Picture Show (May-Oct 1919)

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No. 26 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. iConlinwd fr m pjgp 2Z.) " Archiuald ■■ (Sbiitliport).— No, it was not t mistake on my part. Tlie rclea.'ie d-ite of " Uaddy Lona-Lf'RS " was given by tlie WalturiUivr Film Co. as Ot-tobLT 13tli. As Bometimps lipppcni', liowevcr, a new film is Bliown in tlic provinces before it is pRl)lltly exhibited in Ix)ndon. Have I to wait till R film is released before I caQ see it ? Certainly not, Archibald. N. F. (New York). — Pleased to know tliat as an American eirl you appreciate The ITctire Show BO much. You are lucky to h ive a kind friend livin? in this country who sends you out the pa7)cr every week. Hope you vs^ill visit our part of the world Bome day. I tliank all my readers who have written giving me their rcisoris why certain artistes are Ih. ir favourites. The letUrs W( re in every case ni' 8t iiitcrestins, and I only rcsrct that lack of si)ace prevents me pivina any extracts. " Loyal Header " (Truro). — (1) Mary Miles Mintei Unot married. (2) April 1, 1902, in LouLsiana, Shrcvcport, LouLsiiina, U.S..\. (3) Astra Films. C. A. H. (Fidham).— Your nora-de-plume to treraendonsly patriotic, but too lon^, so t hoiie you will not think I disagree ^< .lU the sentiment because 1 print your initials instead. Questions 1 and 2 I hope to Rnswcr shortly. (3) Pauline Frcdirick'a " l>a Tosca " is a great fUm, but whether it is her greatest in her own opinion, I cannot" s;iy. (4) Herewith I print your request to W. S. Hart th-at on behalf of his British admirers you " hope he will not retire from the screen." (5) True Boardman died last year. (6) The feature you mention has been ■' crowded out " for the present. (7) Will see v.hat 1 can do. Thanks for your criticisms, but I think Ihit readers in Hcneral prefer the art plates to be to sc!>ia than in blue like the cover. M. W. (Harrogate). — Wanda Hawley Is twentytwo, and was born in Seattle, Washington. Some of her plays are " Mr. Fix-It," " Grc.-.^cd Lightning," '■ Old Wives for Kcw," acd " A Pair of Silk Stocki.igs." G.' D. (Lowestoft). — L^obcl Elsom Is modest, and prefers not to say anything about tlie particulara you want. M. T. (Shrewsbury). -I note with pleasure that this paper is your ideal. The young "minister in " Polly of the Circus," was Vemnn St^?ele, who t«ok the part of the Rev. .lohn Diiilghs. , , M. B. (Wednesb-.iry). — Tom Mix is married to Victoria Forde, but his age i.s, np to the moment Ol writing, "a dark and deadly secret." " — " DORRIE " (lladford).— Henry--Edwards only .hai t<i act tlie part, but he Ls really not deformed, iiadge Evans Ls eight, Mary MacAllister is nine, Jane is seven, and Kath-rine Lee and Zoe. Kae are both nine. No. the last-named i.^ not English. She wai bom in Chicago. lAlice Bradv is married. "Sal" (Hatfield).— Inc.'cdiblo, but true U th<! chronicles are to be believed that EL<ie Ferguson i* re;Uly thirty-six, though ten years of her life have left no trace on her looks. Francis King will doubtless fee! proud and not Jealous, for she roust be qnite accustomed by now to bearing her hubby, Thomas Meighan, described by such nice phrasci a.s " the sweetest thing that ever was." H-; to thirty-one. Anita Stewart is married to Rudolph Cameron, and James Crane is the husband of .Mice Brady. Y^our suggestion is a good one, but difScuU to adopt in a paper like this which goes to presa several weeks in advance of the date of publication. C. L. (London, S.W..). — Sorry, I wasn't in when you telephoned. What made you feel " so horribly nervous " al>out writing to Scssue Hayakawa T HLs wife wouldn't object, I am sure. Hope you have ha<l his reply. What do you mean when you say that " perhaps a widower cannot laugh at ' Sunnyside ' ? " Do you think he has buried his sense ol humour ? Edna Purviance is charming, and lo also is Mildred Harris. " noLl.Y " (Bhiekpool). — Never mind if roa cannot help bein3 curio js. It's a^niall fault in these days. Mabel Normand Is twcnty-flvp, and was bom in Boston, Mass. Doubtkss you have seen the answers to your other (im .stion5 before this. " MOLLIE " (Ipswich).— Yes. Ethel Clayton ha§ gn abundance oi talent : 1890 is the year of hf r birth, and Champaign, Illinois, tiic place. So you Bee, she i,s cot British. Her husband was the late Joseph Eaufmann. J. F. (London, N.). — I c.innot promise you a " Douglas Fairbanks Number," but there will ba more abotit him (."jm time to time. N. W. (Rochdale).— Henry Edwards Is not married. Pleased to hear j-on have had an answer from William Farnum, and tlianka for spreading the good news about this paper. T. L. (Margate). — It was Marguerite Cla.vton. and not Ethel LUiyton, who played in " Inside tlie Lin 'S." The name of the native girl in " The Elder Miae Blossom " is not known. " Dor.is "• (Wolverhampton). — Am getting newa of the arti.ste you name, and will print all particidara as soon ss they reach me. It may not be safe to send your autograph'book backwards and forwards to so many artistes for signatures. Why not try getting letters from them 1 Yes, I receive a very, very large number of letters, and am sorry to have kept you waiting.. •'• MoxTEZASA " (Wlgan).— Thanks for your suggestion. ■■ CoxsTAKT Reader " (Leicester). — Madge Kennedy U married. The serial you name may be rhowIng by the time you" see this. Yes, the wedding scene in "Xhe House of Hate " was line. Your wishes for art plates of your favourites have been noted. " Fetek Pan " (Charmouth). — Sorry, am not <iuit« snre who you mean. Constance Talmadge took the part of the Mountain Girl in " Intolerance." " F.'Mc." -(Pimlico). — Your letter was received, but " Hinta " are not acknowledged, except those which are selected for the half-crown pri7.e. W. M. N. (Edinburgh).— An art plate of Owen Nares was given away nith the tliird Dumt>er ci this paper. The other two will come along in lime. W. J. A. (Aberdeen).— The trade journals deal with the subjects you mentioD, but for a paper like this they would be too technical to be of general Interest. Yes, Violet . Mer.sereau ' Is riglit. Your scheme for dilTerent coloured tickets, one for each picture, would not work out, I am afraid. In practice. People are constantly going into a picture theatre at odd times, and while tickets of a certain coloiu to represent a particular picture were being sold, that picture might come to an end on the screen.. To regulat.* pictures and tickets would, of course, te Impossible. F. R. W. (Liverpool). — Yon might send your scenarios to New Regal Super Films, 40, Gerrard Street, London, W. L, R. (Blackpool). — Pronounce Thomas Melghan's surname as Mec-an. " The Fighting Hope," " Arms and the Girl," and " The Heart of Wetona," are some of his Elms. Lina Cavalieri Is married to Lucien Jluratore, and wis born in Rome in 1884. R. H. (Combe Martin).— Juliet Shelby Is her resl name, and Mlntcr is her mother's maiden name. Her birthday is on April Ist. I cannot say just when she will get your letter, as she may be travelling when your coramunication reaches America. 8. L. W. (Hutton).— I am obliged to yon for yonr offer, but regret I cannot accept it, as I am able to deal with all the correspondence I receive, despite its size. J. H.. T. (Paignton). — Godfrey Tcarle is a son of Osmond Tearle, who. In his time, was a well-known Shakeape-irian actor. Godfrey Tcarle himself made his reputation on the stage before taking np film acting. 'Conway Teatle,' who acts in screen plays on the other side of the Atlantic, is his brother. I note you want more news of Godfrey, and also of Stewart Rome. D. F. (London, N.W.).— Do I think the demand at picture studios is greater for " bobbed hair " girls, or for lon»:hi\ired girls t Well, np to now the question h?A not been brought to a head. J. W, H. (Seacombe). — Yes, Jack Pickford has not been on t)ic films for some fim^, but hi.appearance will be in a lirst National productioii entitled •• Bill Apperson's Boy." " Owes " (Cannock). — So you and your brother, Bert, have started collcelinc our photos oi lilin favourites, he naturally turning his attention to tli'ladies, while yoii arc getting Irold, photographically, 01 course, of all tlie gentlemen. Sf/tar, you say, h<has got more in his collcciion than vou have. Well, I inurt see what 1 can do, (iwcn. VVe really mustn't let Bort beat vou. G. S. (Islington). — In ■"The Bed Circle," Ruth Roland took the leading part. PearlAViiit e did not ftar in it at all. Therefore, your sister loses licr argument with you. N. M. (South Woolwich).— (1) I am sure Sessue H.iyakawa will be pleased to get your letter. (2) The envelope containing it should be clo5.;d down, as we regard all such communications as private. Further l.nstructions in the rule below, [i) It will appear in due time, il it has not done so before you sec this. •■ Feed " (Bournemouth). — Franrelia Billiniton Is twenty-three, and her height is 5 ft. 7 in. Ilenry Gsell is thirty. Evelyn Quick and Jewel Carmen .ire one and the same. She began acting tor the films with Ifeyst.one. "AtirK" (Birmingham).— I note that you found enoujh courage to write to me, and hope the quantity will p;ove sufficient to last you for another time. All your questions have already been answered, .■Vlice. Mildred Harris to alive, Mary Pickford's hair is naturally curly and Is her very own, flerald \mti b irarried, and .Mary .Milea Minteris "sweetjicventeen.'* L. R. (Chard). — Warner Oland was born in Sweden In ISSO. Yes, there will be more about Irene (astle later. " FOTO " (Newca.--tleV — One of the trade journals m!2ht be able to furnish you with the inforniatiou you desire. P. H. (E-\cter) —No, Marjorie Villis does not sjh li her surname with a W. Clad you haven't misstU a single issue of this paper. " Hazel " (Cardif ). — .\3 a large number of nnBwers have already gone to pre-s, I mav have Included my reply to you amongst them — that is, if yiiii niclosed jour full name in the first inst^juce. Your question re Marguerite Clark's letter is alr(;.dy answered in the rule below, whicii is intvndrd ba a general acknowledgment, as no other ran 'oe giien. " Tiie Bridal Chair " Is to be releasi-d in l''pbrimr\', 1920, and doubtless it ^\iil be shown in Canliif. Ves, Marguerite Fisher is splendid. She left the hhi!>= for awhile, whii h c.vpl.iins why you have not s^s-n Ihtso. mn.ch. Y'our ■' Irightfully stern letter " did not make me weep. I am quite dry-eyed and fricndiv sti'l. " Peg " (Hyde Park, W.).— So the others lauuhed at you for daring to write to me becaiusc they thinlt f am such an " unapproachable person." Can't Imagine mystli being so bad all that, I assure yon. 'lliis page is the open door to my sanctum— wiilk right in, and don't knock. You have no <|Ueitions, but just a humble request for more alxuit ICiigene O'Brien, P>obcrt Warwick, and William IX-^mond. I have jotud it donTi so that I shan't forg' t. More Answers Next }Veek JN answer to the many intjuiries we have received ' from our readers as to how they can send lettcn to Cinema actors and actresses. " The Pictan Show " will forward all such Utters on, but it must be distinctly understood that we cannot guarantee tuch tetters will be replied to. Moreover, as many of these Stars travel all over the world, a considerable time must elapse before the letters reach thenu All letters are forwarded by the next mail, and every letter received to date has been sent on. The Editor cannot enter into any correspondence on this matter. How to send your letter : Write the name of the Star on the envelope, and enclose it icith aloose lid. stamp to the Editor," The Picture Show," The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4. (Be sure to enclose year fu'l address, including County and Country, if a reply is reQuired.) JAN£ NOVAK A beautiful portrait of this winsome artiste on our cover. _ nno ROBERT HARROW A full-page portrait of the ever-popular " Bobbie." ENID BENNETT interesting snaps showing how Enid spent her summer holiday. RENE KELLY An interview with the clever stige and scieen artiste who created a stage success in "Daddy Long-Legs." DOROTHY GISH Delightful photographic studies of this fascinating THEODOREROBERTS A page of photographic " expressions ' of this renowned screen actor. LonJ Instalment of New Serial Story, Entertain'ng Short Story, and PAGES & PAGES OF PICTURES. O'fdeh h&Kt week's /^ffe^ Skoxi^^-OAY i'linlrd tiiid publishr-d evcrv Mou l.iv by the Proi>. ielors, i UE .VMALUA-i \TED PresS, LiMitmD, The FkeHvav linii-<-, l ariiU-' Ion .Sr. et. I,..:i l..ri i: .,; 4 a,.1vt-,h nient Ollices. The Kloetway llf.i;se, Farringd(,n Street, London. EC. 4. It' gisterod for transmission by Canadian .Magazine Post. Subs-riptioa Kat;-.: lulanJ, IX. p<-rH""iwin: firigle eopi' s. !;id : Abro.ul fexn-pt Noiitli .Africa and Aii-tralasial. 1J>. per annum: Single copie-. :f I. Sole Agents for Soiit!i Ai'rioa ruK<';-\' U \>;:-:'\, :■ ;.• \ f'.r A •='r.ii:-t ■•■ ! V ■■■ / .Mi;-=sa5. Go.tDOS i-uorcH LfJ.; aui for CaajJi. The IUPEBUL XiWi C> , Lt:>