Picture-Play Magazine (Oct-Nov 1915)

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TOBACCO HABIT — Easily Conquered in 3 Days Picture No. 1 — Shows how tobacco has nearly wrecked a man's career. He has become nervous, dyspeptic and irritable; he cannot sleep well, has lost his energy and ambition. No. 2 — The doctor says: "I'm giving you this medicine but it will do you very little good, unless you stop killing yourself with tobacco." No. 3 — Still a slave; another collapse. No. 4 — Wife reads advertisement of Mr. Woods. No. 5 — He writes for Mr.^ Woods' free book. No. 6 — Being convinced by multitude of proofs, he has ordered remedy which is in box postman is now delivering. No. 7 — Has begun to overcome tobacco craving. Already is feeling much better; vigor and ambition returning. No. 8 — Surprising improvement; all craving gone, filled with new courage and backed by good health. No. 9 — Beginning anew. No. 10 — Succeeding in business. No. 11 — No trouble to resist temptation of tobacco in any form. No. 12 — By clear-headedness, good health and energy, he has now become prosperous. Would You Like to Quit Tobacco Quickly and Easily and Enjoy Yourselt a Thousand Times Better While in Robust Health? STOP RUINING YOUR LIFE Why continue to commit slow suicide when you can live a really contented lile, if you only get your body and nerves right? It is unsafe and torturing to attempt to rid yourself of tobacco by suddenly stopping with "will-power" — don't do it. The correct way is to eliminate nicotine poison from the system, and genuinely overcome the craving. Tobacco is poisonous and seriously injures health in several ways, causing such disorders as nervous dyspepsia, sleeplessness, gas belching, gnawing, or other uncomfortable sensation in stomach; constipation, headache, weak eyes, loss of vigor, red spots on skin, throat irritation, catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, heart failure, melancholy, lung trouble, impure (poisoned) blood, heartburn, torpid liver, loss of appetite, bad teeth, foul breath, lassitude, lack of ambition, weakening and falling out of hair and many other disorders. Overcome that peculiar nervousness and craving for cigarettes, cigars, pipe, chewing tobacco, or snuff. Here is an opportunity to receive FREE a carefully compiled treatise on the subj ect, containing interesting and valuable information that you should be glad to learn about. This book tells all about the renowned THREE DAYS' METHOD by which thousands and thousands saved themselves from the life-wrecking tobacco habit. Full particulars, including the book on tobacco and snuff habit, will be mailed FREE TO YOU, in plain wrapper, postpaid. All you need do is merely REQUEST IT. A postcard will do. Address EDWARD J. WOODS, 986 C, STATION E, NEW YORK, N. Y. NOTE— To those who are in juring their health, making themselves nervous, dyspeptic, etc., by excessive use of cigarettes, cigars, pipe, snuff or chewing tobacco: — here is your opportunity to Quickly and easily become your own master. iled treatise on the subject, containing interesting FREE