Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Jul 1929)

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Advertising Section 115 Dick had been a lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps; he was an expert pilot. William Wellman, the director, had been a buddy of Dick, and wanted him to have the part. The result is common knowledge. Dick got the part and made a great hit. Since then, Wellman usually demands Dick for his pictures. And Richard will go on for hours telling you how grateful he is to Wellman for giving him his first real chance — for having faith in him when no one else did. Except Jobyna, of course. Jobyna, in the days when every one said she was crazy, must have thought Dick had worth-while possibilities, that here was a man who needed only to be set on his feet. With Joby's love to inspire him, that's exactly what happened. With her devotion, he has become a much changed man — reliable, sincere, straightforward, one of the most likable men in Hollywood. Every one will tell you how marriage has improved Dick Arlen. But Jobyna always had faith in him, and she turned out to be right. Tke Stroller Continued from page 107 he ought to be able to speak with authority. But one either frank or envious physicist told me that the construction of the stage had nothing to do with echoes ; that any stage would echo if the sound was at a certain distance from the walls. Which doesn't in the least lessen the night terror I had last Saturday, when I opened a book for the purpose of reading it and the darned thing started to talk to me. I've sworn off cheese for midnight lunches. When Fox brought more than twenty hack dramaturgists from New York to Hollywood to dialogize, the Hollywood hacks yelled as lustily as a little boy who'd lost his candy. After paying these writers for three months, and getting nothing from them, a special car was chartered and they were forthwith returned to the city of great achievement. It was rumored that several others, who came out on their own and got brief jobs with Paramount, were riding blind baggage on the same train. There still aren't more than seven dialogue writers in town. Fat Comes at 40 to most people — for this reason At about the age of 40 most men and women take on fat. Medical men know the reason. At that age the thyroid gland often loses power. That gland largely controls nutrition. One of its functions is to turn food into fuel and energy. The food goes to fat when it weakens. The modern method of treating obesity aims to correct that deficiency. Physicians the world over employ it. That is the method embodied in Marmola prescription tablets. People have used them for over 20 years. That is one reason why excess fat is far less common than it used to be. The Marmola prescription has been perfected by one of the greatest medical laboratories in the world. It is used by countless people to bring weight down to normal in a MARMOLA scientific way. You see the results in every circle, in youthful figures, new beauty, new vitality. Every box contains the formula — complete. Also the reasons for the good results. When you see the fat depart, you will know exactly why. Try this method. No abnormal exercise or 'diet is required. The object is to feed the system what a gland fails to supply. Watch the fat depart, day by day, the new vitality return. You will be amazed and delighted. Don't delay. A normal figure means much to you. Go get Marmola now. See what the first box does. Marmola prescription tablets are sold by all druggists at $1 per box. If your druggist is out, he will get them at once from his jobber. Prescription Tablets The Pleasant Way to Reduce . daring book by Elinor Glyn — curious, inexperienced y< A daring book by Elinor Glyn — brimful of plain truths, unashamed facts, frank discussions, and Intimate secrets of love and marriage. Ruined romances and blasted marriages are too often due to ignorance of vital questions which are discussed freely in this amazingly frank book which concerns the most intimate relations of , men and women. It contains EVERYTHING the curious, inexperienced youth and the more mature might want to know, from the first awakening of youthful love to the full flowering of the grand passion; how to win love, hold love, restore love; how to charm, fascinate, captivate' mistakes, marriage, birth control, wisdom, warnings, vamping, petting, honeymooning, mating; winning whom you want — deception, infidelity, outwitting "third party," etc. \ Intimate Advice to .e Lovelorn An endless source of intimate, intriguing information — in the frank words of the present day youth, answering -nany question you might even hesitate tit ask your closest friends — answers to a bride, and many otherB, which of coarse cannot be mentioned here. Simply p: ' less Secreta, that will change your loneliness to happiness ■ your longings to joy. Send mone: order or stamps for $1.88 or pay jg^^j^F Jk/ S%*W* $2 to your postman on delivery, JjP *■ r Jf mti' EDUCATOR PRESS This book will not be Bold to anyone below 18. State age when ordering. Sent sealed in plain wrapper. Books sent care of General Delivery must be prepaid. Dept.G-51, 19 Park Row New York City Puzzle Fans: More automobiles to be given for advertising purposes — J. C. Long, Charles Vogtmann, Viola Jarlns, Alvin Smith, Mrs. Gillies, J. Braucher, won sedansin last offers. Over 800 prizes awarded inoneyear. $11,000 in prizes paid by us in October, 1928. Here's your chance to win one of the prizes now offered. Find the "Different" Auto £htehec™ closure to the right all look alike. But one is different. Something has been leit off all the cars but one. The difference may be in the fenders, bumper, nameplate, radiator or top. The one that is different is the real Buick sedan I am giving away in addition to three other carsin this great friendship advertising campaign. You may be the one who will write me And Win Buick Sedan ©s* $3$©© Foot sedans and 28 other prizee totaling over $5,000. Thirty-two prizes end duplicate prizes paid in case of ties. Certificate for $580 to apply on prand prize sent immediately as below if you find the different car. Immediate action— no delay— we send certificate for $680 to add to the first prize at once, if you win/and directions for getting Buick sedan. There are no more puzzles. Simply this one. No lists of words to make Everyone actively' interested can share in prizes or eash awards. to bay now or ever. Send coupon — no money. Simpfy fill out coup fing number of car you tbink is the different one and send it 1 Meyers, Dept. iso, 500 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago CHECK CAR ...MAIL COUPON M. W. MEYERS Dept. 180, 500 N. Dearborn StB Chicago, lil. I think the different car is No. . Send me award certificate immediately if this is right. No cost or obligation to me now or ever. edan. There B .A^dr°°H ke or write, fl ■ds. Nothing R r-t gtafo oupon, writ P Clty btace it to M. W. H SO, Illinois. IW» mmm mmm — «U «™» sumxs «=» f