Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1927 - Feb 1928)

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An enviable possession. 50 cents each; 12 for $5. Semi currency, money order or U. S. 2c stamps. Pictures of famous fllra stars of the present and the past may be obtained from this studio. SATIS * FAOTIOX GUAKAXTEED. > Free list on request. J S. BRAM STUDIOS ? 729 Seventh Ave. Studio 225 K New York City J Gloria SwanSOn Dealers Ttwitrd ^ PRICES CUT 2 and it's yours All late models, completely rebuilt and refinlshedbrandnew.GUARANTEEDforten ''^**ftate^S^^*' FreO YEARS. Send no money— big FREE catalog Trial Bhowa actual machines in full colors. Get our"direct-to-you easy payment plan and JO-day free trial offer. Limited time, so write today. International Typewriter Ex.. 186W. Lake St. Dept. 1073. Chicago GROW TALLER Science has found the way to add inches to your height. No need to envy and look up to the big fellows. No need to have the disadvaiTtages of the little man. This course makes it possible for you to be on a level with your fellow men. Course is easy, inexpensive and results sure. Mail coupon for free information today! I.. GLOVER. rtoom A 9, 70 Bulkley Ave., Saiisalito, Calif. Without any oblisation to me, send me full information on how to grow taller. Name . I Street -I City. Manhattan Medley Continued from page 52 sence. After all, he's only a younger brother and with his good* looks and fine physique, Colleen feels he has more than a sporting chance to win laurels on the screen for himself. "You see, he loves it, and that is more than half the battle," said Colleen with the indulgent smile of a doting sister, though she's scarcely more than twenty-five herself. "And he's getting a fine chance, and Uncle Walter is keen about it, too, and what with ambition and a united family spirit, he is starting oft' pretty well in life, isn't he?" Uncle Walter happens to be one of the cleverest men in the country, and Colleen happens to be the apple of his eye. It was Uncle Walter Howie who helped Colleen get her chance in the movies. She v\"as a mere wisp of a girl at the time, but her heart was set on being an actress. Howie told D. W. Griftith about this little niece of his, and Griffith said, "If she'll come out to California I'll give her a six months' trial." She's been acting ever since. She played many character parts, roles where her individuality bit by bit made friends for her. There was a freshness and a spontaneity and a simplicity of heart which no amount of antics and capeus could disguise. Often as not, she wore pigtails, gingham frocks, and hobnailed boots, but as a gawky, lovable girl she forged her way from a player of bits. Julanne Seeks the Stage. Julanne Johnston arrived for a brief holiday, and between matinees and beach parties she decided to look for a job. She began by haunting the managers' offices, for Julanne has decided to go on the stage. Life has not been going any too well on the screen for the tall and willowy Julanne. The breaks have been against her, and like the determined little soldier that she is, she has decided to turn her histrionic ability to good use and try the stage. It is not particularly that she wants to do it. All girls love the screen, but she is just a good sport, and believes in the saying "Never Saj' Die." For, after all, why should you die a celluloid death while you are young and beautiful and full of joic de vivre? Julanne feels that all things being equal, she will get her chance again, and in the meantime she is going seriously to the Broadway managers trying to convince them they are losing a good bet if they don't have her in the cast of a pla}' due to reach Broadway in the early fall. Equal to Any Emergency. Dorothy Phillips came to town with the ill-fated revelers bound for Atlantic City and the Shi4ners' Convention. In Baltimore — she is a Baltimore girl, 30U know — she was met at the station by the mayor, some leading citizens, and her father and sister. Dorothy told me it wasn't only actresses who have to sacrifice for their art. Her father, who is one of Baltimore's politicians and a democrat, had to forget party quarrels and pose in a group picture with Dorothy and the republican mayor, much to the amusement of those who had heard his vehement political arguments, and who couldn't resist a merry quip when the picture was published in the papers next morning" As it was a long time since Dorothy had been in New York, there was a great deal to talk about. She has gone through the most difficult period of her career in the last three years, for she has had to go on alone since the death of her husband, Alan Holubar. But Dorothy Phillips is a good trouper, who has been able to hold her own through a succession of inadequate roles and petty annoyances that would have sent a less capable actress into oblivion. She is such a "homey"' person that one longs to bring in all the platitudes and shop-worn expressions, such as "the girl next door," for they describe her so convincingly. To see her is to talk about ways of making over last year's dress, and a new recipe for chocolate cake. The fact that she is wearing a Paris frock so recently imported that the salt of the Atlantic still clings to it. doesn't make conversation like this seem incongruous. The Passing of June Mathis. The film world was shocked and saddened by the sudden death from heart failure of June Mathis, one of its most loved figures, during the performance of a play which she was attending with her grandmother. Although she won her spurs as a writer, she was famous in the eyes of the fans as the discoverer of Rudolph Valentino. When "The Four Horsemen" was in process of preparation. Miss Mathis insisted, in the face of the strongest opposition, that the then unknown Rud}' play Julio. Her wish was received with incredulous amazement at first, until finally the producers gave in, and the whole world knows the result.