Picture Show (May-Oct 1919)

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22 Thf I-irlvn a/ioir, •/(//// 2bth, 1919. Sir Harry H. Johnston, G.C.M G , K.C.B.. writes :— " I am not myself much of a smoker, but my friends have tried your ' De Reszke' Cigarettes and like tliem exceedingly." H. M. Bateman. Esq. writes : — " I appreciate the delicate flavour of your ' De Reszke ' Cigarettes, and can describe them in one word— beautiful ! " /• Max Darewaki. Esq. writes: — " Your ' De Reszke 'American CigarI'ttes are a cool, soothing smoke, and unlike most brands I have tried do not irritate the throat." A CIGARETTE that has won such high approval is surely worth knowing. , That is why we suggest your giving " De Reszkes " a trial. "Dc Reszke >«3'ClGABETrES Sold at all Tobacconists, Stores, and Mililary Canteens, WHY NOT YOU? QTHE RS— including ^ many famous beauties and actresses have acquired a beautiful full bust and peach -silk skin by usiog "Hrmanec," the famous secret pireparation A few days' trial will astonish and convince yoa. Why not start to-day? Send JEAN BINET & CO IS. P.O. (or 12 stamps) for (Dept. 101. supply under plain cover to 34. strand. LONDON. Manageress — w o. 2 DESIGN REGISTERED. THE HOME CINEMATOGRAPH How to obtain one for 2/6. Particulars free Write at once: BRITISHSCOPE, 236H, High Holborn, London, W.C. 1. HAIR ON THE FACE Initantly and completely vanishes with EJECTHAIR. th^ Testified Oure for thi.'i hideous affliction — S i m p 1 e . Safe and P a i n 1 e 8 s — Success assured— Money-back Guarantee Oiren —Sent in plain cover (or 7d. .Send now 7<i, stamps to— Manaeeress. EJECtHAIR CO. (Dept. 8|. 682, Holloway Ril.,London.N.19. You can easily avoid that most disqiiifting ijign of age — grey hair — by using Valentine's Extract, which imparts a natural colour, light brown, dark btown or black, and makes the hair aoft anil glossy. It s a perfect, cleanly and harmless stain, washable and lai^ting. One liquid, most easy to apply ?^'o odour nor stickined.^. Docs not soil the pillow. Price Not Advanced. Quality and Strength maintalBed at Pre-War Standard. Of all Chemists, at 1S2/-,A 6/6 per bottIe;Or,if denired.by post Sd.wctra. R. S. VALENTINE, 46a, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C. I. i^OIIIIIIIIIMlllllilllfJIM Pretty WANDA HAW LEY. the Famous-Lasky Star, intei viewed by Alice de Piquot. WANDA HAWLEV wa^ in tear^i. 1 f-aw that wlica she tiirnccl her head at my .salutation. Her pyes were floodoj and rod. the corner.-; of her month trembled i but when she looked lip at me she made a pitiful attempt to smile and he polite. But I was embarras.sod. Here poor Wanda was in the throes of a great grief of Some sort, and I had rudely burst in with my trivial jocularity. I stuttered, bUi?hed, and apologised. '" 1 didn't know," I said. " Pardon me. please. I II go." " Oh, no I Stay arid tnlU to me," she said, smiling now more Ijrightly. " What's the rttatter ? " ' " Well, you're feeling badlj' ; you " " Oh, no. I'm just working lip the tears for the next scene, that's all. I'm crying to-day." And two big fears rolled frojn her eyes and dowji her cheeks. Then 1 understood, and I sat down beside her while she diicd her eyes and sobbed once or twice. It was really pitiful, in spite of the fact that I knew what it was all about. When Wanda cries, she looks the most-to-be-pltied person on earth. I even feU tears rising in niy own eyes at the sight. Run Out of Tears. IT se<?ms as thoutrh I'd done nothing but cry for months," said Wanda. " I'm just about run out of tears. It 1 don't get a happv part pretty soon I'll have to resign. " I had tf) cry nearly all through C'eeil B. De Millo's last pieture, ' For Better, for Worse.' You see, I thought tVie man 1 loved had been killed, and every time I thought of it a big photogra]ih was taken of the tears. Then, cput,^ femininely, I cried still harder when I learned he wasn't killed. And when he came back, "and told mo he loved me, I cried so hard that all the paint came off the floor for yards aroimd. " In the next picture I did, ' Secret Service.' -with Captain Robert Warwick, I had to cry some more. I had to cry in almost every scene. Captain Warwick claimeil that the air was so damp ail around the set that he felt he was getting pneumonia," " But how do you manage it ? " I asked curiously. "Most people that I know fake the tears with glycerine. Do you mean to say that you actually cry for all these scenes, and never once have to resort to artifice ? " " 1 usually manage to work up enough tears. Only occasionally do I have to use glycerine," said Wanda. " You see, it's easy enough to work up a good cry, and to keep it up for four or five scenes. But it takes so long to make scenc3, what with the shifting of lights, cameras, and all that, that before the day is over I have got all the tears out of my system, an.l 1 feel so good — the natural reaction to a weeping spell — that I can't produce another tear though the whole picture depends on it. What Makes Me Cry. THEN artifice is necessary. But there are other art), fices than glycerine. 1 never use that unles= absolutely neces. sary "oecausc it hurts my "tyes, and then I cry' in earnest. " Mr. Ford, while workmg on ' Secret Service,' discovered how he could make me cry, even after I had been crying all day long. It's very simple_. I don't know why it is, but I always cry whenever I hear ' When Other Lips ' sung. As soon as I hear it I burst into tears, and I keep it up until the sons is ended. " So " Mr. Ford secured a quartet of property boys, and whenever he wanted me to weep, he started them singing. In a few monients the tears would come. We \rorked several days with those boys, and wheii they were finished they were hoarse., they had to go 'through the song so many time.;. " So it's really verj easy to cry. If one thing doesn't work, another wiH. It's easy, but it isn't any fun."