Picture Show (May-Oct 1920)

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Tin Picture Show, Man 1st, 1920. 23 'Answers to Correspondents fzt'Zl. 22.) \ 8 (London, S.E.). — Mellaril BarUiolmes* win opposite: Dorothy (iisli in . " IVnpy Polly," and he also played In "The Hope. Chest. Yes, Kngene O'Brien was in " Come Out of the Kitchen. V. 0. (Mcxborough).— Corinne Ciriffith was born in Texas. Besides " The Bride in Bond," she has played In "Miss Ambition," "The (iirl Problem. " The (Hutc h of Circumstance," and " The Unknown Quantity." " C. H. M. (Aberdeen).— Ralpli Graves was bom in Cleveland, Ohio, and I will try and persuade him not to be so shy about himself. In "The Master Mystery," Ruth Stonehouse. was Zita Dane, and Charles' Graham appeared as Paul Balcom. "Fbedmk" (Doueastcr).— Yes, Bessie Love is American, and was born in Los Angeles, California, where she was christened Juanita Horton. See reply to " Ivy " and " Mabel " (Grimsby) in the issue i'or December 27, on the outside of the back cover. K. It. (Cape Town).— You ought to be able to see Marv Miles Minter oftener. One of her. recent pictures 'is " The Eyes of Julia Deep." Viola Dana was boru in 1898. " Ivy " (Highgate).— What's the good of believing in rumours ? Yes, Jack Mulhail is married, and his wife played in " Cheating Herself." " Rosa " (Anerley). — So you lost your heart to the handsome young man opposite Mae Marsh in " The Cinderella Man." His name is Tom Moore, and the part he played was that of Anthony Quintard. 15. C. (Birmingham), G. M. (Charlton), and " Vera and Laura " (Aberdeen). -Owen Nares is married to Marie Polinl. Floyd Buckley was the Automaton in " The Master Mystery." The part of Wu Fang in ''The Lightning Raider" was taken by Warner Oland. Now you three ought to be quite happy ! G. B. (< 'hat ham). — Somebody waiting in Chatham, you say? Well, if it's \ou, I hope you have not grown impatient. Mae Gaston, your favourite, was born in Spe States at a place called Harper's Ferry, a little more than twenty-seven years ago. She claims to liave acted in over a hundred lilms, whii h shows what a busy little person she is. M. H. M. (Woking), "GRACE" (Wood Green), ¥. M. S. (Muswell Hill), "Ethel" (Newport), and '• Carol's Fan " (Sheffield). — There is nothing to be nervous about, I assure you. Let me have your full names when writing, as requested in the paragraph at the head of these replies. / • \nnie" (Durtediu). — Yes Juanita Hansen is still acting, and she ought to be seen in your part r>{ the world. " The Brass Bullet " and " The Beachcomber " are two of her latest. ' WINLV'REO " (Whetstone). — You will soon bo ab'.e to open an art gallery of tilra favourites with your collection of autographed portraits. Lew Cody and Mildred Harris' were the stars in " Borrowed Clothes." -Particulars of Eugene O'Brien have been given in several previous issues. I. M. (Hampstead). — Yes, Mabel Normand was at one time with the Keystone Company. Thomas Holding was the aetur opposite Pauline Frederick in " The Peace of Roaring River." . H.. H. (Harrogate). — So you have been busy tetter-writing. I hope you will be well-repaid by replies. No, E. K. Lincoln and Elmo Lincoln are not the same, and they are not even related. Charles Graham was the one who took the part of Paul Balcom in " The Master Mystery." Gerald Ames says his moustache is one he has "growed" himself. A. C. (London, S.W.). — I am afraid your description of the film you saw is rather vague, A. C, and I am sorry I cannot tell you what it. was caHed. Here are some of Irene Castle's pictures, and perhaps the title you are wanting may be amongst them : " The Whirl of Life," " Sylvia of the Secret Service," " Patria," and " The Girl from Bohemia." The cast of "• The End of the Road " does not give the names you want. " Flapper " (Pembroke Dock). — I won't tell you off, " Flapper," because you have not offended inc. But if I were to answer your one and only question — what am I like? — I would then cease tu»be your " Mystery Man " ! " Gladys " (Eutield). — If you read all the answers on this page every week, " Gladys," you will soon lie a wise girl. Have you got your back numbers of THE Pictire Show? If so. you will not have far to turn back for particulars about Elmo Lincoln and Eugene O'Brien. E. L. (Wandsworth Common). — Louise Fazenda is .the funny girl in Mack Sennett comedies. She was born in Indiana, and I believe it is her real name. " The Kitchen Lady." " Her Screen Idol," " .Mickey," and " Her First Mistake," arc some of the pictures in wliich she makes you smile. I. E. (Walthamstow). — Yes, Doris Lee and Doris May are one and the same. Her director thought the latter name was a better one for her. Wanda Hawley was formerly Wanda Petit. Her real name, of course, is Selma Pittack. So this will help to clear up the mystery about the photos you received from both these artistes. I will try to get the other information you want. C. G. (Southampton). — Well, you have suffered a loss, but you must not let any other friend accidentally tear up the latest art plate of Mary Pickford. Mrs. Sidney Drew has not deserted the screen, and I Donald McBridc will be seen with her in coming pictures. " Lone Star " (Belfast).— No, Jerry ha* not given up screen acting, or else our smiles would diminish. His other name is George, Ovcy. " KITTY " (Hcckmondwike). It so happens, Kittv, that vou have struck unlucky. But it isn't really my fa'ult for both your favourites refuse to say on what dates they were born. So you can come again with something else, and I will sec what 1 can do. , , M. W. (East London).— Well, if you have been peppering me for some time, 1 have withstood it bravely and I cayenne do it again. So you all have been groaning and crying and grinding your teeth because there has not been more about Mary Pickford and Mildred Harris. This is really a bad state for South Africa to get into, but I hope the splendid art photogravure of the former recently given away will have comforted you all somewhat. C'arlvle'Blackwell was boru in 1884, and a few of his lilms are : " A Leap to Fame," " Broken Chains," " The Way Out," " Sealed Orders," and " The Ocean Waif." "Alicia" (Birmingham).— What is it that has made you so home-sick already that you should want to hurrv back to the U.S.A. ? Don't you like any of the tine samples of the different kinds of weather we have to offer you ? You never cau tell what's coming next. Glad to hear vour sister in California thinks this is " the sweUest paper going." When you fill up your fountain pen to write to me again you can ask me a question. R. N. (Preston). — Well, you had to make a beginning some time, so here you are. Juanita Hansen was Pollv, the Poppv Girl in " The Poppy Girl's Husband " with W. S. Hart. " THE Scamp " (South Shields). — I cannot imagine you as a pathetic figure, despite the sob in the first part of your letter. More full of miscluef, probably. But I will extend von my sympathy and tell you what I know. Tom Foreman joined the American Army during the war, but is in civvies now. He was boru in 1803, and is married. Yes, he is still acting. Ann Little is a Callfornian girl born twentysix years ago since when she has grown to ."> ft. G in. in height. Her eyes and hair are brown and dark respectively. Lottie Pickford was in " The Diamond From The Sky." Louise Huff married Edgar Jones, who died some time ago. Don't believe rumours about any players. " Opal " (Dumfermline), and " Nosey Parker " (Boscombe). — You both see-in nice people, but you must remember to give your real names as well as your nom-de-pliuiies. (More answers next week.) M PICTURE SHOW 99 PERSONAL. < i < 4 WHERE TO WRITE TO YOUR FAVOURITE FILM STAR. — You are kindly requested kot to ask for any addresses by post, owing to the large number of other queries that have to be answered If you wish to communicate at once with any artiste not named below, write your letter, putting the -name of the star on the envelope, and enclose it with a loose l^d. stamp to the Editor, The Picture Show, Room 83, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4, and it will be forwarded by the next mail. Sttch letters cannot be specially acknowledged by the Editor. Remember always, when writing to artistes, to give your full name and address, including the name of your county and country, and mention The Picture Show to ensure the safety of a reply. It must be understood, however, that we cannot guarantee that such letters will be replied to. Please keep these addresses for reference. BASIL GILL, PEGGY CAKLIsLE, COWLEY WRIGHT. — Care of the Stoll Film Co., Ltd., The Studio. Regency House. Park Road, SurMtoii. BESSIE BAB RISC ALE. — Care of B.B. Features, 902, Baker-Detwiler Building, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. RICHARD BARTHELMESS, KOBEKT H.VRRON. — Clare of D. W. Griffith Productions, lxmgacre Building. 1476, Broadway. New York City, U.S.A. DORIS MAY. — Care of Ince Studios, Culver City, California, U.S.A. (More addresses next week.) PHOTOGRAVURE POSTCARDS— No. 2 All-Star Series how for sale. In this packet are Beautiful Art Pictures of Charles Ray, Antonio Moreno, Pauline Frederick, Pearl White, William Duncan and Milton Sills. Price : Set of 6 complete, Is., post free. All you have to do to get a set is to send a shilling postal order, made payable to the Amalgamated Press, and crossed "& Co.," to. The Picture Show Postcard Department, No. 2 All-Star Series, 7-9, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C. 4. BIND YOUR PICTURE SHOWS— Blue Cloth binding eases made to hold the first 26 issues of The Picture Show can be obtained, price 2s. 6d., by post 3s.. from the Publishers, 7-9, Pilgrim Street Ludgate Hill, E.C. 4. Custom* of English home life is 5 o'clock tea with its happy environment. The dainty table service, the snowy-white table cloth and some of those irresistible home-made cakes, scones and rolls, made with Formerly known ae "Paisley Floutf Made by Brown & Poison. PERSONAL CHARM is increased a hundredfold if, when you smile, you reveal two rows ot teeth of pearl-like lustre, which can only be obtained by the regular use of the new lemon-flavoured PERMOL DENTAL CREME Recommended by the Medical Profession. Obtainable .it Chemists and Stores, price 13, or post free, 1/3, from PERMOL PRODUCTS CO., LTD., 73, High Street, LEWISHAM, S.E. 13. Noet£s Splendid materia'.*, arlistle designs, and exceptionally low price* are characterise of all our goods. Eojoy these advantages by purchasing direct from Noble's — the actual manufacturers. Write to-day for S.NOBLE'S New Illustrated Fashion Book — seat Post Free. Charming Coat-Frock. Model F4915 Toil Tr.ick iii Saxe Line Grey Hronn. Bottle Giccn Navy ar.:i Hlack Galardirc Cloth. Stitched with floss Ntul Sailor collar an.l rcveis A becoming ami useful L'armciit. In Hock sizes to fit " Front Bust Waist SUrt Length Ssins. 2>in5. 3)-3Giis. iXias. Witts. s;.38in=. Wins. ' SB his. SS-lOins. I'rlce, 38,'S. If mute specially to measure, ptice 42 9. rATlIIRNS SUNT POST EUEE Write to-day for Noble's Illustrated Fashion List. JOHN NOBLER 43 Brook St. Mills. Manchester.