Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1927)

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Morning, Noon and Night Presenting an array of fashions for every hour of the day. Hoop skirts are decidedly coming in again. Left, Marceline Day wears a hoop-skirted evening frock of peachcolored chiffon, trimmed with rhinestones and self-colored ostrich feathers. The evening gown at the right, worn by Gertrude Olmsted in "Becky," is of purple chiffon trimmed with rhinestones and pearls. Right, Sally O'Neil appears in "Slide, Kelly, Slide," this afternoon dress of pink organdie, trimmed with black velvet. Half the charm of Joan Crawford's dinner frock, above, lies in its delicate coloring — pale blue, brocaded in silver — which, of course, does not show in a photograph. A dancing hat of silver cloth and silver lace is worn with it. And for sport wear, what could be smarter than Gwen Lee's two-piece suit, left, of blue and white checks, worn with a blue felt hat.