Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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More time to play You can always find people to tell you that the country is going to the dogs because we're doing so much playing. "When did your grandmother find any time to play? There was a woman for you!" No doubt. Just the same, we'd like to have given her a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, electric lights, running hot water, a telephone, baker's bread, delicious canned foods, an automobile and a set of golf clubs. Can you picture grandfather's face? . . . "Gone to the country club. Look in the ice-box." Through advertising, science is giving us more and more time to play. Advertising is knocking minutes off every phase of household work from cooking to shopping, to give us leisure hours. . . . and we're just using them as grandmother would have if she'd had the chance. / / / Read the advertising. It will bring you more time to play