Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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108 Advertising Section The Old Reliable Credit Jewelers Dept. D-B27 lOS N. State St. lBR0S.&C0.flT6& Cht»T Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back DIAMONDS Genuine Diamonds Guaranteed y For lower pficesand a better selection— orderyour <4 "gifts from Loftisl See these three great specials — your choice at §43.75 each — tremendous values! Rings and watches are 18K solid white gold set with dazzling bluewhiteDiamonds ITerms:$4. 3 7 down, balance pay able weekly.semi-monthlyormonthly. Shipped NO MONEY DOWN)subject to your free examination, on request. SEND FOR FREE CATALOG! PIANO SYNCOPATION .j^EgsTAUSHT BY WBBM RADIO ARTIST V Play popular music in the same entertaining way that Radio, Record and Roll Artists do. Charlie Garland, Star Pianist, and Radio and ' Record Favorite of Thousands has arranged a SO Lesson Home Stitdy Course, covering every phase of popular mnsict including Modem Harmony, Tricka, Fifl-In, Progression 10th Bass, etc. Very small coat. Simple, eaBy to learn. Write for free particulars. CHARLIE GARLAND gK&S£ftB£ft8 SHAPELY LIMBS MAKE SHAPELY LIMBS; DEFY DETECTION y LEGPADS' / Also, Rubber Busts with Shoulder Straps. $6. Opera Hose, $3. Pr. ; 2 Pr. $5. ; finest quality, $4.50; 3 Pr. $12.; Service Weight Silk Hose, $2.25; 3 Pr. $6.50; finest quality, 3 Pr. $7.50; Reducing Rubber Garments; Wigs and Charm Braids; Tights; Leotards; Theatrical Supplies. CAMP, 235-237 Fifth Ave., New York Beauty of Womanhood — The Bust f De ve loped Quickly THIS BEAUTIFUL WOMAN SAYS: "1 have proven that any woman can have a "beautiful bust if she will only use your method. It is over ii years since I results are permanent, imy perfect figure." quest.) FOR FIFTEEN method has stood as sure, harmless woman's bust. used it. The Friends envy (Name on re YEARS this the only safe, way of developing a Endorsed by physi method, booklet THE OVIE STAR PHOTOS Mother s Boy Grows Up cians of national reputation — praised by thousands who have beautified their forms. Write for information — surprising photographic proof, showing as much as 5 inches enlargement by this Your name and address on a ^nost card brings under sealed postage. 'No obligation — write to-day. OLIVE CO. Dept. 26 Clarinda, Iowa LATEST POSES I 1 124 photos, size 3k{x5M, (including K FREEiminiature ART ki M pictures) $1.00. 8x10— $5 doz. One band-colored FREE &Mmm each So order. Complete lis) FREE. Also Bathing Girl photos: 24-S1.00. FILM STARS PORTRAIT CO., Dept. A. 424 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. BUNIONS TOS NEVER, in the history of medical scierce, has the amazing action of Pedodyne Solvent been equalled. It's perfectly marvelous. Stops the torturing pain of the most sensitive bunion almost instantly and reduces the enlarged, disfiguring growth like magic. Your very next pair of shoes maybe a size smaller— often two sizes smaller. Prove It by Actual Test Send your name and address today. Just say, "I want to try Pedodyne," and the full treatment guaranteed to bring complete results may be yours to try. No obligations— Address KAY LABORATORIES, Dept. N304 480 North Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois Continued from page 62 posas" — that is to say, looking very sophisticated beneath the turneddown brim of a Fedora, and holding a cigarette. The women down in the Argentine will possibly form clubs bearing his name. Greatly affected by his good looks, they swamp the theaters where his picture is being shown. When death scene after death scene showed Barry in the act of passing on, his father got so worried that he began to believe his taking eyes more than his mind. The cryingand emotion expressed up here is merely intensified a dozen times in the Argentine. "Mais, sapristi! How painful it is to have to see him always dying," moaned Mr. De Biraben on this topic. Barry has given Fox pictures greater standing in South America than was ever theirs before he was with them. If Fox pictures arrive at Buenos Aires without the presence of Barry Norton, the citizens believe that Mr. Fox is depriving them of the real talent and art. They may be right, too. After the showing of "Seventh Heaven" down there, Mr. De Biraben's letters were full of praise for Janet Gaynor and Charlie Farrell. "I should like to see Barry play opposite the little Gaynor, the mar velous child," was one of his confidences. The news that Barry will be at least near La Gaynor in "The Four Devils" has caused a wave of enthusiasm to spread over the Argentine beforehand. Probably the Colon Opera House will have to be hired, in order to accommodate those who will wish to see the film. The De Biraben household in Belgrano is constantly a shrine for all the Argentine movie reporters who wish to learn past and present details of Barry Norton's career. Ortiz Nestor, a young reporter and answer man for the Mnndo Argentina, has become a friend of the family. He declares that he gets more questions, and gives out more information about Barry than any other player. When not working, Barry gets up about lunch time — one or two o'clock — and goes to bed the next morning around breakfast. But this is only occasionally, for he is mostly always in the midst of a picture. And, remember, he is a sophisticate of the first water, "a man of the world." Winfield Sheehan, general manager of Fox, told me that Barry was one of their best bets. "Why, the Argentine knew that from the beginning ," was all I said. There's No Place Like Home Continued fr windows and arch, of cherry-red velvet. Back of the dining room is a bright, cheery breakfast room in pale yellow and green. The furniture and walls are gayly painted, the little French chandelier is an intricate mass of gold vines and porcelain birds; even the china in the green chest is in the same frivolous manner. Beyond are the pantries and kitchen, painted yellow and yellow tiled, leading, in turn, to additional servants' rooms. Returning to the entrance hall, we ascend the carpeted staircase that encircles the hall. At intervals along its ascent, stained-glass windows break the round hall. At the top is a short gallery, on the floor of which are several small prayer rugs, which were Mr. Webb's mother's. "It has been marvelous luck for me," Esther says, "that I could have so many of her things. She had a beautiful home, filled with charming treasures, and a great many of them are now here. I like it for Mr. Webb, too. It is nice for him to have the om page 31 things about that were familiar to his boyhood." To the left, at the end of the gallery, and above the living room, is Esther's bedroom. This long room is French, and distractingly feminine. The color scheme is Esther's favorite, orchid and pale green. At the French windows are voluminous taffeta curtains of orchid and green. The bed covering is green quilted taffeta. Under this, the comforter is a heavenly, solid mass of alternating orchid-andgreen-satin roses. The satin-wool blankets are pale green, and the sheets are orchid. Slipper chairs, cushions, chaise longnes, carpet, and walls are in the same colors.. The furniture proper is in satinwood and rosewood, combined in inlays. The set was copied for Esther from a famous French original. On the dressers are fascinating arrays of perfume lamps, and perfume bottles of blown glass, in the form of flowers. In the wall, to the right of the entrance, a door opens into a greenand-orchid dressing room, which