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Picture Show (Nov 1919-Apr 1920)

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Tht Picture Stow, January Ylth, 1920. 19 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO ENTER THIS COMPETITION £100 in Prizes FIRST PRIZE £50 SECOND PRIZE £20 THIRD PRIZE £10 and Twenty Prizes of £1 each The second prize to the next highest number of correct names, and so on until all the prizes are awarded. In the event of move than one reader naming every star correctly, the prize will be divided; Readers may send as many sets as they please, but each set must be complete in itself, and consist of eight coupons. No responsibility can be undertaken for entries lost, delayed, or mislaid, and proof of posting will not be accepted as proof of delivery or receipt. The Editor reserves the right to disqualify any competitors solution for reasons which he considers good. The decision of the Editor must be accepted as final and legally binding, and entries are only accepted on this express condition. Correspondence must not be enclosed with efforts ; neither will any be entered into in connection with this competition. Where to Send Your Entries. THIS is the eighth and final set of our series of Peeping Stars. All entries must be forwarded not later 'than Tuesday, January 27th. They should be addressed to " Peeping Stars Competition," The Picture Show, Cough House, Cough Square, Fleet Street, E.C.4. The result of the competition will be published as soon as possible, but readers will realise that, owing to the considerable amount of work entailed in going through the cntiies, some little time must elapse before the winners can be announced. While you are waiting for the result, we shall publish all the original photographs used in the competition, so that you can compare these with the answers you gave. The first prize will be awarded to the sender of the greatest number of correctly named stars. * All Entries Must Be Sent Not Later Than Tuesday, January 27th. CUT COUPON HERE. PEEPING STARS COMPETITION. (8th Set.) 46. 47. 48. SET No. 8 (and last). Xamc A ddrcss. THE CYNIC AND THE BEAUTY COMPETITION. POWDER PUFFS IN THE BALANCE. This is the Final set. Read instructions abovo carefully before sending your ccunon9 in. ANOTHER FINE COMPETITION COMING. THE. recent ''Daily Mirror " Beauty Competition seems, lite a stone dropped In" a pond, to have awakened a series of ripples which penetrate to all parts of society. Hardly can one go to a " Victory Ball" or li American Night for a few hours' undiluted merriment not entirely unconnected with jazz, without finding that the dancing is to be interrupted by a *' beauty competition." Certainly the winners of these affairs do not leap into fame and fortune at a bound like the "Daily Mirror's "•' lovely find, but they probably enjoy a certain amount of private satisfaction. One can imagine a cynic inviting his lady guest to a beauty-competition-dance. They appear painted, powdered, and marcelled. They dance, .'..until the small hours, in the tempered, glare of electric lights. Comes the dawn. The lights are turned out : the curtains pulled back to let in the" cruel morning light. Ladies," says the host, " will you take your places for the Beauty Competition ? " Need any more be said ? Few of us claim the perfection of beauty as set forth in someone's criterion. " If you can face the sun when all the others are sitting . with their backs towards the light," but under more kindly illumination it is possible to look one's very prettiest at a dance. One must admit that the heat of ballrooms and the ardour of dancing are foes to the complexion, and what maiden in these days of serious dancing dares retire too frequently to powder her shining little nose ? Yet even this has its remedy, as the wise girl knows. Before coming to the dance Phyllis bathes he? face and neck with a solution of pure cleminite, which she rubs well into the skin with her finger-tips until it is quite dry. This done, her complexion assumes a peaeh-lik^ finish which will remain unchanged during a whole evening's dancing. I suppose every girl would like a new frock for each dance she goes to ? But even the unemployed would find that rather a strain on the exchequer. It is a consolation, even if a poor one, to reflect that no amount of frocks will give a girl real prcttiness — which is what counts in the end. A pretty complexion, which is the beginning of all beauty, is quite cheap, you know. For about one half-penny you can have a clean, fresh, new skin [not the. old one cleaned up for the occasion) for ev< i \ dance you go to. I expect any girl could explain this apparent mystery. For the benefit of those who cannot, here is the solution. Get some mereolised wax from the chemist. It is rather expensive but it lasts a long time with care. Smear it over your face before going to bed. not using too much, and wash it oft' in the morning. The oxygen contained in the wax absorbs the outer skin which has become rough and coarse, and gives the new skin below a chance to show itself. Quite Simple; isn't it ? If the skin is inclined to be dry. it is a good plan to treat it with some ordinary cold cream bi tore using mereolised wax. Certainly, the sort of complexion you get from using simple preparations like the above should be an asset in any beauty competition — even the cynic's! Aivt.|