia. Mary Pickford Club — Martin Jacobsen. 912 Peck Ave., Racine, Wis. Esther Ralston Fan Club — Mabel Hill. 12o0 S. Normal Ave., Chico, Cal. Irene Rich Loyalty Club — Bernice Meadows, Box 155, Sunset Heights, Texas. Richard Talmadge Correspondence Club — Beatrice Bisenius, 16 Dean St., West Orange, N. J. Richard Talmadge Club — Max Ivochan, 16 Keir St., Lauriston. Edinburgh, Scotland. Addresses of Players. Buster Collier, Alyce Mills, Raymond Hatton, Theodore Roberts, Laska Winter .Lawrence Grav. Betty Bronson. Pola Negri, Esther Ralston. Mary Brian, Neil Hamilton Bettv Compson, Richard Dix, Ricardo Cor'tez Adolphe Menjou, Raymond Griffith, Kathrvn Hill, Wallace Beery, Jack Holt. Florence Vidor, Donald Keith, Clara Bow. Chester Conklin. Clive Brook. Arlette Marchal Kathrvn Williams, Charles ("Buddy I Rogers and' Margaret Morris, at the Famous Players Studio, Hollywood. California. Rex Ingram, Gwen Lee, Carmel Myers, Antonio Moreno, Lew Cody, Alice Terry, Ramon Novarro, Norma Shearer, John Gilbert. Zasu Pitts Claire Windsor, William Haines, Lon Chaii'ev. Sally O'Neil, Helena (VAlgy, Renee \doree Marion Davies. Conrad Nagel. Lillian Gish Pauline Starke, Eleanor Boardman, Paul'ette Duval, Karl Dane, Dorothy Sebastian Lionel Barrymore, at the Metro-Goldwvn Studio, Culver City, California Vilma Bankv, Ronald Colman. Douglas Fairbanks. Jack Pickford, Mary Picktord, Norma Talmadge, Constance Talmadge. Buster Keaton, and John Barrymore, at the United Artists Studio, 7100 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. Dorothv Seastrom, Lewis istone, Teddj Sampson." Ian Keith. Colleen Moore. Jack Mulhall, Corinne Griffith, Myrtle Stedman, Conway Tearle, Anna Q. ^ilsscm. Joyce Compton, Doris Kenyon, Milton Sills. Billie Dove Ken Mavnard. at the First National Studio, Burbank, California Reginald Dennv, Hoot Gibson. Mary Philbin, Laura La Plante, Marian Nixon, Lola Todd, Art Aeord, Louise Lorraine, Ni"a Ko