Picture-Play Weekly (Apr-Oct 1915)

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A Fortune for Animal Actors A Special Article From the Selig Jungle-Zoo Something new and unique for the production of motion pictures has been inaugurated by the Selig Polyscope Company. It consists of the maintenance of a large zoo containing nearly every kind of animal, both trained and wild. These will be used in making realistic pictures with settings in countries inhabited by the beasts. In order to secure the animals and to build the Jungle-Zoo, as it is called, a vast amount of money was spent by the company, and the expense continues as a great deal is required to keep them. The article below is interesting and authentic as it was written for this magazine by the Selig Company. AT Eastlake, a suburb of Los Angeles, California, the Selig Jungle-Zoo will shoitly be formally opened. Los Angeles will declare a holiday to celebrate the opening of a veritable wonderland, which houses the largest privately owned collection of wild animals in this or any other country. W illiam X. Selig was the first manufacturer of motion pictures to film stories in which wild animals performed. He was also the first to institute a motion-picture studio on the Pacific coast, where many others are now located. He believed, and rightly so. that the performances of wild animals in motion pictures, if correct as to detail and action, were of high educational value. A prominent educator, after a visit to the Selig Jungle-Zoo, recently stated : "Every public _school in this country owes Mr. Selig a vote of thanks for his Jungle-Zoo productions. They are clean, correct in all details, and highly educational. I know that they interest the juveniles in wild animals, their habitats, and in the countries from which they come. The wild-animal pictures cause :idded interest in natural-historj' studies and geograph}-, and incite the small boy to more enthusiasm in his school studies.' ^Ir. Selig has long planned for a beautiful park, artistically inclosed, to house his very large collection of birds, beasts, and reptiles. He is intenseh' interested in his collection, knows many of the animals by name, and has a story to tell about each one. He considers the w ildanimal collection and the artistic environment of the~Selig Jungle-Zoo as things contributing to his own artistic enjoyment, and takes pleasure in knowing that he is giving pleasure to others and presenting the Golden State with a magnificent institution of which that commonwealth can well be proud. The new Jungle-Zoological garden has been built, to the last corner, in mission style. The most eminent architects have planned, sculptors have schemed, and the most famous landscape gardeners have contributed to ^Nlr. Selig's heart's desire — the most unusual, and one of the most magnificent motion-picture studios in the world; and. from a public standpoint, one of the most interesting and striking visiting places in the United States. The tract selected for this remarkable pleasure ground consists of about twenty-two acres. In the rear, ample land remains for the great stages and out-of-door locations for the companies producing pictures. Leading to the Selig Jiingle-Zoo will be a lieautiful boulevard, erected by the