Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1927 - Feb 1928)

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62 In and Out of the Stray shots of the players at work When a motion-picture company is filming a big Klondike special like "The Trail uf '98," they go out after the biggest and best malemutes that ever crossed the Chilkoot Pass. Clarence Brown, the director, and Dolores del Rio proudly display the blue ribbons that won Skookum, Jack, and Pete a place in posterity via the movies. The foreign stars are alway up tn something! Emil .Tannings and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Veidt find a cool way of getting publicity. May McAvoy and Lois Wilson, above, romp on the beach and pose with a ball, just as though they were little girls who don't have to bother about being sophisticated and modern. Dorothy Mackaill, left, enjoys the rustic calm of her Hollywood homestead. Somehow the title of Ben Lyon's new picture, "Hell's Kitchen," makes Ben's new rowing togs, right, and general collegiate air, seem out of place. We alwa\-s thought it was thugs that matriculated there.