Picture Show (Nov 1919-Apr 1920)

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The Picture Show, April 17th, 1920. 19 DORIS MAY BEAUTY of face is an asset to a cinema star, but physical fitness is an essential. No woman who takes the leading part In a screen play could carry on unless she was in as good a condition as a professional athlete. When you wonder how these seemingly frail women perform such wonderful stunts, remember that the explanation is summed up i-A the one word — fitness. The recipe is within the reach of all — fresh air and exercise. It does not matter much what form the exercise takes, so long as you avoid strain. Every star has her own system. The Foil To Fatness. HERE you see in photographs how Doris May, whose face is familiar to patrons of picture shows all over the world, keeps fit. Doris believes that fencing is the foil to fatness, and she takes to the foils to keep her figure. In this she has the support of all the famous dancers. Fencing is one of the exercises that women can take up without any fear. You may remember that Esme Berringer, the famous London actress, was once obliged to learn fencing in order to play a part, and she derived so much benefit from the exercise that she never gave it up. To-day the principals and chorus of a musical comedy that is running in town, keep themselves fit by fencing. Natural Roses For Your Cheeks. DORIS also believes that a few minutes with the clubs and dumb bells each day will not only keep the doctor away, but will keep the waist-line wjthin the limit that nature intended it to be. There are more working girls than stay -at PROVES THE VALUE OF :: PHYSICAL CULTURE. home girls to-day, and although the early train or tram has to be caught, thero is always time for a, few simple exercises in the bedroom, with the window wide open. If you have a garden all the better, for tho more fresh air you inhale while doing your exercises the more benefit you will derive from them. It is necessary that tho clothing shall be loose so as to allow complete freedom of tho limbs and muscles. The Costume to Wear. THE standard gymnastic costume is the best, but if you do not care to go to the expense of that, an old short skirt and Jumper will make an admirable substitute. Do not stand still between the exercises whatever they are, but walk round so as to keep tho body in a gentle perspiration. Nothing is more dangerous than sitting down while the body is perspiring, for it is almost eertain you will catch a chill/ Having completed your exercises, go indoors and have a sponge down with tepid water — cold water is better if you are accustomed to taking a cold bath. This should bo followed by a rub down and a massage. In massaging start at the feet, and remember always to vub upv>ards to the heart. After this dress very leisurely, and, if you have timed your programme rightly, you should have time for a stroll of a fow minutes before breakfast. Halfan -Hour. THE above looks rather a formidable programme, but the whole can be comfortably carried out by rising half an hour earlier in the morning, and you will be amply repaid by the peculiar feeling of lightness that follows regular exercise. You will also enjoy your breakfast better, and feel fitter to tackle the work of the day. A 'plendid exercise for reducing the vjaist line. will soon find that your figure will be improved, and your face will have tho bloom of health which does not need the rouge-pot to put the roses on your cheeks. The namby-pamby girl is as out of date as the crinoline. The modern man demands a mate who shall be healthy. The languishing lily has had her day. The ideal girl is the red-blooded English rose.