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Picture-Play Weekly (Apr-Oct 1915)

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The Stolen Voice (WORLD) By Arthur Gavin, Jr. No one in the operatic world was more popular than Gerald Dorville — yet nearly every one, whether in the operatic world or not, derived more pleasure from life. Nothing could satisfy him. He was never content. Then there came a time when everything was changed and there was really nothing for which he could be thankful. How he accepted his fortune and the consequence are the base of this story, which should have more than a passing interest to every follower of pictures, as the films play a part in it. This exceptional narrative is written from the motion picture of the same name produced by the World Film Corporation. Those in the cast included: Gerald Dorville Robert Warwick Marguerite Lawson Frances Nelson Doctor van Gahl Mario Marjeroni Director Leslie Bertram Marburgh Belle Borden Violet Horner E7IVE thousand dollars a week, but * what in life?" Gerald Dorville mused as he sat in his dressing room before the opera performance in which he was the chief factor. Not for the first time was Dorville pondering over the question of the joys of life, for of late it had been haunting his mind. He wondered what it really meant to enjoy living. That it was not merely the attaining and accumulation of money he was sure, for he was doing that, and yet what he drew from the world in the form of pleasure was only the af ter-the-theater butterfly life and the insincere flattery of false admirers among the other players. Gerald Dorville was dissatisfied. "Why not try the love cure?" suggested his attendant, who was more of a friend than a servant. "Love?" repeated Dorville. "There is no such thing. All that love consists of is a girl who is willing to call a man a lot of foolish, slushy names if he is willing in return to spend enough money on her to make her happy. Love, bah! If you ever happen to think of something to make a man enjoy life, let me know, and we'll enjoy it together !" Gerald Dorville sat down to resume his musing, but the call informing him that the performance was about to begin interrupted him, and he left the room. As he passed through the door he made the resolution that in the future he would desist from thinking of the prob lem that was worrying him, and perhaps he would thus find a little more pleasure than by allowing himself to ponder over something he knew he could not solve. And he kept his resolution, although the threads of destiny were finally to weave his trouble to a solution. One week later, while seeking diversion at a reception to which he had been invited, Gerald Dorville was introduced to Miss Belle Borden, a society leader in the city. The girl aroused in him a strange fascination; it was not love, he knew, especially because of the opinion he had of that alleged element, but he thought that it was her rare beauty and extremely self-possessed and easy manner of conducting herself. At any rate, she did fascinate him, but he would not allow his feelings to in any way become known, because of the fact that an ardent admirer and suitor for her hand was a Doctor van Gahl. Dorville had no desire to break up any such af¥air. However, when Gerald Dorville was passing out of the stage door of the opera house a few nights later he was surprised to find, on turning at the call of his name, the beautiful Belle Borden motioning to him from an automobile that was standing by the curb. "Won't you come with us for a bite to eat?"' she invited pleasantly. "I was at the opera, and thought you were just wonderful, and I should so like to talk with you." Dorville was on the point of accepi ing, when, wondering who else was ir elude in the "we" spied the frownin face of Doctor van Gahl in the seat nex' to Belle. '"I — I really think " he began i way of explanation, but was interruptc by the girl, who informed him that sh would accept no excuse, and he at lengt consented to accompany them to a re; taurant. Dorville noticed during the meal thz the doctor was being sadly neglected i i the conversation, and attempted to brini him into the circle of friendship, bv his remarks were only answered b short, gruf¥ replies, which clearly be trayed his frame of mind. And so h gave up any hope of interesting the thir party. With Belle there was no thir party, for she paid no heed whatever t any one but Dorville, much to the lal ter's disconsolation and embarrassmen Before the evening was over, howeve he realized that for some reason, ev dently his popularity with the audienc at the opera, she had suddenly becom desirous of having him for an escort .o. occasions when the natural one wouk have been Doctor van Gahl. As for thr person, he might as well have forgo ten her. But he did not. After the hours ha slipped by in the restaurant until it we long after midnight, Dorville accon panied Belle to her home, the doctc stopping ofif at his dwelling on the wa;