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Advertising Section
Hollywood Higk Lights
Continued from page 100
Offers to be Menagerie.
A man recently wrote to one of the studios, offering to double for animals in talking pictures. He said he could crow like a rooster, bleat like a sheep, roar like a lion, bray like a jackass, and quack like a duck. "I also was learning to rattle like a rattlesnake," he continued, "but my girl didn't like it, and wanted to throw me down, so I put that out of my repertoire."
Nemesis Pursues Tom.
Tom Mix's troubles just seem to multiply and multiply. Not only did he have to defend his honor in a fist fight, and then go to court about it, but he has been so tied up with work that he is unable to go to Europe, as he had planned, to join Mrs. Mix and his daughter, Thomasina. Mrs. Mix rather coyly averred, lately, that she wouldn't return home until Tom came for her, according to report, so that this probably made the deferring of the trip a double disappointment to Tom.
This disappointment was as nothing", though, to that which courtroom fans suffered during the trial, when Tom failed to arrive before the judicial tribunal in a ten-gallon hat, and high boots. Everybody had gone to the courtroom expecting that thrill above all others, and it was not forthcoming. Tom appeared in a quiet business suit, a soft hat of regulation style and black oxfords, quite the unexpected.
Not So Ephemeral.
Who says that the movies are a precarious profession ?
One actor, Edward Connellv, has
been with a single organization for fourteen years.
Connelly is a contract player with Metro-Goldwyn. He was with the old Metro before its merger with the other parts of the organization a few years ago, and attracted considerable attention in the earlier Rex Ingram pictures.
Oh, Well— They'll Change It.
Muni Weisenfrend is the name of a new .Movietone actor !
Bo-Peep Missing.
Just to add to this joy over names, we might pass along the news that Fox has signed a little Chinese girl by the name of Petite Bo Ling, and that she has a sister named Bo Ching. By some strange chance, they are appearing in a picture called "Husbands Are Liars." Make out of that what you can, Watson.
Alice Joyce on Stage?
There sjeems to be a strong probability that Alice Joyce will make her stage deput in a dramatization of Ernest Pascal's novel "The Marriage Bed," when it is produced in Los Angeles, and Owen Moore also is mentioned for an importan role.
Owen Moore has won his spurs over and over again in plays staged at the Writers' Club, while Miss Joyce apparently anticipated the vogue of the talkies by recently completing a year's course in the use of the speaking voice at Columbia University. Her appearance on the stage, in the citadel of the talkies, cannot fail to be interesting and perhaps a step forward in her motion-picture career.
Manhattan Medley
Continued from page 61
dotted tie, at the age of thirteen, has been transformed from The Kid into a little gentleman. The Kid, in his teens, utters wise cracks, does the varsity drag, and recites war poems in company with his father, a hoofer of parts.
Connie Lured Abroad.
Constance Talmadge has gone to Europe to appear in a new film. She arrived in Paris a few hours before her erstwhile husband, Captain Alastair Macintosh, married Leta Emery, of New York, but she did not attend
the ceremony. Instead, she went off to Nice where she will be the star of Louis Mercanton's picture "Venus."
Mr. Marmont Breeds Foxes!
Speaking of matters across the water, Percy Marmont, having accumulated what is colloquially known as a bank roll, is now occupying his estate in Merrie England and is raising foxes for commercial purposes. He's thoroughly enjoying life, and plans to continue his pleasurable existence unless the call of histrionic duties should prove too urgent.
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shampoo. VLOTO LINE is absolutely grreaselees and harmless — contains no alcohol. Special four-treatmenb Bizc sent postpaid for 50c. Money refunded if not pleased.
VLOTOLINE LABORATORIES, Inc. 224 E. 42nd St., New York City, Dept. 140
D R.WALTER'S Special extrastrong Ankle Bands, will support and shape the ankle and calf while reducing them.
They fit like a glove. Can be worn under any kind of hose without detection. / You cannotethedifferenceinshapeof / ankle at once. Can be worn at night / , and reduce while you sleep, or during y /, the day deriving then extra benefit of the support.
Write for Dr. Walter's Special Ankle Bands for $3.75. Pay by check or money order (no cash) or pay postman.
Send Ankle and Calf measure to
DR. JEANNE G*A. WALTER 389 Fifth Avenue New York
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