Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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Over the Teacups 31 plaining them? Mary Philbin will be in the first one." "Well, she would have to do a lot of explaining about some of the clothes I've seen her wear, and I still wouldn't like them." ''And Elinor Glyn is so dissatisfied with the way some of her pictures have been made, she is going to make just a few talking pictures in which her ideas can't be changed. She says she's through forever with motion pictures." "That makes it practically unanimous," I chimed in. Fanny's blithe enthusiasm was • not to be crushed. She beamed with pride as she told me about what her various friends were doing. "Alma Rubens has a perfectly glorious role in 'She Goes to War.' She plays an Oriental cabaret dancer. I, for one, am terribly fed up on war pictures. If producers insist on making them, I wish some one would get up another war picture in which the women wore more attractive clothes. Those 1914 to 1918 clothes are atrocities now. Lois Moran is making a war picture, too. It is called 'Judith.' "I think the hardest-working player I know is Bodil Rosing. She is always rushing through one production in order to get ready for another. Ever since 'Sunrise' she has been in great demand. She is slated for a part with John Barrymore in the Lubitsch picture, but before they got to her scenes Chuck Reisner insisted on having her for the picture he is making with Eddie . Quillan. ;i "I wish that some one would put Bodil in a part that shows how young and chic she is off the screen. They always have her playing suffering mothers. She is a grandmother in real life, but she is anything but long suffering. She has no such ambitions, though. The one dream of her life is to play Fanny Hurst's 'Lummox.' She has studied that book over and over, thought of it by day and dreamed of it by night, until she just feels that the character belongs to her. She knows the Scandinavian temperament awfully well, which is an advantage. And Fanny Hurst is eager that she should play the part when Herbert Brenon makes the picture. Oh, (well, dreams do come true in pictures occasionally, so maybe she will get it. "Bessie Love is all set to do a picture for Metro-Goldwyn that she is crazy about, and the poor girl can't do Ruth Chatterton bids fair to be a new luminary in dialogue films. photo by Bichee Photo by Richee Bebe Daniels clings to her beach home, even though her neighbors have fled the wintry blasts. anything out sit around and wait, while they test a few dozen actors in the hope of finding a leading man. He has to sing and dance as well as act, so it is a tough assignment. "An awfully attractive girl named Blanche Le Clair has been cast for a big part in Bessie's picture. It is the first real break she has had, though she was under contract to Paramount for a year. I think she will make a hit. I know that every time I have seen her anywhere, people have clutched me and asked who she is. And any one with that much individuality should make good on the screen. "I' wonder if Mary Pickford will ever really get around to make 'Coquette.' There have been so many distinguished visitors in California recently, that Continued on 1 page 104