Picture-Play Weekly (Apr-Oct 1915)

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PICTURE-PLAY WEEKLY Vol. I CONTENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 No. 23 ■1 KICTURES AND MYSELF. Grace Darmond The' past, present and fiitufe of motion pictures, from 'the standpoint of one of the leading actresses in them are here given by Miss Grace Darmond, one of Selig's stars. I\Iiss Darmond tells her idea of films and their standing in the world of entertainment, and also relates concisely and interestingly her own career. THE CAMERA MAN'S JOB. N. E. Edwards Seldom does the public look for the risk element in pictures further than to the daring actor, but there is another who deserves much credit in this respect— the camera man. Mr. Edwards, photographer for the Hcarst-Selig News Pictorial, here tells of a few of the experiences he has been through. THE STOLEN VOICE. Arthur Gavin, Jr. . Long and often has the question been discussed as to which sense one would preferably lose, if one must be lost. Gerald Dorville, opera star, naturally feared that of speech the most. He did not lose it — it was stolen. But the course that opened to him afterward tended to make him glad it was his voice. SCREEN GOSSIP. AI Ray 11 Hundreds of reels of the happenings in filmdom, condensed into a page of lively news. THE KING OF THE WIRE. Arthur Gavin, Jr. . . 12 A story of politics and love bound togetlier with a strong thread of adventure. The ways chosen by three young people just beginning life and where they led to later, play an important part in this narrative. Tom Stratton was a circus performer when young, and he suffered a fall — one that he was later thankful for, when he became — but it's all in the story. FILM FLAMS. Dean Bovyman . Some interesting facts and figures about pictures, their makers and those they are made for. 18 SUNDAY. Edna Sylvester Kerr 19 The struggle of a little girl brought up in the crude manner of four rough but kind lumbermen, to overcome a tragedy that occurred early in her life. Her four guardians, especially one of them, tried to lielp her, but it was a hard task. After years of her fight against [herself, the true spirit of the lumbermen comes nobly to the fore, to aid the cause of right and love. CUPID TAKES A TAXL Richard D. Taylor A new cure for the thoughtless and high-flying young man — the fastest automobile purchasable. It sounds like raising a boil to cure a pimple, but instead it was intended to act on him like vaccination of a germ to prevent that very illness. The result of the experiment will make you both laugh and sit still till you finish the stor}-. HINTS FOR SCENARIO WRITERS. Clarence J. Caine 30 Instruction and ad\'ice for amateur and professional photo playwrights, with notes on where and what ' they can sell. ANSWERS TO READERS. ... Replies to aspiring picture-play authors. 31 Putlished weekly by Street <S Smith. 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York. Entered as Second-class Matter at the New York Post OfBce. according to an Act of Congress of March 3, 1879, by Street & Smith. Copyright, 1915, by Street & Smith. O. G. Smith and G. C. Smith, Pioprietors. Terms to PICTURE=PLAY WEEKLY Mail Subscribers. (postage Free.) Single Copies or Back Numbers, 5c. Bach. 3 months G5c. One year S2..50 4 months Sue. 2 copies one year 4.00 6 menths $1.25 1 copy two years 4.00 How to Send Money— By postrOfBee or express money order, registered letter, bank check or draft, at our risk. At your own risk if sent by currency, coin, or postage stamps in ordinary letter. Receipts— Receipt of your remittance is acknowledged by proper chaniie of number on your label. If not correct you have not been properly credited, and should let us know at once. ■i m ■Si I . 25 m Si pi