Picture Show (Nov 1919-Apr 1920)

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The Picture Show, March 27th, 1920. DORIS KENYON A Film Actress who is also a Singer, Authoress and Poetess. DORIS KENYON was born in Syracuse twenty-one years ago, and is the daughter of Dr. James B. Kenyon, noted poet and author, the family moving to New York City while she was still a little girl. At a very early age, it was discovered that she was the possessor of a remarkably fine contralto voice, and at I ho age of fourteen years sho was engaged as principal soloist at Grace Presbyterian Church, in Brooklyn. Hho remained there one year, after which she went as soloist to the Bushwick Avenue Church. * * ,». ■ A Wonderful Voice. IT was while singing in the Bushwick Avenue Church that Victor Herbert heard her, and was attracted by the extraordinary quality of her voice, her youthful beauty, and her animated personality. Ho had written anil was about to produce " Princess Pat," and offered Miss Kenyon a part in it, which she accepted. Miss Kenyon remained with tho " Princess Pat " company throughout the season, but towards the close of the engagement sho received a very flattering offer to appear on the screen as co-star with Alice Brady in n The Rack." That was three years ago. Then followed a long list of successful engagements on the screen, co-starring with, among others, George Beban, Holbrook Blinn, Lew Fields, Robert Warwick, and Frank Mclntyre. Later she was elevated to independent stardom, first by World Film Corporation, and later by Famous Players. * * '■''*■--',-' Her Public Debut. DORIS KENYON has a devoted admirer in Ada Patterson, the famous newspaper and magazine writer. Here is one of the stories that Ada Patterson likes to tell of Doris Kenyon 's public debut. She was then seventeen years old, and, as a member of Eleanor Painter's company in " Princess Pat," had a scene with Sam Hardy, the comedian. A couple of nights after tho opening Hardy, looking out after the audience, turned to Miss Kenyon in a confidential aside and whispered, " See that couple in the second row seats on the left ? They are talking about us. He is a motion picture man. One of us is going to hear from him. I think it will bo you." The very next day the prophecy of the comedian came true. Miss Kenyon was summoned to the office of a film company and offered a year's contract. It took four conferences and a lot of persuasion to induce Miss Kenyon to become interested in pictures. When she did finally consent, she declared that it would be only for a while. " Some day I shall return to the stage," she said. * * * Her Own Company. BEFORE Miss Kenyon was nineteen years old, Theodore C. Deitrich became her manager, and, with the youthful girl as his star and partner, organised a firm for tho express purpose of starring Miss Kenyon in pictures at tho head of her own company. Many times she desired to return to the stage, and last summer Mr. Deitrich completed an arrangement with A. H. Woods whereby Miss Kenyon will appear on the stage, at the same time making pictures, the first of which, " The Bandbox," has just been completed. * * * A Talented Girl. MISS KENYON inherited her musical talent from her mother, who is an extremely clever pianist. In addition to her vocal talent, Miss Kenyon is also a pianist and a violinist. From her father she inherited marked literary talent, and is tho author of a largo number of poems which havo appeared in leading magazines. Miss Kenyon is an export marksman, can drive her own car, and is a splendid tennis and golf player. She is five feet six inches tall, and has bluo-groy eyes and light brown hair. " Tho Bandbox," in which Miss Kenyon is starring, is one of the groatcst mystery stories ever written. The film is produced by I leit lich-Beck, Inc. 17