Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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110 Advertising Section o. 290 -$60 $5 Deposit-$l a Week A magnificent cluster of 7, fine quality, full cut, sparkling, bluewhite, genuine diamonds is set in a solid platinum disk. Disk is set in an, exceptionally popular, beautifully hand engraved. 18 Kt. solid white Jkgold mounting. This gorgeous^^ ■ \ cluster has every appe&r-^mf t ~^m S*K. ance of a 3600 '/^ kiv^^'~^ solitaire, ^tf^r I 16 KARPi Nc Re Tape ays Trial We are Money Back eftab GUARANTEE lished firm of diamond importers. You take no risk. If you ere not satisfied that the ring is the biggest bargain you ever got, return it within lOdaysand we will refund every cent you paid. All dealings confidential. SEND NOAfteryougct UNiS I only $5.00 to postman. If you keep it, pay only Si. 00 a week for one whole year. DON'T BOTHER WRITING A LETTER: Just pin this ad to apiece of paper with your name, address and finger size on it and state whether white or colored. PRICE CUT TO $60— WORTH $100 You can nowbuy this gorgeous ring at the wholesale price. Compare it with similar rings at $100. We guarantee it to stand any test or comparision. Greatest bargain offered by any Diamond Importer. We allow 8% annual increase in exchange for a larger diamond ring. Write for FREE Illustrated Catalog It brings our large Jewelry Store right into your home. Gives weights, grades and description so you can buy diamonds like an expert. Gives information other jewelers dare not tell. AGENTS WANTED—EARN $200 WEEK. WRITE FOR DETAILS. STERLING .g$5SSS Cf?c! $ 1.000,000 STOCK E5TB. 1540 BROADWAY DEPT. 23lO !S79t N.Y. NERVES? Are You Always Excited? Fatigued? Worried? m Gloomy? Pessimistic? Constipation, indigestion, cold sweats, dizzy spells and sex weakness are caused by NERVE EXHAUSTION. Drugs, tonics and medicines cannot help weak, sick nerves! Learn how to regain Vigor, Calmness and Self Confidence. Send 25c for this amazing book. RICHARD BLACKSTONE. N329 FLATIRON BUILDING. NEW YORK [owe© . — eaRN $4Oto100whk WE GIVE PROJECTOR AND TEACH YOU AT HOME. BiK demand by Movie and Vaudeville Theatres. N. Y. INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY, 10 W. 33rd St.. New York. Dept. PS. Top-Notch Magazine 2 On the news stands — the 1st and J 5th of each month Money, But No Airs Continued from page 74 personality, who is two, or five, or a dozen things at once. What divers types of people you meet there ! I recall one candle-lit evening, Norma Talmadge, sheathed in golden cloth, on a low 'bench, looked with enrapt attention at some one who interested her — bevies of lovely girls — a cauliflower-eared "comer," shifting nervously on a high-backed Chippendale armchair, sensing himself in a strange and "elegant" environment, and not knowing just exactly what to do about it. His frightened eyes seeking Jack, Estelle slips into a seat beside the boy, and in a twinkling puts him at ease, grinning happily. Perhaps she talked his lingo. Goodness knows what she said ! Thin-nosed Pasadena ladies, with lorgnettes, their smiling eyes following Estelle — executives relaxed over the card tables. Their art of hospitality is quite simple: they enjoy themselves. That's contrary to etiquette, but it assures the guests a good time. Jack, the fighter, at home becomes a big, humble boy, who follows her around with cushions and bowls of broth. "I so want to make good as Estelle Taylor, but sometimes I wonder if I did wrong in objecting when they tried to bill me as 'Mrs. Jack Dempsey,' "' she mused one day. "I'd throw the whole thing, rather than hurt Jack. And, though he never says anything, he beams over the notices that call me 'Mrs. Dempsey.' " Estelle has gone through her fan mail to cull out any uncomplimentary references to Jack, and she has found in wastebaskets, comments from his mail, which he had meant to destroy lest they hurt her. As long as they continue thus each to shield the other, their marriage is safe. "Jack is boss. It's pretty good to sit back, and let somebody big and protecting, like my boy, decide things. But the times that have meant most to me have been those when his big strength gave way, and he needed me. As when he said, 'Honey, I forgot to duck!' I feel so old, then, and so strong. Precious few though they've been, they are my hours." She "takes herself off" with glorious mimicry. Jack, with his customary prodigality, having told an interior decorator to get Mrs. Dempsey whatever she wanted, many days were spent in making selections. Estelle is exacting, though pleasant. Besides her coupe, and the luxurious town car, there's Jack's roadster in which they whiz to Tiajuana, with a grinning motor cop to clear the way. Once, as they walked down the lane of light at a glamorous premiere, with another actress, a newsboy presented a handful of wilted violets, asking which was Mrs. Dempsey. "She is," Estelle pointed to the other, "I'm Pola Negri." The boy gave her a look of disgust, and got all red in the face as he gave the violets to the other woman. Crowds of kids materialize, apparently from nowhere, the minute Jack appears, surrounding him, climbing all over him, grinning at Estelle, and including her in their adulation, because they've learned she hasn't any airs. At times, she flaunts a surprising inferiority complex. A particular friend is the wife of a famous director. Estelle's name had been mentioned for his new picture. She hesitated to ask his wife to luncheon. "She might think I was trying to play politics," was her quandary. "I wouldn't care what others think — let them yap — but I wouldn't want her to get notions." As a result, she hurt her friend's feelings by ignoring her, and was in a worse panic than ever, airs. To some who don't know them, Jack may be merely a dethroned champ, and Estelle "one of those movie queens." To Hollywood they are Estelle and Jack, one of the colony's most popular couples, loved for their geniality, their humor, and their sincerity. And if you think the home town isn't rooting for Estelle, and expecting big achievements, drop in some day. Oyez ! Oyez ! Continued from page 20 Barrymore is so patently and thoroughly of the theater. By tradition, training, and temperament he is unquestionably the actor. One wonders a little at his cheerful acceptance of the roles he receives in pictures, and at his amusing and contented patter about happy endings and popular types. One grieves a little for the artist of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and "The Sea Beast." Is it the California sunshine, or is it some insidious, deadening element in the picture business, that lulls such men to lethargy? Let us hope John Barrymore never discovers a "popular type" to play upon the screen !