Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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Advertising Section 115 Stardom Can't Last — What's to FolW? Continued from page 87 Incidentally, he confided on the same occasion that he aspired to become a studio executive. "No actor has ever achieved that position, that I know of," he remarked. "But that is what I should like to do, and I am going to try to do it!" John Gilbert wants to produce. "It is all an accident, my being an actor, anyhow !" he told me. "No one wasas surprised as I was. Me — with my bulbous nose and funny, thin neck — a leading man ! It's amazing ! "I shall go on, of course, as long as I can, and make as much money as possible. But afterward I am going to work! This is not work, you know — just walking through a picture. Other people have written the story, planned the settings, worked out the action. Why, the very things I do on the set are the expressions of the director. I am just a puppet! "When the public no longer wants to see me on the screen — and it can't be very long, now ! — I want to do some of the work in pictures. I want to use my brain. "I am an egomaniac, you know, and I think I could do a lot of these things better than most of the people who are doing them. There are a few brain-workers in the industry to whom I take off my hat with tremendous respect. The rest — well, I think I could do better !" Jack has great plans, beautiful dreams, of things he wants to do in pictures. Stardom, to him, is just an incident along the way. The end of it will be a new beginning for him. Esther Ralston, the beautiful blond Esther, plans a dressmaking establishment. "They have made a clothes horse of me in pictures," she remarked. "I shall cash in on that ! I have not spent my time entirely in learning how to act. I have spent it learning how to dress, too. I shall sell my knowledge after I have finished practicing what I have learned in pictures." They are learning, the stars of today, from the experiences of the stars of yesterday. Success can dissolve overnight, into shadows and memories. Only a few can remain in the spotlight over a long period — and they look forward to forty as the end of their stay. After stardom — what? It is a question which many established plaj'ers are considering seriously in these days of insecurity and abrupt endings of careers. ' So positive are we that you will find Merke Derma Vials of wonderful help in ending dandruff and falling hair, and in stimulating new hair growth, that we offer you PROOF without obligation. Simply mail coupon for one regular size vial ABSOLUTELY FREE. Hermetically Sealed New Liquid Kills Germs that cause DANDRUFFand FALLING HAIR STOP worrying about hair troubles — dormant hair roots with the life-giving dandruff, falling hair, approaching bald nourishment they so sorely need, ness ! 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