Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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Advertising Section 113 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Agents and Help Wanted Male Help — Instructions Art, Books, etc. AGENTS — 90c. an hour to advertise our goods and distribute Free samples to consumers. Write quick for territory and particulars. American Products Co., 1951, Monmouth, Cincinnati, 0. MEN QUALIFY FOR RAILWAY POSTAL clerk, internal revenue, mail carrier and outdoor positions ; steady work, particulars free. Write Mokane Inst., Dept. B-16, Denver, Colo. ART PUBLICATIONS; Books, Magazines, in French, Spanish, English. Photo novelties, samples, lists, etc., 20 cents stamps. Villaverde Co., Dept. 214, Box 1329, Havana, Cuba. EARN $120 to $250 monthly, expenses paid as railway traffic inspector ; we assist you to a position after completion of three months' spare time home study course or refund your money. Write for free booklet CM-28, Standard Business Training Inst., Buffalo, N. Y. AMERICA'S GREATEST TAILORING Line Free. 130 large Swatch Samples — All Wool — Tailored-to-Order — Union Made ■ — sensational low price. Get outfit at once. Address Dept. 630, Goodwear, 844 Adams, Chicago. Detectives Wanted MEN — Experience unnecessary ; travel ; make secret investigations ; reports ; salaries ; expenses. Write American Foreign Detective Institute, 114, St. Louis, Mo. WE START YOU WITHOUT A DOLLAR, Soaps, Extracts, Perfumes, Toilet Goods. Experience unnecessary. Carnation Co., Dept. 2860, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS, make your own products. Toilet articles, Household Specialties, etc. 500% profit. Valuable booklet free. National Scientific Laboratories, 1994W Broad, Richmond, Va. Patents and Lawyers PATENTS. Send sketch or model for preliminary examination. Booklet free. Highest references. Best results. Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 724 Ninth St., Washington, D. C. BECOME A SEA CAPTAIN OR MARINE Engineer. Write Cook's Nautical Information Bureau, Box 256, San Pedro, California. DETECTIVES EARN BIG MONEY. Great demand. Excellent opportunity. Experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write, George Wnfnpr ^IQft Rrnfldwnv T*Jpw Vorlc MEN 18-35. $1900 year. Railway Postal Clerks. Steady. Sample coaching Free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. F2, Rochester, N. Y. Salesmen THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY IN Selling Field. Here are simple facts : A Tailoring Line. All Wool Goods. Madeto-Measure. Sensational Low Price. MoneyBack Guarantee. $25.00 Sales Outfit showing quarter-yard samples Free. Also greatest book of selling helps ever put out. Write at once to Dept. 513, Madison Brothers, 131 South Peoria, Chicago. MEN, enter U. S. Mail Service; $142-$225 month ; steady ; paid vacations ; experience unnecessary. For details, write Norton Inst., 1545 Temple Court, Denver, Colo. LET MR. OZMENT HELP YOU GET A Government Job, $95-$250 Month. Write Ozment Inst., 308, St. Louis, Mo. Salesmen Wanted INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED. Patented or unpatented. Write Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 223 Enright, St. Louis, Mo. MEN— BIG PAY. SOUTH AMERICAN work. Companies pay* fare, expenses. South American Service Bureau, 14,600 Alma, Detroit, Mich. $10 TO $20 DAILY easily earned selling shoes for the largest direct to wearer concern in the world at saving of $2 to $3 pair; some good protected territory still open. Doublewear Shoe Co?, Minneapolis, Minn. PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM Sell Us Your Spare g Probably you can think of a score of things right g now for which you would like to have some extra g money — a home of your own, a car, a college educa 1 tion. Any of these is within your grasp if you ■ simply follow the successful course of thousands g of men and women, boys and girls, who are turn g ing their spare time into cash taking subscriptions jj for our magazines. | EASY TO START g The same plan that has made these folks prosperous g is now offered to you. No experience, no capital g necessary. Does not interfere with your regular g duties. Try it out ! It costs only a 2c. stamp, or a g penny post card to get full details and a complete IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllH Time money-making outfit FREE. You have nothing to lose and may gain hundreds of dollars — here's the coupon. MAIL IT TO-DAY! I STREET & SMITH CORPORATION 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. Please show me how I can profitably sell you my spare time. NAME STREET CITY STATE