Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1928 - Feb 1929)

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Advertising Section 0 I Guarantee New Hair in These Three Places o 0N -\ PAY ME A ARE you sincerely anxious to be done with dandruff, itchy scalp, fallinghair and baldness? Do you really want to grow new hair? Perhaps you've already tried hard to overcome these afflictions. Perhaps you've put faith in barbershop "tips," and used all kinds of salves, massages, tonics, all with the same results . . . lots of trouble and expense but no relief ! Now, consider what / offer you. And figure out for yourself what a handsome proposition it is. I GUARANTEE to grow new hair on your head — on the top, front or temples— IN 30 DAYS ... or not one red penny of cost to you. Isn't that a different story from those you've heard before? I don't say, "try my wonderful remedv — it grows hair !" I say, and I put it in tontmg, "I GUARANTEE to 'grow hair or no cost !". My Method is Unique! Naturally, you , say to . yourself, "How can anyone make such a guarantee ? It's hard to grow hair. I know, for I've tried a lot of things and failed." Ah, that's exactly the reason thousands who formerly suffered from scalp troubles bless the clay they heard of me. For my treatment is based on science, on years and years of research. I studied scalps, riot how to sell treatments. And I found, as did leading dermatologists, that ordinary surface treatments of the scalp are futile. Baldness, begins at the ROOTS. If roots are dead, nothing can grow new hair. But in most cases, roots are only sleeping, waiting for the right treatment to bring them back to healthv. normal life. I Reach the Roots Npw, I leave it to you. How can ordinary treatments penetrate to the roots of your hair? How can ordinary tonics or salves remove the real cause of baldness? My treatment goes below the scalp, right down to the hair roots, awakening them to new action. My treatment works surely and quickly, all the while stimulating the tiny blood vessels around the roots to new life and action. And with just the mere investment of a few minutes a day, thousands get these results from my treatment ... or they never pay a cent ! FRONT Here thinning hair does greatest damage to your appearance. Don't wait till forelock disappears entirely. ACT NOW to forestall baldness 1 TOP Most Tjaldness begins here. Is this YOUR thinnest spot? Decide today to get that hair back and MORE ! TEMPLES Thinner and thinner on each side until they meet and forelock too goes. Dandruff and itchy scalp are common to these cases. Why suffer a lifetime of regret ? MAIL THE COUPON TODAY! I Welcome Investigation Do you want absolute proof of the true causes and proper treatment of baldness ? Consult your family physician. Or look up medical reference books. Do you w ant positive proof that I can and do apply these accepted scientific principles? I offer you the best proof of all ... my personal guarantee, backed up by the Merke Institute, Fifth Avenue, New York. A Square Deal Guaranteed! Others may make rosy but flimsy promises. I could do that too! But I don't.. I couldn't afford to, tor every statement I make is guaranteed byi the Merke Institute. This scalp research bureau, established 13 years, is known: to thousands from Coast to Coast. It has a reputation to keep up. It wouldn't dare to back me if I didn't tell the truth. So when I guarantee to grow hair or not a penny of : cost, you're absolutely sure of a square deal. Why Suffer Years of Regret? Before you turn this page take a look in the mirror ' at those thin s spots, on youi? bead, I,, Think how you'll IdoK when all your hair is gone. Consider how touch' prestige and attractiveness you'll lose. Then decide to act at once! Bight now.' tear out the coupon shown , below and mail it in for the FREE booklet . giving" my complete story. ' Ire; it you'll find, not mere theories, but , scientific PACTS, and the details of my "hair, grown or no pay" offer. ..My; treatment can bei used in any home where there is electricity. Send the coupon NOW! And by return mail the booklet is yours without -the slightest'-, obligation'. Allied Merke Institutes'; ' Inc., Dept. 352, 512 Pifth -Avenue, Ntjw. York City. DANGER: One, two, three— BALD! And perhaps total baldness, say leading dermatologists, if you neglect any one of the three places shown above. But so gradually does hair depart, so insidiously does baldness creep up on the average man, that thousands fail to heed the warnings. But there is hope for everyone, no matter how thin the hair. Read my message to men growing bald. Study my guarantee. Then ACT! "MAIL IT TODAVA Allied Merke Institutes, Inc. Dept. 352, 512 Fifth Ave., New York City. Please send me — without cost or obligation —in plain wrapper, copy of your book, "The New Way to Grow Hair," describing the Merke System. . . . Name Address. . , i :...;..,.....:....<, City State (My age is )