Picture-Play Magazine (Oct-Nov 1915)

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PICTURE-PLAY WEEKLY 5 Ete then that what I told you at the art of this leter had hapened. She as threw with Persey the saim as she as with me. Aftir the bluff he had aucked a bout being a big lege ball ijayir and then to see him maik a bone id play like that his goose was cuked ith her for good. i Well Gus I got to tell you a bout the tarry Herrman banket. You musta red : bout it in the paipers and I bet when ;L>u was redeing a bout it you dident link that nobuddy you knowed : as thare. But that is whare pu are rong Gus for I was are. All the memburs of the hicago and the Cinncinnati mes was invitud whitch menes :us that we had to come I hether we wanted to or not I id it cost eech of us 5 bones mo. Thay sed it was to be a full -ess affair. When Persey told e that I sed you dont think I ave got so litel cents that I ;ould show up for dinner in a •starent onely *A dressed do >u. He sed No you don't understand. That menes you ust ware a full dress sute of i-ening cloze. I sed I have not ibt no such sute. Well he sed ii>u can rent one. : I thot of a way of getting a old of a full dress sute of ; ening cloze that was better an that Gus becaws it would 5 cheeper than renting them. I lowed a waiter reel well that thot mite lend me his sute for tithing. He wares it in the ;iytime in the restarent whare is working and so he would-' .it mind if I wore it when he asent useing it at nite. ; I went a round and ast him ould he lend me the sute and he said aure he would jest like I had figgered caws I always thot he was a good llo. So I terned up at the banket in his The pants to it was a. litel two ose around the waste but I took them j with my belt and the vest come down front all moast enuff to cover the nkels. I had bot a new tie for the nner jest to show I wasent afrade to •end a litel munney to look rite in ont of such a big guy in the National ege as Garry Herrman. It was a 4 in md tie Gus and it set me back a bone and a ^ but it was a beaut with big red and yello checks and wurth the koin. The feed thay give us at the banket Gus was out of site. Thay had a new kind of drink with it at leste it was new to me. Thay cauled it sham pain. Persey sez to me dont pore that into you like it was beer. Dont you know it costs $5 a bottel. I sez thay must sell it by the bubbej then. But he was onely kideing me of coarse Gus. Thare Ware did you get the soot askt Persey an I borryed it off of a waiter. aint no drink that could cost that mutch unless thay gaiv you a gallen of it for the price. It was a funny thing Gus but the stuff dident seem to have no effeck on me at all. Persey was stewed in a bout a hour aftir he started. He got up on the staige and tryed to dance with a peech in a bailey skirt that was sum of the talent that had been ingaged to maik the banket go off nice for us boys. I draged Persey down off of the staige and got up onto it myself to show him how to dance. Sumbuddy musta smeared butter or sumthing on the flore of the staige thow becaws I couldent stand up on it but fell down on my eer evry time I t/yed to taik a fansey step. When we come out of the restarent whare the banket was at I sez to Persey what time is it. He looked at his watch and sez 3 Oh clock. I thot he ment 3 Oh clock in the aftirnoon and I sez good nite I will be lait for the gaim. I run out into the strete and yeled to a cab that was driveing by. Hay I sez to the fello on the sete taik me out to National Lege park in a hurry. Then I hopped inside the cab and sat thare wurrying all the way out to the ball grownds a bout how mutch of a fine Roger was libel to clap onto me for terning up lait. When I got to the park thare was nobuddy a round. I went into the club howse and husteled into my uneiform and come out onto the dimund. And I seen thare wasent nobuddy in the stands neether. The watchman come up to me with his lantern. Is the gaim all redy ovir I sez to him. What gaim he sez. I sez todays. He sed yes it was ovir a bout 12 hours ago. I sez what time is it. He sez it is 3 A. M. And then I seen that I had got up thare a bout 12 hours two erly for the next gaim. O well I sez to myself I am hear now and in my unieform and I gess He stay. So I went ovir into the press box and laid down on the bench and that was whare I slept the rest of the morning and Yi the aftirnoon sez j until the rest of the teme showed up to begin bating pracktise. But it was funny a bout that sham pain stuff not haveing no effeck on me hay Gus. Yure pal Bugs. Fashion Note : When entering a motion-picture theater, always leave your millinery creation on as long as possible, so that those behind you can admire it — you can rest assured it will be noticed. Weather Hint : An early fall is predicted in rough-house film comedy.