Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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122 Advertising Section Who Else Wants to Reduce 29 Pounds in 6 Weeks? Melt Fat Away by New Oxygen Method Dt. Emil Sauer, Practicing New England physician, and graduate of a prominent German university says: "Viaderma will take off fat on any part of the body. Thi3 Is brought, about by the release of oxygen contained in the cream, which combines with fat, melting it down so that the resultant by-products are thrown off by the body through the natural organs of elimination. Most cases begin to respond to the treatment in four or five days. Stubborn cases show' results in fifteen Or sixteen days, with very rapid reduction thereafter. "Viaderma is safe and absolutely harmless. Its principal ingredient, has a slight tonic effect and cannot possibly produce any harmful results." A prominent Madison Avenue physician, who has long specialized in the use of colloids, 6ays of the chief fat-reducing ingredient of Viaderma: "It gives up its loosely combined oxygen readily — to the body tissues. .From the action of this liberated oxygen to the fatty tissues, obesity can be successfully treated without danger to the subject." Measurements Before and After Using Viaderma "You can see that I have got results. Here are my measurements before and after using Viaderma." WAS ins. Left Knee 21 M Right Knee21 yi Waist 43 H Hips ■ 54 Abdomen 44 NOW ins. Left Knee 17 ,. Right Kneel7 \i Waist 41 Hips 50 "4 Abdomen 42 H "It's Wonderful" "I am glad indeed that I took the Viaderma treatment for reduction. To be fat is both distasteful and ungraceful and I most certainly was over weight. At the end of eighteen applications I had lost over three inches waist measurement and more than four inches around hips. I notice that after using Viaderma that the flesh becomes firmer and of better texture. I am going to-recommend Viaderma whenever I get a chance. It's wonderful. Yours very truly,'! Reduce Where You Want to Reduce — Banish Double Chin—' Thick Neck, Fat Arms, Legs, Ankles— Large Busts, Waists and Hips Quickly, Safely. No Starvation Diets, No Punishing Exercises, No Dangerous Drugs. Results Positively Guaranteed or You Do Not Pay a Penny. Think of it! Without drugs, without starvation diets, without dangerous exercises, but with a new method, safe, harmless, endorsed by physicians and scientists, enthusiastic users have reduced 29 pounds in six weeks. You, too, can get amazing results — or no cost to you. Through a remarkable new scientific discovery, it is now possible to reduce exactly where you want to reduce — easily, quickly and safely. Double chins that make you look ten years older vanish in a few days' time. Large busts, thick waists, big hips, fat arms and legs that fashion frowns on respond readily to the new treatment. In the past thousands have done themselves serious bodily harm by too strenuous exercises. dangerous starvation diets, weakening baths and powerful drugs. Doctors everywhere are warning women against these wrong methods. Today they are entirely unnecessary. For hosts of women, whose appearance was ruined by excess fat on various parts of the body, many of whom had given up all hope of finding a sure and safe reduction method, have quickly regained youthful slendemess and litheness of line throjigh the discovery of Viaderma. Accidental Discovery of Famous Chemists This discovery of Viaderma was purely accidentals An eminent New York doctor, specializing in skin diseases, asked a group of colloidal chemists, who, for years had enjoyed the highest professional standing with physicians, and whose products were sold only to physicans, to try to find a remedy for chronic skin troubles. (Colloidal chemistry is one of the latest developments in chemical science.) After a number of experiments these chemists prepared a cream which would liberate oxygen freely when absorbed through the skin. And then came the amazing surprise! They discovered that whenever Uie part' being treated was fat, this excess weight quickly disappeared. Exhaustive clinical tests were then made to reduce excess fat on every part of the body. Results were obtained with a uniformity that was amazing. So convincing have been these tests that these specialists unhesitatingly say that there is no question about the power of Viaderma to remove fat. And it is so safe and harmless that it has received the endorsement and approval of chemists and physicians of high standing. What It Is What It Does Viaderma is a colloidal, infiltrating cream con As Viaderma filters through the skin and into taining double oxygen. It is golden brown in the fat layers it immediately begins to give off color, and when rubbed on any part of the body §gg«?^fi2*£ e^^»*?*S& disappears at once, leaving a clean white foam. manner as in exercise. When you exercise you You don't have to guess— you see it vanish be ^tj,a¥',.deep, brKiatlif' a£g?rbing increased , . . .... u . j oxygen into your blood. This oxygen is the fore your very eyes, proving how it is absorbed means whereby the fat is disintegrated. With and penetrates right into the fat layers, where Viaderma you accomplish the same and even the oxygen (like the oxygen in the air you ^^^g^^™^^ breathe) gradually melts away excess fat. wish. How You May Try Viaderma Without Risking a Single Penny Just mail the coupon at the right and we will send you, without any obligation on your part, freS booklet on "How to Reduce Where You Want to Reduce." We will also send you our guarantee order blank telling how you can order Viaderma on trial with the strongest and most liberal guarantee you can imagine. You must be satisfied or it does not cost one penny. When you consider that you take not the slightest risk sending for this booklet and full information about Viaderma — not even a financial risk — there is no longer the slightest excuse for excess fat. There is certainly no reason when others stouter than yourself have easily-gotten rid of their unsightly fat and surprised and delighted their friends with youthful and attractive appearance regained. Mail the coupon today. What Women Say Who Have Used Viaderma You have read what scientists and specialists say about Viaderma. You have seen howthey.endorse and approve it. These scientific opinions prove that it is sure, "safe and harmless. But more convincing than anything else to most people who want to reduce is the actual expert* ence of folks who had bought and used Viaderma. Day by day letters come to us from grateful men and women telling of remarkable results. There is space here to print only a few. . Read what these people say. For obvious -reasons we do-not give their names in print; but -/ these signed letters are on file at our office: — ■ f ( •'Remarkable Reduction" / "I want you to know of how much benefit Viaderma has been to ✓ me. I have used it on my legs and the reduction has been remark » able — about three-quarters of an inch in six weeks' time. I shall jf otrtainly continue to use it and expect further results. Jr. Yours very truly." / Colloidal ♦'Surprised at Results" jr Chemists* "The cream is quite remarkable and although I'.ve only Deot 128A recently given it any kind of a fair test, I am surprised at „ tu ohft, c» the results. One inch off my neck and that's going some. ^ ' , ** I shall certainly recommend Viaderma whenever I can. ^ INew York City* "Thanking you again I am Cordially yours." Please send me, with. O out obligation on my f. part, your free bookies •'Has Lost 29 Pounds and Feels So "How to Reduce Where Mnrh Better" f You Want to Reduce." and Biucn oeiar j, complete information telling me "After about six weeks' treatment with / how I can get Viaderma oa trial Viaderma, I feel that I must let you know ✓ without any financial risk, how wonderfully it has helped me. I have f reduced from one inch to two and one-half jr inches over arms and legs, and over two f Name .. inches in the heck. During this period I jf lost 29 pounds and feel ever so much bet f Adttre33 ter in general health. Viaderma is truly ✓ rtuureso the solution of safe and sane fat reduction. J Very truly yours," / City and State