Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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,Pt* How do When you enter a store to buy anything, how do you ask for it? Do you call for the articles by name, or do you generalize — a can of tomato soup; a bag of flour; an aluminum kettle; so many square yards of linoleum; a meat grinder? It is much better and far more satisfactory to specify the articles you want by name, for merchandise that is good enough to be sold by name is almost always better in quality, and no higher in price, than goods of uncertain lineage and less certain quality. The advertising columns carry advertised names that are familiar to millions of people. They represent those articles that stand for the best in their respective classes of merchandise — quality all through. Advertising keeps these names before you constantly. Advertising is a constant reminder that the articles you want are the same articles you see advertised day by day — that justify their being by the service they render. And advertising brings you news — of inventions, discoveries, improvements that keep you up to date. Tell the sales-clerk what you want by its advertised name. You'll get it — and your money will purchase full value. It pays to read advertising and remember advertised names. you buy?