Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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Advertising Section 110 Texas Guinan Pans Hollywood Continued from page 55 and I heaved it at him, or at least in his general direction. It went through a window. After a while there came a knock at my door. " 'Never mind !' I replied, 'I'm packing.' "They took me downstairs and showed me Mr. Davis with his head in bandages. He was just kidding, of course, so I went on with the picture. "Why doesn't Hollywood get a kick out of anything, now? "At my club in New York I entertain the best people in the world. If you want to see a famous jockey, a famous playwright, a famous movie star, he's there. I figure it costs them fifty dollars a head. Do you think you could do that in Hollywood? What a squawk it would bring if you handed out a fifty-dollar ticket!" The night-club queen saw in Hollywood an utter lack of that thing called camaraderie. She says the movie colony abounds in petty jealousies, restlessness, beautiful nouses, but few homes, a longing for something— no one knows what. A papier-mache structure, gilded with tinsel, which could be torn down like a picture set and not be missed. "It was all right to call off the reception they planned for me," she said. "My only regret is that they didn't tell Mayor Rolph, of San Francisco, in time to stop his making that long drive to act as toastmaster. When he heard I was coming to California, he sent me a telegram of welcome. "I didn't know that jealousy existed between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It seems the mayor of Los Angeles, poor thing, didn't want to attend a dinner with the mayor of San Francisco acting as toastmaster and — oh, well, you know what happened ! Do you think that would occur in any place east of the Rocky Mountains? It is typical of benighted Hollywood." It was almost noon and the hectic day was progressing. The "provincial, restless, discontented town" she had flayed, was half through with its labor. She hadn't even started. In a downtown office an attorney was drawing up a set of papers. They would soon be filed in court. The papers asked $100,000 damages from the Los Angeles Railway Company. Texas Guinan's car was alleged to have been hit by a motor truck, and she had been bruised and her feelings hurt. She had also suffered from shock. Yes, that's right — Texas had been "shocked." Information, Please Continued from page 115' Milk, and appeared in "King of Kings," "Harp in Hock," "Wise Wife." Also "Cradle Snatchers" and "The Climbers." Movie titles are frequently changed for release outside New York, after a Broadwayrun. "Peter Ibbetson" meant something in New York, but elsewhere it was called "Forever," with an eye to the box office. Nils Asther is six feet one ; John Gilbert's and Ramon's official heights are five feet ten, but Ramon is not that tall, I'm sure. Genette Helexe Jimmon. — It's very careless of Jobyna Ralston, but she just won't tell when she was born. The where is South Pittsburgh, Kentucky. She is five feet four, weight about 110. Blonde, with hazel eyes. She lives at Taluca Lake, Burbank, California. She has played in too many films to give them all here, but her 1928 pictures are: "Little Micky Grogan," "The Count of Ten," "The Night Flyer," "The Toilers," and "The Big Hop," Buck Jones' first film "on his own." She free lances. Rex Lease was born in Central City, Washington, February 11, 1903. He is about five feet ten and is a brunet. His 1928 films are "Red Riders of Canada," "Broadway Daddies," "Phantom of the Turf," "Queen of the Chorus," "Law of the Range," "Riders of the Dark," "Candy Kid," and "Stolen Kisses." I believe he also made some bridge-lesson films. Elinor Fair was born in Richmond, Virginia, December 21, 1904. Height five feet four and a half inches, weight 120. Blonde with brown eyes. Her 1928 films are "Let 'Er Go, Gallagher," "Sin Town," "My Friend from India." Virginia Bradford's first film was "The Wreck of the Hesperus," followed by "Chicago;" "Two Lovers," "Craig's Wife," and "Marked Money." Philippe De Lacey was born in Nancy, France, July 25, 1917. His newer films are "Love," "Mother Machree," "The Broken Mask," "Four Devils," and "Redeeming Sin." There, now, I'm all worn out with that carload of questions. Frances. — Gladys Hulette still plays on the screen now and then — recently in "Combat," "Bowery Cinderella," and "Faithless Lovers." She doesn't give her age. Yes, I think she is still married. I'm afraid there's not enough public interest in her, now, to warrant an interview. Mary Pickford is to make "Coquette" on the screen. Conway Tearle, in the past year, was in "Isle of Forgotten Women" and "Smoke Bellew." I understand he has returned to the stage on the West Coast. Pat. — Hooray for the compliments to Picture Play and to me ! And Clara Bow ought to give you a rising vote of thanks also. Yes, Clara has many friends, so I assume she is popular. I'm sorry, I don't know her home address ; her father still lives with her, I think. Clara has been in pictures five years. She has several fan Continued on page 121 FREE LARGE PHOTOGRAPH Of Tour Favorite MOVIE STAR Size 8x10 with every Order of $2.00. ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOGRAPHS LATEST POSES LATEST STARS 3 for 50c 7 for $1.00 15 for $2.00 23 for $3.00 40 for $5.00. Send for Your Favorites. FREE CHRISTMAS OFFER 10 Photographs FREE with ■ every $5.00 order. f 26 Different Poses of I Valentino. HOLLYWOOD SCREEN EXCHANGE Drawer V-l, Dept. A, John Gilbert Hollywood. Calif., U. S. A, Eyelash Beautifier Instantly darkens eyelashes and brows. Makes lashes appear longer and more luxuriant. Gives depth, brilliance, expression and charm to the eyes. Harmless. Easily applied. Approved by millions of lovely women the world over. Solid or water-proof Liquid Maybelline, Black or Brown, 75c at all toilet goods counters. 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