Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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My left side felt paralyzed, and I was never in such pain in my life. Some one was saying, 'Get up, get up,' and I managed to slide off the bed onto my knees. I was trying to get to my feet when everything went dark before me, and I fell half under the bed. When I regained consciousness, they found that my shoulder had been dislocated and one of my back muscles torn loose. The scene was photographed and every one liked it, but the censors objected on the grounds that it was too brutal, so it will not be shown. "I do wish that I could learn to cry beautifully before the camera. I am the ugliest person in the world when I cry. My face wrinkles up and my eyes get bloodshot. Janet Gaynor can cry wonderfully. I used to ask her how she did it. The best crying I ever saw was done by Gloria Swanson, in 'The Humming Bird.' It was the scene where she was lying on the floor." Olive Borden is an only child. Her father died when she was fourteen months old, and the tie between mother and daughter is uncommonly strong. I imagine that Olive, in the midst of ^movies and Hollywood, is Advertising' Section subjected to far stricter parental supervision than many of her girl fans. Inevitably, of course, some one mentioned talking pictures. Olive's opinion was so odd as to warrant quotation. "They make me feel the same way I feel when somebody shows me a picture of a corpse beautifully laid out in a shroud !" Luncheon over, Olive opened her bag and began to refurbish her makeup. "It's a wonder I don't get painter's colic from eating so much lip rouge," she remarked. She took me home in her RollsRoyce, and all the time I looked and listened for some verification of those horrid stories of ostentation. The truth is, Miss Borden has changed but little since that day five years ago when she told me good-by. She is happier now, and more philosophical. She has learned to "take it on the chin." Her recent pictures — "quickies," if you must — are getting good notices, and that, of course, is encouraging. I predict that she will yet surprise her critics by developing into a first-rate actress. All she needs is a helping hand — and good stories. Jetta Steps Do\tfn — But Not Out Continued from page 43 had one or two offers to go on the stage in New York. One in particular was a starring role in a Broadway production. It was very flattering; oh, yes, but would it have turned out well? "By permitting insistence on stardom to lead me, I would have accepted it. The play might have been a success, running for a year or two. In that case, I would have been off the screen for just so long and the fans would have forgotten me. It is, ah, so very easy to be forgotten in pictures. "I had offers to star in Europe. I could have gone to England, Ger many, or France. If I had let the craze for stardom lead me, as it has led many others, I would have jumped at one offer or the other. But wnat would have happened to my standing in Hollywood? "Foreign pictures, aside from big productions, are never seen in America. Besides, it was in this country I first started in pictures. I like the public. I am now quite used to American methods of production. Were I to go abroad, where I have acted on the stage, but never on the screen, I would find studio conditions and methods vastly different." Jetta has a way of making you accept everything she says as irrevo cable and undeniable. I let her continue. "I hear that many were amazed when they learned* I had accepted subordinate roles after stardom," she said in a surprised tone. "Why that should be I do not know. My role in 'The Cardboard Lover' pleased me very much. It was high comedy. "You know, for two years I was a star. I had always appeared as the suffering heroine, and had to worry about whether the picture would be good or bad. Now, in this picture" — Jetta languidly waved a slender arm, laden with diamonds — "I have no responsibility." Her dark eyes glittered against the pallor of her face. The upturned corners of her lips parted in a smile. I could not yet get over the dazzling surprise she had dealt me. Here was Jetta, a real star, calmly and sensibly talking about the merits of "a part" in "a" picture — and a Griffith picture at that. Jetta must be credited with courage. She is the first star ever to relinquish stardom with a smile. Many have been financially forced to make a come-back in that way, but Jetta has kept right on. Let it be well understood. Goudal is still here. She is here to stay. your ill-shaped nose is being reformed to attractive appearance and without any discunuort. Anyone who is not .perfectly satisfied with the shape of his or her nose can now ohtain a periect louklng nose within a short time. Ill-shaped noses are so unbecoming, especially to women. 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Tell us what Instrument you are interested in. We'll do the rest. (460) Buescher Band Instrument Co. 2632 Buescher Block, Elkhart. Ind.