Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1927)

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Hi 62 Above, Lon Chaney and Joan Crawford get so filled with the spirit of spring that they simply can't control their feet, so Joan teaches Lon a few fancy steps, while M.-G.-M.'s ingenues furnish the music. Lon is all dressed up for "Mr. Wu." Spring has come for Harry Garey, too. Below, he and his two youngsters play horse down on the beach, and if the wicked gleam in the horse's eye means anything at all, we suspect there's going to be some rough riding. The man with the smile is William Haines, and who wouldn't grin, with a pile of fan letters like that! That's a sample of what he gets every day, and the pile is getting bigger all the time. When in doubt, kill the . director. Right, Karl Dane and Marceline Day try to shove Director Sam Wood overboard during the filming of "Red, White, and Blue." Merely a drop of 2,000 feet! 1 In and Out of The camera takes of the players on This m u s tachioed Babe Ruth — vintage of 1880 or thereabouts — is Tom O'Brien, made up for his role in "Slide, Kellv. Slide."