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Picture Show (Nov 1919-Apr 1920)

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Tlu Picture Show, Junuanj Yith, 1920. 11 FUCKERS from FILMLANDo NEWS, NOTES, AND OPINIONS BY FRED K. ADAMS. Chaplin's New Leading Lady. J.\M informed that Beulah Bains lias signed -acontract to appear in Chaplin pictures lor a long period. Whether this announcement means that Edna Purviance, who for so long has acted as the famous comedian's leading lady, is to retire, I am unable to say for the moment. Miss Bains is a newcomer l<> filmland, and has had very little experience uf picture work. Florence Turner With Hayakawa. A FACT that will interest British picturegoers is that Florence Turner, who recently returned to America, is to be Sessue Hayakawa's leading lady. .Miss Turner recently completed a series of two-reel productions out at Universal. " Romance " to he Filmed. ROMANCE" will be filmed after an, and Doris Iveane is to play the leading part. D. W. Griffith has the production in hand for tho United Artistes, and only secured the signature of Miss Keane to his contract after the most active bidding that has developed in connection with any star and play in the history of motion pictures. Every big organisation in the industry desired the privilege of filming '" Romance " with Doris Keane. Work in connection with tho picture has already commenced, and Basil Sydney, husband of Miss Keane, is rendering valuable assistance in the production. Doris Keane's First Appearance. DORIS KEANE, although an accomplished actress of the legitimate stage, has not yet appeared on the screen. It is interesting to note that she is the first recognised Star to come under the Griffith management. In (he past, " D. W." has always selected his players from the ranks of those who have never appeared on either stage or screen. And lie has " made " more real stars than anybody else connected with motion pictures. Mr. Griffith considers that Doris Keane is of the type especially adaptable to film work. Forcing Up Admission Prices. THE grasping film trust in America is already at work. The company that wanted to own every theatre, and proluce every film has already forced up the admission prices of cinemas in many districts, on the plea that their own super-films, which are being shown exclusively, are worth the money. Other independent producers and theatre proprietors, however, are now strongly organised,' and they intend to fight the trust tooth and nail. Lyons and Moran Pack Up. EDDIE LYONS, and Lee Moran h. unaccepted a contract offered them by a new company, and in future they aro to make five-reel comedies. The pair havo worked at the studios at Universal City for live years, and have appeared in more productions together thanany other two artistes. A Lull at Universal City. BY the way, news from Los Angeles state's that there has been a big upheaval out . Universal way. . With the exception of one Priscilla Dean picture, work has practically ceased. A few weeks ago over a score of companies were working day and night, rushing productions through. Nobody can understand why action should cease so suddenly, and it is not known when the studios will be working at full speed again. Those who know theenterprising President best, consider • that he has a big card tucked away soriiewhere, arid everybody is wondering just when he is going to produce it. Those British Pictures. 7\N American correspondent, discussing the J~\ film situation in a trade journal, states : "If it were possible for British producers to supply the demand, I am afraid tho people, would' stay away in large numbers. They want American films and, what is more, they will have them. One cannot dispute the fact that the average British film is miles behind the American in its appeal to the popular fancy. A British film may be equal to an American in the matter of photography, acting and production, but, somehow, it seems, as a rule, to lack the appeal of the American.'' This -opinion is expressed in spite of the fact that audiences are calling out for more and more British productions. Rex Receives Them, Too. REX BEACH, the writer of so many vigorous screen dramas, is discovering that one doesn't have to play in motion pictures in order to receive letters from motion picture " fans." As evidence he can show letters which are coming to him from girls in all parts of the REX BEACH. country asking for his photograph. Mr. Beach gallantly withholds the full names of tho girls who write, but he admits that one Mildred ol Portland wrote. " I like your books and would like a picture of you " ; and that one Lydia of Portland, Oregon, more complimentary than grammatical, wrote, " If it ain't asking too much off you, please send me your picture."' But the best of all came from one Lucille of Kentucky, who wrote, " I am writing you for one of your photos, for 1 think you are very pretty.'' The photograph on this page will gratify tho curiosity of readers who desire to know what the famous writer " looks like." Viola Dana's Husband. JOHN HANCOCK COLLINS, motion picture director, who was also tho husband of Viola Dana, left a net estate of nearly 40-000 dollars when he died. He left no will, and the money goes equally between his widow and his father. Mr. Collins died from pneumonia. As an expert stenographer he began his motion picture work with Thomas Edison in 1909, and soon became a director. For several years ho was with Metro. Babylon To Be Destroyed. THE Babylonian scenery in "Intolerance." which has been left standing in the grounds of one of the Griffith studios for the ppst three years, is to be destroyed at last, This particular set towered above everything else for a radius of two miles, and for a long lime it has been ono of tho " sights " of pictureland. It has grown to bo quite a land-mark, and man} hoped it would be preserved in some ifay and left to stand as a point of interest. In time it. might havo been looked upon as a monument commemorating a particular period in film history. Tho picture Babylon, however, standon valuablo property, which is much needed at tho present time, and it must be destroyed in spite of tho sentimental feelings of many people. They also say that tho frames are becoming wobbly, and it is dangerous to walk beneath it. What They Are Doing. Mn.i>ni-:i> Mahius-Cuapun's next nroduo tionsare: "The Inferior Sex," " Old Dad," .ml " Pollyop of tho Storm Country." — ♦-♦ — Jank Novak has signed a contract to app tUC iii pictures tor Marshall Neilan. IAN BEVERLEY in "A Member of TattersaH's," the Samuelson film, with ISOBEL ELSOM and JAMES LINDSAY, shortly to be released bv Granger's Fxclusive.